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SAT Sentence Completion练习题

时间:2018-06-04 17:13:01 SAT 我要投稿

SAT Sentence Completion练习题

  1. The success of the business venture ____ his expectations; he never thought that the firm would prosper.

  A. confirmed

  B. belied

  C. nullified

  D. fulfilled

  E. ratified

  2. For centuries there was no ___ between their descendents; in fact ____ strife continued until modern times.

  A. peace - internecine

  B. hostility - intermittent

  C. malevolence - intense

  D. amity - contrived

  E. difference - feudal

  3. The journalist ____ the efforts of the drug squad to control drug peddling, claiming that they had actually ____ the problem.

  A. commended - increased

  B. lauded - intensified

  C. decried - solved

  D. deprecated - exacerbated

  E. noted - caused

  4. Since the Romans failed to ____ the tribes in Northern Britain, they built a wall to ____ the tribes.

  A. conquer - alienate

  B. impress - intimidate

  C. subjugate - exclude

  D. pacify - enrage

  E. neutralize - barricade

【SAT Sentence Completion练习题】相关文章:

1.SAT Sentence Completion英语选择题

2.Sentence Completion训练SAT备考习题

3.SAT官方指南Senctence Completion的练习题




7.分享SAT阅读练习题:Reading Comprehension Test 14
