

时间:2024-08-17 12:49:04 留学新西兰 我要投稿
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  新西兰学历常用术语是你必须了解的一些知识,因为这些术语有时易与中国相似的用语混淆。 为了避免发懵的状况发生,小编为你找到清晰, 准确和可靠的解释。


  1. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): an advanced research degree, generally with requirements including previous Honors or Master degree, qualifying examinations, and preparation and defense of a dissertation. A PhD can be completed in three to four years.

  (博士学位: 属于高级研究学位,入读此类学位通常需要已经取得硕士或荣誉学士学位,资格考核,撰写论文和答辩,取得博士学位需三至四年)。

  2. Master Degree: a professional degree with requirements including previous bachelor degree and qualifying examinations. It can be achieved either by coursework or research in one to two years. Coursework masters must meet course requirements. Research masters involve preparation and defense of a relatively short dissertation.

  (硕士学位:属于专业学位,就读此类学位需要已经有学士学位和资格认证。 它可以通过读课程和从事研究的方式来取得, 期限一至二年。通过课程读硕士学位必须满足课程要求,通过研究攻读硕士学位需要准备相对短的论文和答辩)。

  3. Honors: a special recognition for unusual academic achievement in a program of individual advanced study at a university level. Honors are usually awarded to those exceptional students having completed an honor course that normally takes a year of intensive studies.

  (荣誉学士学位: 属于特殊学位, 是对大学优秀学生所取得成绩的特别认可。它一般授予已经完成荣誉课程的优秀毕业生, 该课程通常需要为期一年的密集学习)。 注释:中国没有与其对等的学历。

  4. Postgraduate Diploma: a qualification relating to one-year advanced study after graduation from a bachelor degree or graduate diploma.

  (研究生文凭: 是学士或双学位毕业后经过一年的高等学习而获得的学历)。注释: 此文凭与中国的研究生班毕业相当,入读此学历一般需要有学士学位或双学位。

  5. Graduate Diploma: a qualification related to one year advanced study after graduation from a bachelor degree or equivalent.

  (双学士文凭:是学士或同等学历毕业后经过一年的高等学习而获得的文凭)。 注释:此文凭与中国的双学位相当,入读此学历一般需要有学士学位或与学士学位相当的文凭如三年专科证书另加工作经历。 西方少数教育机构接受中国没有工作经历的三年专科毕业生入读此课程。

  6. Graduate Certificate: a qualification involving a half-year advanced study suitable for those graduated from a bachelor-equivalent course, and often those without good marks. This qualification could lead to a graduate diploma, or a master level course if you had achieved a reasonably good result during your graduate certificate studies.

  (研究生证书:是经过半年高等学习而取得的文凭, 适合于有同等学历,但成绩不理想的人入读。具有此学历的人可继续申读双学士文凭, 如果你的成绩很好的话, 有可能申请到硕士水平的课程)。注释: 三年专科毕业生有不足的工作经历和四年本科毕业但没有学位者或成绩不佳者可尝试申请此课程。

  7. Bachelor Degree: a common and basic degree granted when completing an undergraduate curriculum of a college or university. This degree normally lasts three to four years. Some special programs need more time. Bachelor degree program is equivalent to Benke of China.

  (学士学位: 属于普通和基础学位,在完成大学或学院的课程后而取得。完成此学位一般需要三至四年的时间,某些特殊课程需要更长的时间来完成。学士学位课程与中国的"本科"相当)。注意:中国的本科应译成Four Year Bachelor Degree Program, 不能仅译成Undergraduate Program)

  8. Diploma/Advanced Diploma: qualification achieved when successfully completing one- year or two-year undergraduate curriculum of a college or university. Advanced Diploma often means more time involved.

  (专科证书/高级专科证书: 指在完成大学或学院一年或两年的课程后而取得的文凭。高级专科证书通常意味着会花费更多的时间)。注释:中国的两至三年的专科证书与此相当。

  9. Certificate: a qualification that could be achieved in a relatively short period or through a low level study, and is widely used in many occasions such as Certificate of Foundation Studies, Certificate in Horticulture, and Certificate in Commerce etc.

  (学业证书:指通过相对短的时间或较低水平的学习而取得的文凭, 适用于很多情形如预科证书,园艺证书和商务证书等)。

  10. Course: a period of study in a particular subject which includes lectures, assessment and either tutorials or laboratories. Courses are sometimes called papers in New Zealand.

  (课程: 指学习特定科目的过程, 包括授课,评估考试和讨论或实验,在新西兰有时用纸来称呼课程)。 注释:课程和科目经常被混用。










