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时间:2018-03-28 14:05:58 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿





  Most government money should be invested inteaching science rather than any other subjects inorder for a country to develop and progress?大多数政府的财政应该投资于理科教育这样,而不是其他科目,这样国家才能发展和进步,是否认同?


  Knowledge is power, Francis bacon wrote long ago. Education has a key to play in one’sgrowth and a nation’s development.

  Education is the driving force of productivity. Keeping this in mind, numerous countriesand governments are paying closer attention to the cultivation of talents. People differ greatlyin their views as to how to wisely allocate educational budget, some people assert thatinstead of supporting other subjects, national investment in science is desirable. As I see it,government should place equal stress on both science and arts.

  Granted, plenty of evidence and arguments could be easily found to prove that it isadvisable for a nation to subsidize science. For a start, the competition among differentcountries, to some extent, amounts to the competition of gifted people. Science andtechnology is the stimulating factor of the development of productivity. Large amounts oftalents could inject new life into a nation’s prosperity. Besides, in comparison with artstudents, those who are better equipped with science knowledge such as computer, businessand accounting could create more commercial value.

  Nevertheless, it is rather superficial to simply say that national budget should be onlyrestricted to science investment. The mightiness of a nation involves many aspects and thecultivation of good citizens or talents is to realize one’s comprehensive development. Theconstruction of a country needs enterprisers, mathematicians and scientist, yet, on no accountcan we ignore the immense value of artists, writers, musicians. In addition to sciencesubjects, literature, history, philosophy, music, art and PE should also become the aim ofeducation. Literature strengthens one’s cultural deposit, history deepens one’s insight into life,philosophy fosters one’s analytical thinking, music moulds one’s temperament, art cultivatesone’s artistic eye and PE enhances one’s health index. In these senses, art still deservesenough attachment and support. Art talents are indispensable to the betterment of acountry.

  Overall, I re-affirm my conviction that education should not have too much utilitarian,conversely, it needs to render more concerns over one’s spiritual growth and character-training. Ideal educational policy should place equal significance on science investment andother subjects.


  Difference between countries are becoming less evident recently. People can see the same films, brands, fashion, advertisements and TV channels. To what extent do disadvantage outweigh advantages?


  As a result of the accelerating process of globalization in various aspects, young people in different countries are more likely to enjoy the same music, films, or television programs, which invariably result in some similarities.

  Some people may claim that it is more a curse than a blessing for the world. One argument commonly raised that this process will be damaging to the globe diversity. When locals are bombarded with foreign products or culture, they may gradually abandon their traditional values or ways of life, so this would have a negative impact on their national or cultural identities in the long run. They even quote numerous examples such as the Eskimo in Iceland and Mosuo ethnic group in Southwest China to illustrate their point of view.

  While this is particularly true of some minority cultures, I want to point out that they are still special cases instead of the general rule.

  Generally speaking, sharing something across the globe can contribute to a deeper mutual understanding between different nations. For example, a piece of country music by John Denver may well shed light on the peaceful daily life of Americans while a pop song by Cui Jian may introduce to Westerners a much more familiar China. What is more, an experience of some alien cultures may encourage more appreciation of the local ones, rather than assimilation or malfunction.

  There is overwhelming evidence on this when we consider japan, or China, or even the US, which tend to incorporate the international elements into the local.

  To conclude, I am quite optimistic about the prospect of an increasingly similar world. Of course, some minority groups may be put at a disadvantage for they cannot receive equal attention as the superpowers. So I also advocate that governments or other bodies should make efforts to bring these minorities into the international horizon.








