

时间:2024-09-16 07:48:54 留学新加坡 我要投稿
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  Renowned for its national vestment in education, Singapore offers a spectrum of high-quality study programmes to international students studying abroad. Whats more, immigration requirements to study in Singapore are remarkably straightforward, even if you do need a visa to enter the country. Our breakdown of the visa application process will help you get your head around what needs to be done.



  Do I need a visa?

  To study in Singapore you will need something that is called a Students Pass. Some students will need a visa to enter the country as well as a Students Pass.

  The application process for a Students Pass is the same for students who require and visa and those who dont: the only difference is that if you need a visa, youll have to complete your Students Pass application from your home country. Students who do not require a visa to enter Singapore may apply for a Students Pass once already in the country.

  Students from some nationalities will need a visa to enter Singapore. These students may apply for a visa using the Students Pass Online Application Registration (SOLAR+) online system after their host institution has registered them with it. If your visa application is successful, you will be issued a new SOLAR+ application number that you can use to apply for a Student Pass from your home country. Youll also need to pay an additional visa fee when you collect your Students Pass from the Immigration Checkpoints Authority (ICA) in Singapore.





  Singapore Institutes of Higher Learning

  All foreign students accepted into a full-time study programme in a Singapore Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) must apply for a Student Pass online through the SOLAR+ system. Once you complete the forms in the online application system, your host institution will lodge your application to the ICA for you. If your application is successful, youll need to complete the formality of going to an ICA office and collecting your Student Pass yourself.

  Institutions not included on this list will provide you with specific information about your immigration requirements when you are accepted into one of their study programmes.




  Online Application SOLAR+

  Applications for a Students Pass done via SOLAR+ need to be submitted at least one month, but not more than two months before the commencement of your study programme. Before you can submit your application with SOLAR+, your IHL will register you with the system using your personal details as they appear in your passport, course details (including dates of commencement and finish), and your SOLAR+ application reference number. Your host will notify you once this is done, and you must then log onto SOLAR+ to complete the eForm 16.



  eForm 16

  Before you log onto SOLAR+ to complete the eForm 16, you will need to have the following documents and information handy:

  A registration acknowledgement notice from your host, acknowledging and confirming that they have successfully registered you with the SOLAR+ system

  Passport details: passport number, nationality, date of expiry

  NRIC/ FIN of parents if your parents are either Singaporean or are living or working in Singapore

  Your address in Singapore if applicable. If you havent sorted out accommodation yet then you can put your universitys registered address

  Your e-mail address

  One recent passport-sized colour photograph that has been taken within the last 3 months. This will be pasted on the top-right hand corner of the form once it has been printed out.

  Once you have completed the form online through SOLAR+, you need to print a copy of it that you will need to submit in person to the Students Pass Unit (ICA) when you go to pick up your pass. Youll also need to paste a passport-sized photo of yourself onto the top right-hand corner of the form before you do so.

  The visa application processing time for students that do NOT require a visa to enter Singapore is five days. For students that do require a visa, the processing time is ten days.





  父母的NRIC/ FIN,如果你的父母是新加坡公民,或者是在新加坡居住或者工作的话;






  IPA and Additional Requirements

  If your application is successful, you will be issued an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter by your host institution. If you require a visa to enter Singapore, it will be attached to this letter. Your IPA letter will act as a provisional Students Pass until you go to collect it from an ICA office, and if applicable you can use it to enter the country.

  Some universities, such as the Nanyang Technological University will require that you complete a medical examination before the commencement of your study programme. If your programme is longer than six months, you must undergo a compulsory medical examination given by the university. Upon successful completion of this examination, you will be issued a medical report that you will need to present to the ICA when you go to collect your Students Pass. You may also complete the medical examination in your home country, provided the report is given in the ICA-approved format.



  一些大学,例如南洋理工大学在你的学习专业开始之前,将需要你完成一个医学检查。如果 你的专业学习时间长于6个月的话,你必须进行大学强制性的医学检查。在成功完成这个检查之后,你将会获得一个医学结果报告,这个报告是在你提取学生准证的时候需要出示给ICA的文件。如果提供的医学结果报告是ICA-指定形式的话,你也可以在你的原籍国完成医学检查。

  Collecting your Students Pass

  In some cases, your host university may be authorised by the ICA to issue your Students Pass on campus. If not, you will need to contact the ICA and make an appointment to pick up your pass and submit additional documents. You will need to make this appointment within the time frame indicated on your IPA letter. A Students Pass will be issued no earlier than a month before the start of your study programme.

  When you arrive to collect your pass, you will need to bring the following:

  A valid passport and a photocopy of the passport photo page

  The Disembarkation/Embarkation card granted upon entry into Singapore

  One recent colour, passport-sized photograph taken against a white background

  A printout of the eForm 16 submitted through SOLAR that has been signed by you

  A photocopy of your IPA

  A medical report no older than three months

  Relevant fees












  The ICA takes a SGD 30 (US$ 24) non-refundable fee for every application submitted to them. This fee is payable by credit card or internet banking.

  There is a SGD 60 (US$ 47) issuance fee for A Students Pass, and students requiring a visa will need to pay a further SGD 30 visa fee. In both instances, fees are payable to the ICA when students go in person to collect their student pass.


  每一份申请,ICA将收取SGD 30 (US$ 24)的不可退还费用。这个费用可以通过信用卡或者网上银行支付。

  除此之外,还有一个SGD 60 (US$ 47)的学生准证发证费,需要签证的学生还将需要支付SGD 30的签证费用。在两种情况中,费用都是在学生亲自前往ICA办公室提取其学生准证的时候支付的。










