

时间:2024-07-05 12:19:13 艺术硕士 我要投稿
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  1.欧洲巴洛克音乐最具代表性的作曲家( )

  A 莫扎特 B亨德尔 C鲍罗丁 D德魁西


  A席勒 B海涅 C普希金 D歌德

  3.《列宁格勒交响曲》亦称《第七交响曲》,其作者是( )

  A柴可夫斯基 B舒伯特 C肖斯塔科维奇 D普罗科菲耶夫

  4.《黄河大合唱》是作曲家冼星海代表作,其中女高音独唱的名曲( )

  A保卫黄河 B黄河颂 C黄河谣 D黄河怨

  5.由田汉作词、聂耳谱曲的《义勇军进行曲》是影片( )的主题歌,创作于1935年。

  A,《风云儿女》 B《渔光曲》 C《马路天使》 D《大路》

  6.《兰亭序》是( )的作品

  A张旭 B王羲之 C欧阳修 D王献之

  7.《富春山居图》是( )的作品。

  A黄公望 B徐渭 C虚谷 D倪

  8.意大利文艺复兴时期的画家拉斐尔创作了( )

  A《最后的审判》 B《自由领导人民》 C《雅典学派》 D《日出·印象》

  9.法国雕塑家罗丹创作了( )

  A《加莱义民》 B《大卫》 C《舞女》 D《骑士像》

  10.( )是后印象派画家梵高的代表作之一。

  A《向日葵》 B《紫丁香》 C《睡莲》 D《郁金香》

  11.“离间效果”或“陌生化效果”理论是由( )提出的。

  A斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基 B布莱希特 C格洛托夫斯基 D阿尔托

  12.西方戏剧在中国于20世纪( )被改成为话剧。

  A 30年代末 B40年代初 C 20年代末 D 30年代初


  A《原野》 B《北京人》 C《雷雨》 D《日出》

  14.( )是古希腊喜剧作家阿里斯多芬的作品。

  A《美狄亚》 B《被束缚的普罗米修斯》 C《安提戈涅》 D《鸟》

  15.( )不是挪威剧作家易卜生的剧本。

  A《玩偶之家》 B《樱桃园》 C《社会支柱》 D《培尔金特》

  16.《伪君子》是( )的作品。

  A高乃依 B拉辛 C莫里哀 D萨特

  17.( )是中国著名的芭蕾表演艺术家,被誉为中国的第一只“白天鹅”。

  A胡蓉蓉 B薛菁华 C白淑湘 D石忠琴

  18.“英歌”是具有( )地区特色的舞蹈。

  A福建 B安徽 C江苏 D广东


  A《火凤舞》 B《响屐舞》 C《十色菊》 D《踏谣娘》


  A赵青 B戴爱莲 C孙璋 D陈爱莲

  21.( )以“收缩-放松”的动作原理,创建了具有影响的现代舞训练体系

  A 露丝·圣丹尼丝 B 伊莎多拉·邓肯

  C 玛莎·格莱姆 D 多丽丝·韩芙丽

  22.芭蕾舞在20世纪传入中国,主要受到了( )芭蕾舞学派的影响

  A 匈牙利 B 英国 C 法国 D 俄罗斯

  23.艺名“白牡丹”,代表剧目为《红娘》和《金玉奴》的京剧演员是( )

  A 尚小云 B 苟慧生 C 黄桂秋 D 金少山

  24.《中国戏曲通论》的主编是( )

  A 张庚、郭汉城 B 欧阳予倩、王季思 C 梅兰芳、马少波 D 周贻白、马彦祥

  25.《花为媒》和《杨三姐告状》的编剧是( )

  A 成兆才 B 温偶红 C 汪笑侬 D 陈墨香

  26.下列剧目中,属于现代戏的是( )

  A 《打金枝》 B 《天仙配》 C《朝阳沟》 D 《李慧娘》

  27.《牡丹亭》中的一出是( )

  A 《寻梦》 B 《闻铃》 C 《佳期》 D 《活捉》

  28 “同光十三绝”出现的时代是( )

  A 宋代 B 元代 C 明代 D 清代

  29.秦兵马俑是我国古代雕塑艺术之( )杰作

  A 瓷塑 B 陶塑 C 木雕 D 石雕

  30.魏晋南北朝时期的工艺品,许多造型与装饰元素采用了与( )有关的莲花

  A 道教 B 伊斯兰教 C 佛教 D 天主教

  31.漆艺包括漆器、漆画和( )

  A 漆盒 B 漆瓶 C 漆彩 D 漆塑

  32.由建筑、室外雕塑和绿化诸要素组合而成的设计,可称为( )

  A 景观设计 B 展示设计 C 陈设设计 D 室内设计

  33.设计思维一般是指逻辑思维与( )的整合A 定向思维 B 具象思维 C 形象思维 D 抽象思维

  34.我国历史上五大著名瓷窑是钧窑、汝窑、官窑、哥窑和( )

  A 建窑 B 定窑 C 耀州窑 D 景德镇窑

  35.2015年供应的( )是至今中国电影票房最高的影片

  A 《煎饼侠》 B 《西游记之大圣归来》 C 《栀子花开》 D 《捉妖记》

  36.影片《城南旧事》的导演是( )

  A 张艺谋 B 陈凯歌 C 吴贻弓 D 霍建起

  37.瑞典著名导演伯格曼的影片有( )

  A 《乱世佳人》 B 《野草莓》 C 《偷自行车的人》 D 《第四十一》

  38.影片《小城之春》的导演是( )

  A 孙 B 吴永刚 C 沈浮 D 费穆

  39.大卫·里恩导演的电影有( )

  A 《桂河大桥》 B 《第七封印》 C 《流浪儿》 D 《青春残酷物语》

  40.( )表现为画面与声音既相互独立又有内在联系

  A 声画同步 B 声画分离 C 声画对立 D 声画对位

  41. 影视“空镜头”指( )

  A 无景物的人物镜头 B 无人物的景物镜头 C 字幕镜头 D 电子美术镜头

  42.在中国,电视数字化多媒体之创始于20世纪( )

  A 60年代 B 70年代 C 80年代 D 90年代

  43. 《艺术人生》属于( )节目

  A新闻类 B 教育类 C 谈话类 D 知识类

  44.电视的“开放式构图”是把( )的构图

  A 室外纳入 B 画框内外视为整体 C 全景纳入 D 三维空间整合


  45.下列乐曲属于江南丝竹的是( )。

  A.《行街》 B.《中花六板》 C.《雨打芭蕉》 D.《三六》 E.《百鸟朝凤》

  46.1949年以来创作的中国芭蕾舞蹈剧有( ? )。

  A.《宝莲灯》 B.《红色娘子军》 C.《凤鸣岐山》 D.《白毛女》E.《大红灯笼高高挂》

  47.俄国戏剧家契科夫的作品有( )。

  A.《钦差大臣》 B.《三姐妹》 C.《海鸥》 D.《无的罪人》 E.《万尼亚舅舅》

  48.下列戏曲人物中,一般由老生饰演的有( )。

  A.徐九经 B.杨继业 C.伍子胥 D.偏颇 E.杨七郎

  49.伊朗导演阿巴斯创作的影片包括( )。

  A.《哪里是我朋友的家》 B.《秋刀鱼的滋味》 C.《榄树下》

  D.《樱桃的滋味》 E.《伊凡的童年》

  50.美学上的“电视时间”包括( )。

  A.现实时间 B.屏幕时间 C.心理时间 D.现在时间 E.过去时间

  51.艺术史家贡布里希撰写的( )均已译为中文。

  A.《艺术的故事》 B.《艺术与错觉》 C.《古典艺术》

  D.《秩序感》 E.《意图的模式》

  52.中国四大名绣有( )。

  A.苏绣 B.京绣 C.粤绣 D.湘绣 E.蜀绣


  Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.

  Questions 53 to 57are based on the following passage:

  Square dance is a fast-paccd,lively type of folk dance.Square dance is a fun form of dance involving social interaction between several dancers.Square dance is characterized by four couples,or eight dancers. The four couples are arranged in the shape of asquare, with each couple forming one of the sides of the square.Two of the couples are referred to as the “head couples”,with the other two the “side couples”.Each dance is started and finished in the original square formation.

  During a sqare dance,a “square dance caller”uses a microphone to guide the dancers though a sequence of steps in time to the music.The caller calls out various moves,steps,spins,turns,and partner changes.Square dance originated form dance of the 17th century,mainly the quadrille and the Morris dance.Popular in England,France and Europe,square dancing also has roots in the United States.The square dance has been designated as the official dance of 19 states in the Us. The term ”square dance” is usually associated with lively callers.A caller must create logical dance sequences,or calls,that match the expectations and abilities of the dancers.A “call” is the name of a specific dancemovement.Square dance calls usually conisit of between 4 and 32 counts,or steps.Call sequences may be long or quite short.Square dance music varies depending on the type of square dance being performed.Traditional square dance are usually accompanied by live acoustic bands.

  Traditional country dance music,such as Irish jigs and folk music is often preferred.Modern sqare dance music includes various types of music,including pop,country rock and Broadwang musicals.The music is usually faster and often recorded.

  53.According to the passage,square dance came from all of those countries EXCEPT____

  A. England B. France C. The United States D. China

  54.The possible reason why it is called square dance is that _______

  A.Square dance is characterized by four couples,or eight dancers

  B. Each dance is started and finished in the original squar formation

  C.square dancers often go to dance in public square or in a park

  D.square dance is a fast-paced,lively type of folk dance

  55.According to the passage,in a square dance a caller may do the following things EXCEPT_____

  A.creating logical dance sequences

  B.naming a specificdance movement

  C. making very important telephone calls

  D.making dance calls that match the expectations and abilities of the dancers

  56.There aer many different square dance musicals used in square dance according to______

  A.different weather

  B.different people

  C. different type of square dance

  D.different square dancecallers

  57.In the second line of the first paragraph,the phrase”is characterized by”means_____

  A.is ordered by B.is done by C.is followed by D. is featured by

  Questions 58 to 62 are based on the following passage:

  The New Spring Painteng Exhibition opens in February at Sun Yat-sen Park,Beijing. The show features some 40 artists from different generations, including influential older artists such as Liu Haisu and Wu Zuoren ,all of whom advocate an apolitical approach to art-making.

  A significant moment in the development of this “New Academicism” occurs in September when several murals are unveiled at the Beijing Intemational Airport. Yuan Yunsheng’s Water-Splashing Festival:Ode to Life includes nude female figures,which triggers a serious controversy over nudity in public art.(The mural is boarded over in 1981.)

  In Februaly a group of twelve artists in Shanghai organize an exhibition at the Palace ofinfants,Huangpu district it is China’s first modemist show since mid-century.The works are influenced impressionism andPostimpressionism.considered radical in the post-Cultural Revorurion context ,although the subjeets are traditional(birds,flowers,etc).Sear-Paintmg and the Srar group emerge as the two most important art movements of 1979. Both aim at criticizing.therealities of contemporary China and often portray the Cultural Revolution negatively.Scar Painting.part of abroadermovement called New Realistic Painting .takes its name from a related literary tendency. The term refers to the emotional wounds inflicted on the Chinese-especially intellectuals,students,and older cadrc-by the Cultural Revolution.For example,Cheng Conglin’s Painting,A Certain Month of a Certain Day in 1968 and the illustrations to Zheng Yi’s short story”Maple,”by Liu Yulian,Chen Yiming,and Li Bin,describe the tragic results of Red Guard battles during the Cultural Revoiution.

  The group’s first exhibition,in September 1979,is a provocative display of work hung without official permission on the fence outside the National Gallery,Beijing.After the exhibition is disrupted by the police,the artists post a notice on Democracy Wall and stage a protest march.The Stars’first formal exhibition,held in Beihai park,Beijing,in November,includes 163 works by 23 nonprofessional artists.

  58. According To the author,The New Spring Painting Exhibition includes______.

  A. the works by about 40 famous artists of different generations

  B. the works by about 40 old artists

  C. the works by about 40 young artists

  D.only about 40 influential visitors

  59.From the third paragraph, we can know that China’first modernist show since mid-century was held_____.

  A.in Beijing B. in Shanghai C.in Nanjing D.in both Bejing and Shanghai

  60.In this passage, the word“exhibition”means_____.

  A. a show of artistic works

  B.a meeting of influential people

  C.a movement of artistic painting

  D.a visit of beautiful place

  61.Afier the exhibition held by the star artists was disrupted by the police,what did they do?

  A. They launched a protest march.

  B.They celebrated their success.

  C.They asked the local govemment for help.

  D.They wen to Beijing Park,Beijing.

  62.In the last line of the last paragraph,the phrase”nonprofessional artists”means____.

  A.all professional artists

  B. not professional artists

  C.not good artists

  D.not famous artists

  Questions 63 to 67 are based on the following passage:

  The Italian Renaissance was one of the most productive periods in the history of art,with large numbers of outstanding masters to be found in many centers and in all the major fields painting,seulpture,and architecture.In Florence,inthe first half of the fifteenth century,there were great innovators in all these filds,whose work marked a beginning of a new era in the history of art.

  These innovators included Masaccio in painting,Brunelleschi in architecture,and Donatello in sculpture.their new ideals and nethodswere systematized in the theoretical writings of their friend and fellow artist Leon BattistaAlberti.Theretofore,he had been an artisan,a craftsman.Now the attempt was made to include artists among the practitioners of the “liberal arts,”which were regarded as being on a higher level than the “mechanical.”

  These efforts bore fruit, and some of the great masters,for example,Titian and Michelangelo,by the force of their genius and personality, were able to achieve a measure of satatus andresoect rarely enjoyed by their predecessors. The idea of artistic genius became popular,Michelangelo was called”divine’because of thegreatness of his creative powers.

  In the Renaissance,art and science were closely connected.Both the artist and the scientist strove for the mastery of the physical word,and the art of painting profited by two fields of study that may be called scientific:anatomy,whichmade possible a more accurate reoresentation of the human body,and mathematical perspective.Perspective in painting is the rendering on a two-dimensional surface of the illusion of three dimensions.Previous painters had achieved thissffect by empirical means,but thediscovery of a mathematical method of attaining a three-dimensional impession is attributed to Brunelleschi in about 1420.Henceforth,the method could be systematically studied and explained,and it became one of the chief instruments ofartists,especially painters,in their pursuit of reality.Some men were both artists and scientists,notably Leonardo da Vinci an Piero della Fancesca.It is doubtful whether they would have

  understood our distinction between art and science.

  63.This passage mainly discusses the great artists who lived during the period of the Renaissance______.

  A. in Britain B.in France C. in Italy D.in Europe

  64.From the 2ndparagraph,what change can we know about the artists in this period?

  A. There was a change of higher social status of the artists.

  B.There was a change of lower social status of the artists.

  C.There was a change of better finance of the artists.

  D.There was a change of better jobs for the artists.

  65.In the last line of Paragraph 3,the word “powers’means_____.

  A. political forces B. political rights C. creative works D. creative talents

  66.Which of the following is not implied in the last paragraph?

  A.In the Renaissance,art and science were closely connected.

  B.Leonardo da Vinci and Piero della Francesca were both artists and scientists.

  C.The discovery of a mathematical method of attaining a three-dimensional impression is attributed to Brunelleschi in about 1420

  D. It is quite sure that Leonardo da Vinci would have understood our distinction between art and science.

  67.In the last paragraph,the word” distinction”means______.

  A.similar features B. different definitions

  C.simple understanding D.modern comparison



  1. 简论艺术创造性思维的基本特征。

  2. 简论如何在艺术作品中讲好中国故事。

  3. 简论如何树立以人民为中心的创作向导。

  4. 简论艺术精品的传承价值。



















