雅思(IELTS) 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-22 14:21:14 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿



  Some people think healthcare should be made free for all people, while others believe people should pay for healthcare by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  Few individuals can be immune from diseases, ailment or some accidents, which makes health care necessary to give them a guarantee. Although health care can play a pivotal role in everyone’s life, I hold the view that it will trigger some problems if it is provided freely.

  Some people advocate citizens should gain free access to the health care resources because the basic living quality can be ensured. Those who are needy or come from deprived families may have few opportunities if they are charged with high medical fees, which means that their health problems can be alleviated or solved with the abundant financial support. Therefore, the public could enjoy a healthier life and their quality of living can be enhanced.

  The opponents argue that it is likely to give rise to some undesired consequence if the free health care is offered. Free health care means substantial investment, which may cause the financial imbalance and shortage in other important fields concerning the daily life every individual. Also, the taxpayer’s basic interest may be undermined because they have to carry the burden to pay the corresponding tax.

  Personally, I frown upon the proposal that free health care should be provided in terms of the doctors. Chances are that the income of doctors will decline dramatically because they have less source of salary, thereby leading to a phenomenon that few people would like to choose doctor as their professions because of bleak career prospects and the premier medical service can be provided.


  Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and little time on sports. Why is it? Is it a positive or negative development?



  Nowadays, it is common that a large number of children incline to spend more time on computer games than sports. Some people claim that it is acceptable and understandable, however, from my perspective, spending enormous time on computer games instead of sports is a negative development both for children’s growth and harmonious society. Therefore, the essay aims to explore factors influencing that unexpected phenomenon and reasons why it is a disadvantageous development.

  The reasons for such a craze, come as follows. Firstly, the prosperity of Internet environment and prevalent advertisement campaign make it more convenient for cyber addicts to get access to various sorts of online games. In addition, the current students attach more importance to possess exciting experiences rather than healthy lives in order to release their study pressure, more often than not, it is computer games that meet their demands best.

  Nevertheless, there seems to be some undesirable consequences under that phenomenon. To begin with, excessive use of Internet has been undermining our interpersonal relationship offline. Chances are that they are unconsciously leak their personal information by communicating with online players. That is why cyber fraud is becoming increasingly rampant there. What is worse, the addiction to playing online games, over-regraded as the virtual environment, may lead to impulsiveness and irrationality. Therefore, children are more likely to behave unethically and even commit crimes, contributing to destroy social harmony.

  Another perceived disadvantage is that it is detrimental for their healthy growth. Unlike doing exercises, playing online games make kids form sedentary lifestyles, causing obesity which would induce illness, like high blood pressure and diabetes.

  Consequently, spending substantial time on online game is a negative development both for the society and children’s growth. Kids are supposed to be encouraged to do more exercise to keep fit in the long run.









