商务英语 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-17 10:58:02 商务英语 我要投稿



  Friday 11.00-13.00

  Participants on this course will develop their telephone skills and reception techniques in practical situations. Other topics included in the course are dealing with correspondence, the latest development in fax equipment and photocopiers, and the advantages these new facilities offer. The course also covers health and safety, including recent important changes in safety regulations governing the workplace.


  Saudi Arabia has begun setting up a new 35,000-strong specialised security force to protect its oil facilities from potential attacks.


  The move underlines the kingdom's growing concern about the security of its installations in the face of threats from al-Qaeda to attack oil facilities in the Gulf, and rising tensions between Iran and the US.


  There have been fears that military confrontation between Iran and Washington could provoke Tehran to retaliate against US interests across the Gulf, including in Saudi Arabia.

  上述安全部队的招募工作数月前开始。一位沙特战略事务顾问昨日表示,目前已有逾5,000人正接受训练,学习使用新型监控设备和危机管理知识,该项目是由美国防务集团洛克希德-马丁(Lockheed Martin)管理的。总部位于尼科西亚的'中东经济调查(MEES)表示,上述培训是一个美国政府合同的一部分。MESS首先披露洛克希德-马丁涉足了上述安全部队的培训工作。

  Recruitment for the security force began several months ago. It already has more than 5,000 personnel, who are being trained in the use of new surveillance equipment and crisis management under a programme managed by US defence group Lockheed Martin, a Saudi strategic affairs adviser said yesterday. The training is part of a US government contract, according to the Nicosia-based Middle East Economic Survey, which first revealed that Lockheed was involved in training the force.


  Lockheed was not immediately available to comment yesterday.


  The kingdom, which is the world's biggest oil exporter and has 25 per cent of the world's proven oil reserves, is investing an estimated $4bn-$5bn in the new equipment and the force, the adviser added.


  Saudi Arabia already has a 75,000-strong army, an air force of 18,000, a navy of 15,500 and an air defence force of 16,000.

  美国政府7月份宣布了一笔拟议中的交易,估计价值为200亿美元,合同方是海湾合作委员会(Gulf Cooperation Council)的6个国家,其中包括沙特,以提升该地区的安全。

  Washington announced a proposed arms deal in July, estimated to be worth $20bn, with the six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes Saudi Arabia, to boost security in the region.


  Saudi Arabia has stepped up its crackdown against Islamist militants since a series of attacks against western residential compounds in 2003.


  Nasdaq yesterday became the latest global exchange to open a representative office in Beijing, as the battle to lure fast-growing Chinese companies to list on overseas markets intensifies.


  The technology-focused US exchange and the New York Stock Exchange are the first foreign groups to exploit a recent change of rules that permits non-Chinese bourses to establish marketing offices on the mainland.

  纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔?奥克斯利(Michael Oxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。

  The office will allow Nasdaq to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the “big league”, according to Michael Oxley, the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker.


  In recent years, several hundred Chinese companies have flocked to list in Hong Kong. This year, an increasing number of mainland companies have listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen.


  International exchanges have, by comparison, struggled to attract Chinese issuers, with those in the US in particular hit by perceptions among business executives that their companies would be subject to onerous regulation as well as the country’s litigious environment.

  奥克斯利否认,对过度监管的恐惧会损害纳斯达克魅力攻势。他是美国2002年颁布的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法》(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)的联合提案人。

  Mr Oxley, co-author of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US in 2002, rebuffed concerns that fears of over-regulation would hurt Nasdaq’s charm offensive.


  “You have seen an increase in regulatory standards worldwide since the introduction of Sarbanes-Oxley,” he said. “By listing in the US, companies reach the highest regulatory standards. Good governance is good for business.”


  Nasdaq has attracted 19 initial public offerings of Chinese companies this year, double that of last year, raising the total to 52.


  It has traditionally at-tracted a significant proportion of mainland technology companies, although investment bankers believe last month’s hugely successful listing in Hong Kong of Alibaba.com, China’s leading business-to-business website, could help the city attract similar IPOs at the expense of the US exchange.