
时间:2023-08-16 09:45:18 雪桃 美文摘抄 我要投稿
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  1、我爱你,表达一份至真至纯的爱:我爱你,每时每刻!I love you, express a true and pure love: I love you, every moment!

  2、你可以把余生都交给我保管,可以霸占我情话里的每一句喜欢。You can give the rest of your life to me for safekeeping, and you can dominate every word of my love words.

  3、最美莫过于未来有一天,睡前吻你,半夜抱你,醒来有你。The most beautiful is one day in the future, kiss you before sleep, hold you in the middle of the night, wake up with you.

  4、如果你是个人贩子,我心甘情愿被你拐一辈子。If you are a peddler, I am willing to be abducted by you all my life.

  5、说不出来为什么爱你,但是知道你是我不爱别人的理由。I cant say why I love you, but knowing you is the reason why I dont love others.

  6、喜欢你的每一天都很不错,没有你的每一天都很难过。Like you every day is very good, without you every day is very sad.

  7、戏子入画,一生天涯。A playwrights life is a lifetime.

  8、我爱你,今生有你相伴,是我一生的幸福。I love you, this life with you, is my life happiness.

  9、爱上一个人是没有理由的。爱上了之后,她的一切就成了理由。There is no reason to fall in love with someone. After falling in love, everything about her becomes a reason.

  10、其实我的心是个傻瓜,它只能爱你一个人。In fact, my heart is a fool, it can only love you.

  11、好一笔撇捺竖点,害我珊瑚淋漓空妄千年。Its a long time to hold back the vertical point, which has made my coral run for thousands of years.

  12、我不怕下地狱,我怕的是地狱里没有你。Im not afraid to go to hell. What Im afraid of is that there is no you in hell.

  13、人的一生会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月。Peoples life will meet two people, one amazing time, one gentle years.

  14、我喜欢你,就像天气预报说明天有雨,我都能听成明天有你。I like you, just like the weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow, I can hear it will rain tomorrow.

  15、我爱你,无需感慨。我们恰巧在对的时间遇到了对的人。I love you without feeling. We happened to meet the right person at the right time.

  16、一边听雨,一边想你,雨声滴滴,淅沥淅沥。While listening to the rain, I think of you. The rain is dribbling and pattering.

  17、我想和你喝酒是假,其实想醉你的怀里是真。I want to drink with you is false, in fact, I want to drink with you is true.

  18、我期待着,慢慢回忆着。那一点一滴所谓的回忆。Im looking forward to it, slowly recalling it. That little bit of so-called memory.

  19、前半生都是流浪,后半生遇见你,如鹿归林,如舟靠岸。The first half of my life is wandering, the second half of my life I met you, like a deer returning to the forest, like a boat landing.

  20、躺在你温暖的怀里,抬头仰望我们的星空。Lie in your warm arms and look up at our starry sky.

  21、我爱你,好爱好爱你,愿与你携手共白头!I love you. I love you. Id like to join hands with you!

  22、我很喜欢你,就像天气预报说明天有雨,我都能听成明天有你。I like you very much, just like the weather forecast says that it will rain tomorrow, I can hear that there will be you tomorrow.

  23、自从黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,这眼睛的未来就只看你一个人。Since the night has given me black eyes, the future of this eye only depends on you.

  24、喜欢你不一定要告诉你,但一定要告诉我自己。Like you dont have to tell you, but must tell myself.

  25、一曲相思,半点离愁,如何与君共白头?A song of Acacia, a little sorrow of separation, how to share your white head with you?

  26、经流年,梦回曲水边,看烟花绽出月圆。After fleeting years, I dream back to the water and watch fireworks bloom in full moon.

  27、除了真心,我什么都给不了,可是你偏偏不要。I can give you nothing but my heart, but you just dont want it.

  28、君当作磐石,妾当作蒲苇。蒲苇纫如丝,磐石无转移。As a rock, as a reed. The reeds are sewn like silk, and the rock does not move.

  29、哪有什么突然好想你,其实就是一直在心里。What suddenly miss you, in fact, has been in the heart.

  30、愿琴瑟在御,岁月静好;愿执子之手,与子偕老。May the harps and harps be in control, and the years be quiet; may the hand of the son grow old with him.

  31、用最真实的自己,才能遇见最应该的那个人。With the most real self, we can meet the most appropriate person.

  32、喝醉的酒就像爱错的人一样,酒劲过了就醒了,热情过了就散了!Drunken wine is like loving the wrong person. When the wine strength is over, it wakes up. When the enthusiasm is over, it will be gone!

  33、在最丑的时候遇到最真的人,穿最美的婚纱嫁给最爱的人。In the ugliest time to meet the most real people, wearing the most beautiful wedding dress to marry the most loved one.

  34、宝贝儿,只要你幸福,我就幸福,不管你在谁的身边。Baby, as long as you are happy, I will be happy, no matter who you are.

  35、也许爱情只是因为寂寞。需要找一个人来爱。即使没有任何结局。Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even if there is no ending.

  36、我要做早晨第一个唤醒你的人,做夜晚最后一个看你入睡的人。I will be the first to wake you up in the morning and the last to watch you fall asleep at night.

  37、我想睡觉了,今晚你来我梦里吧,好长时间不见了,有点想你。I want to sleep. Come to my dream tonight. I havent seen you for a long time. I miss you a bit.

  38、我爱你,不代表我要和你在一起,而是代表我永远不会伤害你。I love you not because I want to be with you, but because I will never hurt you.

  39、你要不爽,可以亲我。If you dont like it, kiss me.

  40、你说的每句漫不经心的话,全在我心头开成了漫山遍野的花。Every careless word you said has become a flower in my heart.

  41、七夕其实并不美丽,美丽的是和你共度七夕的那种感觉。我爱你!节日快乐!Tanabata is not beautiful. Whats beautiful is the feeling of spending Tanabata with you. I love you! Happy holidays!

  42、左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到我爱你。七夕情人节快乐!The left hand engraves me, the right hand writes you, in the heart is full of love, when our palms are opposite, the heart and soul are close, all people will see that I love you. Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  43、你是水,我是沙,我和你拌成泥巴巴!你是勾,我是叉,在一起是对小冤家!七夕情人节快乐!You are the water, I am the sand, I and you mix into mud! You are the hook, I am the fork, together is to the small enemy! Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  44、七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。On the seventh day of July, when there was no one to whisper in the hall of longevity. In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever.

  45、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我不会再错过!真诚之中,与你相识相知;灵犀之间,与你朝夕相伴。I have no time to participate in your past, I will not miss your future! In sincerity, I know you well; in spirit, I am with you day and night.

  46、在漫漫的人生中,我找到了你,是你给了我生存的信心,是你让我的活不再平淡。我爱你!七夕情人节快乐!In the long life, I found you, you give me the confidence to live, you make my life no longer plain. I love you! Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  47、七夕提前过了,谢谢老公特地回来陪我,不需要特殊的礼物,因为你对于我来说就是最好的礼物!Tanabata has passed ahead of time. Thank you for coming back to accompany me. You dont need special gifts, because you are the best gift for me!

  48、我是鹊桥旁那颗美丽的流星,只为有你一次真爱的回应,我痴痴的等待着你,久久不愿离去。I am the beautiful meteor beside the magpie bridge. I am waiting for you for a long time because of the response of your true love.

  49、盼望能跟你说着情意绵绵的话,盼望能躲进你的怀内,盼望能得到你的爱抚,盼望你的爱。预祝七夕情人节快乐哦!I hope I can talk with you in love, I hope I can hide in your arms, I hope I can get your caress and love. I wish you a happy Valentines Day!

  50、我愿化作天空的流星,划破长长的夜空,轻轻掉进你心中。悄悄的遗下心迹,留给你美好回忆。七夕节快乐哦!I would like to turn into a meteor in the sky, cut through the long night sky, and gently fall into your heart. Quietly left behind the heart, leaving you good memories. Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  51、今天是七月七,七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。Today is July 7. On July 7, the hall of longevity. In the middle of the night, when there is no one to talk to, I wish to be a parakeet in the sky and a Lianzhi in the earth.

  52、常相思,长相思,相思时节谁人知;梦难忆,爱难忆,愁肠百结谁人识;老公,七夕到了,特别想你,七夕快乐!Everlasting longing for each other, the Qixi Festival husband, the Qixi Festival, suffer great agonies of the mind, the dream is hard to remember, the love is hard to remember, and the sorrow is full of people.

  53、织女绣云锦,牛郎河西盼。鹊桥河间架,七夕终短暂。愿爱长相依,月儿永无缺。我欲银河逝,予两星永洁!The weaver embroiders the brocade and looks forward to the west of Niulang river. Magpie Bridge River frame, Tanabata end short. May love always be with you, and the moon never fails. I want the Milky way to die and the two stars to be forever clean!

  54、说不尽相思苦,道不完爱你浓,七夕明月能传情,只望鹊桥可相会,爱你,到永远!I cant say I cant miss you enough, I cant say I cant love you enough, I can only hope magpie bridge can meet you, I love you forever!

  55、七夕时节忆往昔,眷属难成甚可惜。牛郎织女会此时,我却独饮空叹息。Its a pity that its hard for the family to become a family member in the past. Cowherd and weaver girl will be at this time, but I only drink empty sigh.


  57、Happy Chinese Valentines day, my husband! Thank you for your company no matter what! I want to hug!

  58、只要心在跳动,就有血的潮汐,而你的微笑将印在红色的月亮上,每夜升起在我的小窗前。七夕情人节快乐!As long as the heart is beating, there will be blood tides, and your smile will be printed on the red moon, rising in front of my little window every night. Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  59、醉过才知酒浓,爱过方知情重。回转人世间活一回,只为与你相会。你的微笑,你的眼泪,你永远是我的七夕宝贝!Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy it is. Return to the world to live once, just to meet you. Your smile, your tears, you will always be my Tanabata baby!

  60、上帝创造了你,也会创造一个爱你的人。你若是上帝创造的,那么我,就是那个爱你的人。愿老公天天快乐!God created you, and he will create a person who loves you. If you are created by God, then I am the one who loves you. Wish my husband happy every day!

  61、七夕祈愿:心较比干多一窍,貌若西子胜三分。百雀筑桥,星梦传书,星语心愿,七夕与君长相伴!七夕快乐哦!Qixi prays: the heart is more than the trunk, and the appearance is like a Western son. A hundred birds build a bridge, a star dream spreads a book, a star language wishes, Chinese Valentines day with the emperor! Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  62、祝七夕情人节快乐!你在我心中永远是最具有气质,最特别和最具吸引力的!不管将来怎样,你依然是我最爱的人!Happy Valentines Day! You are always in my heart the most temperament, the most special and the most attractive! No matter in the future, you are still my favorite person!

  63、亲爱的老公,你是我一生的牵挂,我的心永远为你敞开,无论天涯海角,你是我的思念!情人节快乐。Dear husband, you are the concern of my life, my heart is always open for you, no matter the end of the world, you are my missing! Happy Valentines day.

  64、朋友,七夕快乐!你看到了吗?七夕之桥,是我们沟通的心灵之桥!愿我们的友谊永存!Friends, happy Chinese Valentines Day! Did you see it? Qixi bridge is the bridge of our hearts! May our friendship last forever!

  65、爱是一种感受,痛苦也感到幸福;爱是一种体能,心碎也感到甜蜜;爱是一种经历,破碎也感到靓丽。七夕节快乐!Love is a kind of feeling, pain and happiness; love is a kind of physical strength, heartbreak and sweetness; love is an experience, broken and beautiful. Happy Chinese Valentines day!

  66、七夕到了,愿我们能相爱永远,也希望每个七夕都能与你共度!Tanabata has arrived. I hope we can love each other forever, and I hope every Tanabata can be with you!

  67、有情之人,天天是节。一句寒暖,一线相喧;一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼;一份爱意,一生相恋。For those who have feelings, every day is a festival. A cold warm, a line of noise; a exhortation, a paper handed down; a Acacia, hope for one heart; a love, love for life.

  68、月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光,默默地追随着你!七夕情人节快乐!When the moon is short, I miss you. When the moon is full, I miss you. No matter the moon is full and the moon is short, my heart is like the eternal moonlight, following you silently! Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  69、七夕快到了,我祝我们永远这样幸福快乐下去,老公,七夕快乐。Chinese Valentines Day is coming, I wish us happiness forever, husband, happy Chinese Valentines day.

  70、谢谢老公送的七夕礼物,我一定好好对你,不随便耍不随便发火,保证不拉黑你,不冷战,不任性,听你的话。Thank you for the present of Chinese Valentines day. I will treat you well. I will not play casually or get angry casually. I promise not to blackmail you, not to cold war, not to be willful. I will listen to you.

  71、醉过才知酒浓,爱过方知情重。回转人世间活一回,只为与你相会。你的微笑,你的眼泪,都是我最刻骨铭心的。Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy it is. Return to the world to live once, just to meet you. Your smile, your tears, are my most unforgettable.

  72、亲耐的,七夕节快乐。往年,我祈求上天赐我幸福。现在有你在我身边。我知道,幸福,我已经得到了。我爱你!Dear, happy Chinese Valentines day. In the past years, I prayed to God for my happiness. Now you are by my side. I know, happiness, Ive got it. I love you!

  73、有人送礼物的七夕节,真幸福!谢谢老公的神秘惊喜礼物,谢谢你的用心良苦。Happy Chinese Valentines day with gifts! Thank you for your husbands surprise gift. Thank you for your hard work.

  74、夏天你帮我扇风,冬天你帮我暖被窝,那个人永远是你,我的老公,情人节快乐!In summer you help me fan, in winter you help me warm my bed, that person will always be you, my husband, Happy Valentines Day!

  75、浪漫是一种自我修养,是生活的格调。不管自己已婚未婚,什么年龄,总要保持有一种少女般浪漫情怀。Romance is a kind of self-cultivation and the style of life. No matter what age you are married and unmarried, you should always have a romantic feeling like a girl.

  76、虽然不知道你什么时候可以来我身边,但是我依旧坚信爱情,只有相信才会存在,你说对吗?七夕节快乐!Although I dont know when you can come to me, but I still believe in love, only believe will exist, are you right? Happy Chinese Valentines day!

  77、一杯茶驱散漫漫长夜孤单,一盏灯点亮一个世界灿烂,一声问候传递,深深情谊温暖衷心,祝你七夕情人节快乐!A cup of tea dispels the loneliness of a long night, a lamp lights a brilliant world, a greeting is delivered, deep friendship is warm and heartfelt, I wish you a happy Valentines Day!

  78、我的情人节里没有情人,只有我的老婆,她是我的最爱,今天是,明天是,直到我死去我的心中也只有她!真的爱你!My Valentines day, there is no lover, only my wife, she is my favorite, today is, tomorrow is, until I die, my heart is only her! I Really Love You!

  79、七夕节之夜,爱情永不灭;传送真挚情,没有真不行;老公,七夕快乐!On the night of the Chinese Valentines day, love will never die; true love cant be conveyed without it; Happy Chinese Valentines day, husband!

  80、昨夜做了一个梦,梦见天上通个洞。我学女娲去补天,石头太重搬不动。七夕情人节快乐!Last night, I had a dream that there was a hole in the sky. I learned from Nuwa to mend the sky. The stone was too heavy to move. Happy Chinese Valentines Day!

  81、爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。Love is innocent kite, pulling the most care about.

  82、你从未把我放心上,又怎会懂得我对你的好。You never trust me, how can understand my good for you.

  83、如果那天我说我爱你,你会不会为这句我爱你留下。If I say I love you, you will not be this sentence I love you.

  84、就算有一天脱离了身体,我依然这样死心塌地。Even if one day out of the body, Im still be dead set.

  85、我以为我的世界会一直冷下去,直到出现了你!I think my world will continue to be cold, until you!

  86、只有当两唇相吻的那一刻,我们的心才系在一起。Only when the two lips kiss the moment, our hearts are together.

  87、我喜欢看着你那甜甜的笑容,一刹那温暖我的心。I like looking at you that sweet smile, instant warm my heart.

  88、我就是喜欢你,就不放手,我在默默的努力,没有华丽,只有真诚。I just love you, dont let go, I in silently, not gorgeous, only sincere.

  89、我对你而言,只是一个路人甲;你对我而言,却是整个世界。I for you, just a stranger a; For me, you may be the world.

  90、我会记着我们的关系,然后和你保持一定的距离。I will remember our relationship and keep a certain distance with you.

  91、细数陪你走过的细水长流,演绎属于我们的天长地久。Count to accompany you through the maintenance, deduce belong to us forever.

  92、从你走进我心里的那一刻,我就没打算再把你放出去。From the moment you walk into my heart, Im not going to put you out.

  93、你是我生命的全部。请说你愿意。情人节快乐,我亲爱的。You are all of my life. Please say you will. Happy valentines day, my dear.

  94、旁人奚落亦可撞向激流,仍然可以去追求这是我自由。Others taunt also crashed into the rapids, still can go to pursue this is my freedom.

  95、你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。情人节快乐。You out of my dreams and into my arms. I cant let you go. Happy valentines day.

  96、自从我告诉他晚安是我爱你的意思后,他再也没有对我说过晚安。Ever since I told him good night means I love you, he never said to me good night.

  97、你不懂在别人都不看好我们的.爱情时,我经历了多少。You dont know when the other people all dont believe in our love, I have experienced much.

  98、纵使前路荆棘,如果你要来我也为你铺满玫瑰。Even if the road ahead of thorns, if you want to come to my also paved with roses for you.

  99、如果我拥有超能力,我不想拯救世界,只想守护你。If I have super ability, I dont want to save the world, just want to guard you.

  100、不知不觉关注他的一举一动,他看我一眼就感觉很满足。Unconsciously pay attention to his every move, he look at first glance I feel very satisfied.

  101、你知道你是光吗?我拥抱我会受伤,但我还是不想放弃你。Do you know you are the light? I embrace I will hurt, but I still dont want to give up you.

  102、总有那么一个人,无论伤害你多少次,可是就是恨不起来。There is always a person, no matter how many times will hurt you, but is not hate.

  103、无法向你承诺一切都会变好,但我保证从此你不必独自面对。Cant promise you everything will be better, but I promise from now on you dont have to face alone.

  104、我委屈那都不算什么,最难过是我爱你但我不能说。I injustice that dont consider as what, the most sad is I love you but I cant say that.

  105、一见钟情可以有很多,可是刻骨铭心一辈子,只要有一次就够了。Can have a lot of love at first sight, but forget all my life, as long as once is enough.

  106、如果相恋没有理由,那不爱的时候,却为什么总有那么多的借口。If fell in love and there is no reason, then do not love, but why always have so many excuses.

  107、我不需要你有多完美,我只是需要你能感受到,我就是你的唯一。I dont need you how perfect, I just need you can feel, Im your one and only.

  108、我想你的时候,会把你的名字写在手心,摊开是想念,握紧是幸福。I think of you, and Ill write your name in the palm, spread out is miss, hold is happiness.

  109、我知道最后你不能做到你口中说的那些,可是我的心还是相信了。I know that at last you cant do it from your mouth said that, but my heart still believe.

  110、假如每次想起你,我都会得到一朵花,那么我心中早已开满了一座花园。If every time I think about you, I will get a flower, so my heart is already full of a garden.

  111、总有那么一座城,让你流连忘返。总有那么一个人,让你怦然心动。There is always a city, make you linger. There is always a person, let you heartache.

  112、我喜欢那些闪光的东西,比如冬日的雪花,天上的星星,还有你的眼睛。I like those flashy things, like the winter snow, the stars in the sky, and your eyes.

  113、总有那么一个人,你说不爱了,却在听到关于他的消息的时候,心狠狠的抽了疼。There is always a person, you said do not love, but when hear about his heart out the pain.34、亲爱的说过,这个地球上的任何生物任何事物,都不可以阻挡我们的爱情。

  114、Dear said that anything that any creature on this earth, dont can stop our love.35、我们一直在追求着幸福,可是我没有想到,我却追到你离开的背影。

  115、We have been in the pursuit of happiness, but I did not think, but I will catch up with you leave of figure.36、都怪雨下的那么急,都怪没有地方躲雨,才会一头扎进你的怀里。

  116、All blame the rain so urgent, all blame have no place to shelter from the rain, will be plunged into your arms.

  117、我不是安徒生给不了你童话,我不是张杰给不了你天下,但我可以给你幸福。Im not give you a fairy tale, Andersen Im not zhang jie cant give you the world, but I can give you happiness.

  118、等待世界终结的瞬间,你与我各自在世界的角落里以着同样信念死亡,我们在一起。Waiting for the end moment in the world, you and me in the corner of the world death with the same faith, well be together.

  119、一个人爱不爱你,在不在意你,你是感觉得到的。不要骗自己,不要勉强自己。A man love not love you, dont care about you, you are feeling get. Dont lie to yourself, dont force yourself.

  120、在这个年纪爱你,不因为你有车有房,只是那天阳光很好,你穿了一件我爱的衬衫。At this age love you, not because you have a car have room, just that day sunshine is good, you wore a shirt I love.









