- 相关推荐
The following categories of foreigners are eligible to apply for permanent residence:
(a) Spouse and unmarried children (below 21 years old) of a Singapore Citizen
(SC)/ SingaporePermanent Resident (SPR)
(b) Aged Parents of a SC
(c) Employment Pass/ S Pass holders
(d) Investors
(a) 新加坡公民(SC)/新加坡永久居民(SPR)的配偶及非婚生的子女(21岁以下)
(b) SC的父母
(c) 就业准证/S准证持有者
(d) 投资者
Documents Required
The forms to be submitted for the various schemes listed below are available online (you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the forms) and at the Permanent Resident Services Centre*.
*Permanent Resident Services Centre
5th Storey, ICA Building
10 Kallang Road
(Next to Lavender MRT station)
Singapore 208718
(a) Spouse/Child of a SC/SPR
Completed Form 4
Download the Accompanying Notes to Form 4. This will list the supporting documents that will have to be submitted together with your application.
(b) Aged Parents of a SC
Completed Form 4
Download the Accompanying Notes to Form 4. This will list the supporting documents that will have to be submitted together with your application.
(c) Employment Pass/ S Pass Holder
(Applying under the Professionals/Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers
2 sets of completed Form 4A (one original and one photocopy)
Download the Accompanying Notes to Form 4A. This will list the supporting documents that will have to be submitted together with your application.
下列为各计划所需提交的表格,这些表格都可以在线(你需要用Adobe Acrobat Reader阅读并打印这些表格)或在永久居民服务中心*获取。
5th Storey, ICA Building
10 Kallang Road
(Next to Lavender MRT station)
Singapore 208718
(a) SC/SPR的配偶/子女
○完成Form 4。
○下载Accompanying Notes to Form 4。这个表格中会列明你必须跟你的申请所一同提交的支持性材料。
(b) SC的父母
○完成Form 4。
○下载Accompanying Notes to Form 4。这个表格中会列明你必须跟你的申请所一同提交的支持性材料。
(c) 就业准证/S准证持有者
○2份填写好的Form 4A(一份原件和一份复印件)
○下载Accompanying Notes to Form 4A。这个表格中会列明你必须跟你的申请所一同提交的支持性材料。
For (a) Spouse/Child of a SC/ SPR
(b) Aged Parents of a SC
(c) Employment Pass/ S Pass Holder
You are to submit the completed application form together with the required documents over the counter at Permanent Resident Services Centre*. However please note that the submission of PR application is by appointment only.
You can make an appointment through the following e-Service:
Electronic Appointment Booking System (e-Appointment)
*Permanent Resident Services Centre
5th Storey, ICA Building
10 Kallang Road
(Next to Lavender MRT station)
Singapore 208718
For (d) Investors
Investors may apply for permanent residence at Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) under the Global Investor Programme. Please visit www.contactsingapore.sg/GIP for more information on the Global Investor Programme, the assessment criteria and application process.
(a) SC/SPR的配偶及子女
(b) SC的父母
(c) 就业准证/S准证持有者
Electronic Appointment Booking System (e-Appointment)
5th Storey, ICA Building
10 Kallang Road
(Next to Lavender MRT station)
Singapore 208718
You can make payment for the following fees via NETS or Cashcard:
Entry permit : S$100
Re-Entry Permit : S$10 per year
Visa Fee : $30 per issue (for foreigners requiring a visa)
Processing Time
The normal processing time for PR application is four to six months while some applications may take a longer time to process.
National Service Liability
Under the Enlistment Act, all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, unless exempted, are liable to register for National Service (NS). Following the completion of full-time NS, they will be required to serve up to 40 days of Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) per year for the duration of their ORNS training cycle till the age of 50 years (for officers) or 40 years (for other ranks).
Main applicants who are granted PR status under the Professionals/Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers (PTS) Scheme or the Investor Scheme are exempted from NS. Male children who are granted PR status under their parents' sponsorship are liable for NS under the Enlistment Act. They are required to register for NS upon reaching 16 years old and will be scheduled for enlistment at the earliest opportunity upon reaching 18 years old. If they are pursuing full-time studies, deferment from full-time NS may be granted only if they meet the deferment conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Defence which can be found at www.ns.sg. All NS-liable males aged 13 years old and above, are required to obtain an Exit Permit (EP) when travelling overseas for 3 months or more.
NS-liable PRs are expected to serve NS. Renouncing or losing one's PR status without serving or completing full-time NS would have an adverse impact on any immediate or future applications to work or study in Singapore, or for Singapore citizenship or PR status. Renouncing or losing one’s PR status without serving or completing full-time NS may also adversely affect any immediate or future applications for renewal of Re-entry Permits made by one’s family members or sponsors.
Males who are granted Singapore PR, and who were previously Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents, are liable to be called up for NS regardless of the type of PR status they have been granted. For further enquiries, please write to:
Central Manpower Base
CMPB Podium
3, Depot Road
Singapore 109680
Tel : 1800-3676767 (local)
65-65676767 (overseas)
Email: contact@ns.sg
Additional Information
For all correspondences to the department, please state the file reference number, the Foreign Identification Number (FIN), the name and date of birth of the applicant.
Please ensure that the original documents, official translation (if the document is not in the English language) and a copy of all documents are produced for our retention. ICA accepts translation done by the Embassy of the document-issuing country or a local Notary Public. A privately translated copy attested by the Embassy of the document-issuing country or notarised by a local Notary Public is also acceptable. Insufficient documents may result in non-acceptance of application. Additional documents to support the application may be required.
The grant of permanent residence does not exempt an individual from registration with the relevant professional bodies or any other conditions as required under the respective professions.
ICA may share your personal information with other Government agencies to process any application you have made or to render you a service, so as to serve you in an efficient and effective way, unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation.
○跟相关部门之间往来的所有文件,请说明文件参考编号、外国识别号码 (FIN)、申请人的名字和出生日期。