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时间:2018-03-25 16:27:45 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿




  These days, people in many cities know little about their neighbors and do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solutions can you suggest?现在,许多城市的人对他们的邻居了解不多,而且没有社区意识。你认为是什么原因,你能提出什么样的解决方案?


  Undeniably, indifference and ignorance find their way into neighborhoods. In the essay, the underlying reasons and the practical moves will be expounded.

  The primary factor leading to the significant alienation among neighbors is the prosperity of economy. In the past, individuals heavily relied on the community to rear livestock or grow rice and vegetables while in the present, people depend on themselves to work in the office and have meals in the restaurant. More importantly, to ensure an advantageous position in the face of stiff competition, employees have to spend the majority of their time working in office or at home, so they cannot afford to spare time gossiping about weather, dogs and new babies with other occupants.

  Another contributing element is the intrusion of a variety of entertainments brought by advancing technology. Previously, the single recreation form of television forces residents to watch one film together. Currently, portable devices such as I-Phone, I-Pad, Kindle enable inhabitants to live in the virtual communities created by social networking websites, so they distain to socialize with other dwellers in real life.

  To reverse the tendency, the government and the community committee should stand out and shoulder their responsibilities correspondingly. For one thing, the government can invite advertising agencies to design public service advertisements to raise people's awareness of community. For another, the community committee should launch mini-games or sports activities regularly or on festivals or holidays, so as to engage more denizens in the neighborhood.

  In a nutshell, a supportive community is gradually turned into a lonely island by a self-reliant and competitive economic pattern and diversified technological innovations, the status quo that can only be altered by the endeavors of both the authority and the community leaders.


  A common phenomenon of the modern society is that a growing number of people know little about their neighbors, although they live in the same community for many years. I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.

  In large cities, people spend the daytime in the office and have dinner in the restaurant, rarely seeing their neighbors. Even when people meet their neighbors occasionally, they do not greet each other. As many people are busy pursuing fame and fortune and have high stress in their daily lives, they become apathetic to other people and unwilling to interact with their neighbors.

  Another reason is that people's social life seems to be dominated by the computer and the mobile phone. Many people live in the virtual space and ignore the communication with others in real life. They would rather communicate with strangers on the web than invite their neighbors to their houses for a chat.

  Some experts are concerned that the lack of communication between neighbors would lead to a sense of social isolation and measures should betaken to change this situation.One possible approach would be for the government to produce some public service advertisements to raise people's awareness Of the importance of good relationship with neighbors. For example, when an old person falls ill and his child is out at work, his neighbors can offer help in time.

  The community committee should also play an active role in improving the relationship between neighbors. If more entertainment and sports activities were organized in the community, people would have more opportunities to socialize with their neighbors and they are more likely to create a harmonious community together.


  Unsurprisingly, a growing number of citizens are thoughtless and indifferent to their neighbors, contributing to undoubtedly. Lacking a sense of community. The essay aims to explore looming reasons and come up with effective measures to solve this problem.

  Firstly, the situation of individuals knowing little about their neighbors is mainly attributed to the pace of modern life. Under great living pressure, many people have to go to work early and share little time with their neighbors, especially those who live far from their workplaces because of traffic congestion. Besides, more and more people are accustomed to having meals in restaurants such as fast food restaurants instead of going back home, not to mention exhaustion they get after working the whole day, resulting in lower possibility of meeting and communicating with neighbors.

  On the other hand, an essay access to cutting-edge functions of mobile phones such as online shopping and looking through twitter and so on leads to ignoring communication with familiar person around them even sitting in front of the table and having a meal, let alone spending time with neighbors.

  It is high time to take constructive measures to prevent the phenomenon from getting worse. First and foremost, the community committee is suggested to organize innovative activities in the community to attract more residents to attend and recognize with each other. In addition, the government and mass media are supposed to spread the significance of socializing with neighbors by various kinds of advertisements, such as TV commercials and bus posters, in order to strengthen individuals’ awareness of maintaining harmonious relationship with neighbors.


  In the current era, there is a phenomenon that urban residents are not eager to communicate with their neighbors and they do not have a sense of community. This essay may examine the possible reasons and potential solutions to reversing this tendency.

  To begin with, modern technologies may attract individuals’ attention than face-to-face communication does. It is acknowledged that online communities have developed and become a fad among the public. For many citizens, they can bear staying at home for several days without meeting others, but they may suffer from no access to the Internet since they need to communicate with other online friends. Then, residents actually have a sense of community, but what they care about is virtual communities, not traditional communities any more.

  In addition, urban inhabitants may have insufficient time and vigor to interact with people nearby. Compared to workers in rural areas, employees in downtown may be more occupied their work and working overtime may not be a rare case. When these exhausted employees arrive at their own home, what they want is to take a shower and sleep immediately. Thus, too much working burden actually hinders people from communicating with others, which leads to that they do not take their communities seriously.

  As for addiction to the Internet, governments could encourage communities to hold more face-to-face activities. For example, some sport games, such as playing badminton in communities, could be supported and promoted by governments and governments could emphasize on that lacking exercise may lead to a series of diseases, such as obesity. Then, more citizens may be willing to go out and take part in more community activities. In terms of tired workers, guaranteeing holidays and other necessary rights of employees should be one of the top priorities for the authorities. Subsequently, workers may have their private lives since they do not spend all their time on working anymore, which allows them to join in community activities as well.

  In sum, the popularity of online communities and tiredness due to working excessively may account for why individuals in cities may not care about their communities. In order to tackle this issue, encouraging engagement on offline events and guaranteeing employees’ leisure time should be considered by governments.








