
时间:2024-09-23 13:57:13 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿
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  1. a vehicle you want to buy 你想买的交通工具

  2. a foreign food you want to try你想尝试的一种国外的食物

  3. your favorite newspaper/magazine 你喜欢的报刊杂志

  4. the kind of clothes you would like to wear 你喜欢的衣服类型

  5. an enjoyable conversation on the phone 一次愉快的电话会谈

  6. A musical instrument 一种乐器

  7. Photograph of yourself 自己的照片

  8. Describe the good part of your personality说说自己性格的优点

  9. A song reminds you of a particular time in your life 让你想起一段时光的歌曲

  10. a photograph you like 一张你喜欢的照片

  11. an expensive thing you bought 买的贵重物品

  12. a gift you want to buy for your friend 一个你希望买的礼物

  13. A foreign movie you like 一个喜欢的外国电影

  14. A kind of book you usually read 你喜欢看的书类型

  15. Educational television program 教育节目

  16. a walk you regularly take 经常去做的散步

  17. An experience that you helped other people 一次帮助别人的经历

  18.A musical event you attended or saw on TV 参加过的或者电视上看过的音乐事件

  19. A healthy lifestyle 一种健康的生活方式

  20. How to spend one day off 如何度过休息的一天

  21. A sport competition 一次体育竞赛

  22. A change in your lifestyle to keep fit and healthy 为了保持健康所做的改变

  23. Something you learned by yourself 自学的某事

  24. A happy event in your childhood小时候一件开心的事情

  25. A walk you had 一次曾经的步行

  26. Something you did successfully你曾经做过的一件取得成功的事情

  27. A visit you paid to your relative or friend 一次拜访你朋友或者亲人的经历

  28. Something interesting make you want to learn more about it 一样你想学更多的东西

  29. something interesting or unusual you do in your free time 空闲时做的趣事或者怪事(新题)

  31. an event in your family 家庭事件

  32. an interesting thing in the news 新闻中的趣

  33. a journey took longer than you expected 一次比你想象得更久的旅行

  34. a long conversation 一次长时间的对话(新题)

  35. Travel you want to do in the future 将来想做的旅行

  36. how to improve physical fitness and health 如何提高身体健康

  37. a visit to your family member or friend 一次给你家人或朋友的访问

  38. A job that makes the world a better place 让世界变得更好的工作

  39. Something you want to succeed in the future 将来要做成功的事情

  40. Something you do in your free time 空闲的时候做的事情

  41. an adventurous person 一个有冒险精神的人

  42. the oldest person you know你认识的一个很老的人

  43. a person you want to meet from news 你想见的新闻人物

  44. a leader who is your friend 一个领导朋友

  45. a person you want to go to travel with 想一起旅行的人

  46. a person you helped 你帮助过的人

  47. a character from childhood story 儿童故事中的角色

  48. a child you know 一个你认识的小孩

  49. a person with healthy lifestyle 生活健康的人

  50. A neighbor 一个邻居

  51. a waterside place you went to in your childhood小时候去的近水的地方

  52. a room you liked in your childhood小时候喜欢的房间

  53. a building in schools or colleges that you went to 去过的学校的一幢建筑物

  54. a place you always go for walking 一个你经常喜欢散步的地方

  55. a garden you like 一个你喜欢的花园

  56. a peaceful place 一个安静的地方

  57. a place you want to be or you used to be 想要去的或者去过的地方

  58. a shop you like 喜欢的商店

  59. a historical building you visited 你去过的历史古迹

  60. An ideal house一所理想的房子

  61. A street in your city 你城市的一条街道

  62. a lecture center 演讲中心

  63. a popular leisure center in your area 你那的休闲中心

  64. an ideal place for travel 理想的旅游点

  65. a successful but small company 一个成功的小公司

  66. an expensive thing you bought 买的贵重物品

  67. a gift you want to buy for your friend 一个你希望买的礼物

  68. A foreign movie you like 一个喜欢的外国电影

  69. A kind of book you usually read 你喜欢看的书类型

  70. Educational television program 教育节目

  71. A musical instrument 一种乐器

  72. Photograph of yourself 自己的照片

  73. Describe the good part of your personality说说自己性格的优点

  74. A song reminds you of a particular time in your life 让你想起一段时光的歌曲

  75. a photograph you like 一张你喜欢的照片

  76. a vehicle you want to buy 你想买的交通工具

  77. a foreign food you want to try你想尝试的一种国外的食物

  78. your favorite newspaper/magazine 你喜欢的报刊杂志

  79. the kind of clothes you would like to wear 你喜欢的衣服类型

  80. an enjoyable conversation on the phone 一次愉快的电话会谈










