公共英语 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-21 08:47:14 公共英语 我要投稿


  第二节 完形填空


  (1)回答{TSE}题Would you believe that the firstoutstanding deaf teacher in America was Laurent Clerc,a Frenchman? At 12,he 36 the Royal Institutionfor the Deaf in Pads where he became a top student.After 37 ,the school asked him to stay on as a 38. Meanwhile.an American named Thomas Gallaudet wasstudying to be a minister(牧师)39 he met a young girl whowas deaf.He was disappointed to learn that there weren0 40 for the deaf in America.41 ,in 1815 Gallaudet sailedto London to 42 information on deaf education.However.he was 43 to get help and becamefrustrated(灰心的).Fortunately he meta French educator wh0 44 him to go to Pads to spend three months 45 atthe school where Clerc was working.The school askedClerc to teach 46 sign language.As aresult,the two men 47 each other. When the time came for Gallaudet t0 48 America,he asked Clerc to come with him.The twomen 49 in June l816.The voyage 50 the Atlantic(大西洋)tookdays.They put the time to productive use, 51 for the new school for the deaf 52 they wanted to open.Such a school was 53 thefollowing year in Connecticut. At the school,Clerc led a busy life.Although he wanted to return to France,he 54 did.He died onJuly l8,1869,still in America.France’s 55 was America’s gain !


  A. entered

  B. visited

  C. heardof

  D. setup


  A. work

  B. preparation

  C. graduation

  D. explanation


  A. headmaster

  B. teacher

  C. graduatestudent

  D. clinicassistant


  A. after

  B. unless

  C. because

  D. when


  A. schools

  B. hospitals

  C. libraries

  D. organizations


  A. Therefore

  B. However

  C. Besides

  D. Meanwhile


  A. offer

  B. share

  C. test

  D. seek


  A. eager

  B. afraid

  C. unable

  D. willing


  A. joined

  B. invited

  C. ordered

  D. permitted


  A. learning

  B. monitoring

  C. practicing

  D. reviewing


  A. theeducator

  B. Laurent

  C. theparent

  D. Gallaudet


  A. respected

  B. taught

  C. met

  D. expected


  A. leave

  B. tour

  C. moveto

  D. returnto


  A. setout

  B. gotback

  C. settleddown

  D. workedout


  A. to

  B. across

  C. from

  D. over


  A. learninglanguages

  B. designinggames

  C. meetingstudents

  D. makingplans


  A. whom

  B. which

  C. what

  D. where


  A. discovered

  B. bought

  C. planned

  D. founded


  A. often

  B. sometimes

  C. seldom

  D. never


  A. fault

  B. loss

  C. gift

  D. decision