Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life. 青春并非生命的一段旅程,而是一种心境;非粉颊、红唇和柔膝,而是远大的理想、磅礴的想象、旺盛的.激情;是清新的生命源泉不断涌动。
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage
over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exits in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows merely by the number of years; we grow old by deserting our ideas. 青春意味着勇气战胜怯懦,意味着勇于进取,不屑平凡。如此锐气,二十年后有之,六旬男子则多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想的放弃才真正意味着垂垂老矣。
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. 年华流失只将皱纹留痕于皮肤,然而激情的冷却将皱纹留痕于灵魂。担忧、害怕、自我放逐使心灵扭曲,使春之朝气灰飞烟灭。
Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite, so long as you are young. 不论六十或是十六,人人心中皆有好奇之心,有如孩童般探索未知事物的欲望经久不衰,并充满生活之乐趣。在你我内心最深处,存在一台无线电台,只要能自人类、还有那无限宇宙不断收取美丽、希望、快乐、勇气的信号,你便青春常驻。
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with the snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism , then you’ve grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there’s hope you may die young at 80. 一旦天线折断,精神冰封于厌世之情,锐气冷冻于悲观之意,哪怕二十出头,你已步入晚年;但只要天线不倒,收到乐观电波,哪怕至八十辞世,你仍有望朝气蓬勃。
生活的智慧Life Wisdom
Let me simplify everything inspirational that has been written —just to capture the true essence of it all. 让我简化所有能触动我们心灵的创作,并抓住它们的精髓。
Everything happens for a reason, even when you don’t know what the reason is. If you get a chance, take it; if it changes your life, let it. Embrace change. It will let you reach greater heights. Sometimes things need to fall in order to rise again. 不管你知道与否,万事发生必有其因。如果你得到一个机会,请抓住它;如果它会改变你的生活,任由它去改变。欣然接受改变,它会让你达到另一个高度,因为有时候,事物在再次繁荣之前会先衰退。
Love deeply, and forgive quickly. Put your heart in everything you do, so that you’ll have no regrets. Appreciate all that feels good, and learn from everything that hurts. Hating is a waste of time. Smile even when you are sad. Apologize when you should, and let go when holding on becomes senseless. You don’t need to speak loudly to be heard, only to speak from your heart. Stay humble no matter how great you think you are. Love what you have, and never forget what you have. Always forgive, but don’t try to forget. Learn from your mistakes. People can change, and things can go wrong, but remember that life goes on. Life is about taking chances, expanding your horizon and creating moments to treasure. 爱宜深,谅宜速。全心全意做好每一件事,不要给自己留有遗憾。对所有美好的事物充满感激,从失败中吸取教训。憎恨不过是在浪费时间。悲伤的时候也要面带微笑。该道歉的`时候要道歉,当坚持变得没有意义时就要放手。不必以大声呼喊来获得聆听,要用心去倾诉。不论自认为多么伟大都要一直保持谦虚的态度。珍惜现在所有,莫忘曾经拥有。宽恕自己,但不要试图遗忘过错。从失误中学习。人可能会改变,事情可能会往相反的方向发展,但是请记住,生活一直在继续。生活就是要不断地抓住机会,扩大视野并创造辉煌。
Strength, courage and wisdom are just some of the gifts you get from overcoming suffering. Thank the people who treat you right and surround yourself with those who support your most glorious dreams. Nobody said that life would be easy; they just promised that it would be worth it. 力量、勇气和智慧是通过克服困难而获赠的礼物。感谢对你公正的人并与那些帮助你实现梦想的人为伍。众所周知,生活不易,但是人们一直努力地活得精彩。
西雅图的雨Rain in Seattle
I have a deep secret few people understand and even fewer like to share. 我有一个极少为人理解甚至无人愿意分享的秘密。
It’s time to tell the truth: I love the rain, deeply and passionately1 and more than the sun. At least I live in the right place, famous for its damp weather and its rain- forest. I can’t imagine living anywhere besides the Pacific northwest. The sun shines so rarely that my friends forget where they put their sunglasses. The gloomy weather causes many people around here to suffer from seasonal and emotional disorder. Yet I welcome the rain. 现在应该说出来了:我爱雨,深情而热烈,甚至胜过对太阳的爱。最起码我住在适宜之地,这里因其潮湿的天气和雨林而出名。除了太平洋西北部,我想不出自己还能住在哪儿。阳光如此罕见,以至于我的朋友们都忘了把太阳镜放到哪里去了。阴郁的天气让很多在这儿生活的人都遭受季节和情绪波动的困扰。然而我却欢迎雨的到来。
People in Seattle will say they like the rain keeping the city green, and making the air clean afterwards. But I like the rain for purely selfish reasons. When it’s raining outside, I don’t have to do anything. I can spend the afternoon curled up reading, build a fire and make a big pot of tea. I can sleep in late, waking up occasionally to hear the gentle patter on the roof. Nobody expects me to leave my house or do anything heavy. Maybe I’ll invite a few friends to watch an old movie or play a board game. My friends’ expectations are low, and easy to meet.
Summer in Seattle is beautiful but exhausting. The sunny and blue skies draw people out from their cozy little homes to have fun. People go hiking, biking and canoeing. 西雅图的夏天如此美丽却令人疲惫不堪。晴朗而又蔚蓝的天空吸引着人们走出安逸舒适的小家去户外寻找乐趣。他们去远足、骑车或是划独木舟。力量、勇气和智慧是通过克服困难而获赠的礼物。感谢对你公正的人并与那些帮助你实现梦想的人为伍。众所周知,生活不易,但是人们一直努力地活得精彩。