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时间:2022-11-15 18:16:36 美文欣赏 我要投稿














  Look Ahead

  Once a friend suggested me: ―Look ahead when you are sad.

  It is this weird that ever when I am in sad, I am always bow my head or shut my

  eyes regardless his suggestion. Even when I catch a glimpse of the sky with stars, but again at sea. When I am depressed, my vision narrowed.

  This friend has a lovely and smart daughter and so charming like a flower in dancing. But, she is unable to see the outside world clearly. My friend ever so grieve that he was so pessimistic. No other aids seem to help him, but he gained the delight after a journey of hardship with looking ahead that the crucial life taught him.

  Look ahead, he has witnessed his daughter‘s experience journey----she is more beautiful and tamer and can take care of herself. She dresses her black excise cloth, with white dancing shoes, black and high-twist hair style with lighting be< she is always smile, indicating her charming youth in her mouth; she becomes strong in mind and smart, live on herself. As preferred, she becomes a warmly received dancing teacher…

  The God is always absent when we knock His door. The great poet朗费罗could not help commending, ―Your你的命运一如他人,每个生命都会下雨。 When it rains and we feel sad, it is worth looking ahead. If one minute is not enough, then take one more. Looking again and again with a long time, or even your whole life and your love and hope. See whether所有的雨都会停;see the sky after rain if it is cleaner, vaster, more fantastic and see whether there is rainbow in magic.

  There is always the time the God go home; the stop for rain and the hope and joyous ahead.


  Country Spring

  One spring I went a walking tour in the country. It was a glorious spring. Not the sort of spring they give us in these miserable times, under this shameless government -a mixture of east wind,blizzard, snow, rain, fog, frost, hail, sleet and thunder-storms, but a sunny, blue-skyed, joyous spring, such as we used to have regularly every year when I was a young man, and things were different.

  It was an exceptionally beautiful spring, even for those golden days; and as I wandered through the waking land, and saw the dawning of the coming green, and watched the blush upon the hawthorn hedge,deepening each day beneath the kisses of the sun, and looked up at the proud old mother trees, dandling their numerous baby buds upon their strong fond arms holding them high for the soft west wind to caress as he passed laughing by, and marked the primrose yellow creep across the carpet of the woods, and saw the new flush of the field and saw the new light on the hills, and heard the new-found gladness of the birds, and heard from wood and farm and meadow the timid callings of the little new-born things, wondering to find themselves alive, and smelt the freshness of the earth, and felt the promise in the air, and felt a strong hand in the wind, my spirit rose within me.

  Spring had come to me also, and stirred me with a strange new life, with a strange new hope. I, too, was part of nature, and it was spring! Tender leaves and blossoms were unfolding from my heart. Bright flowers of love and gratitude were opening round its roots. I felt new strength in all my limbs. New blood was running through my veins. Nobler thoughts and nobler longings were throbbing through my brain. As I walked, nature came and talked beside me, and showed me the world and myself, and the ways of God seemed clearer.


  Words from the Heart

  Most people need to hear those "three little words" I love you. Once in a while, they hear them just in time.

  I met Connie the day she was admitted to the hospice1 ward, where I worked as a volunteer. Her husband, Bill, stood nervously nearby as she was transferred from the gurney2 to the hospital bed. Although Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was alert and cheerful. We got her settled in. I finished marking her name on all the hospital supplies she would be using, then asked if she needed anything.

  "Oh, yes," she said, "would you please show me how to use the TV? I enjoy the soaps so much and I dont want to get behind on whats happening." Connie was a romantic. She loved soap operas, romance novels and movies with a good love story. As we became acquainted, she confided how frustrating it was to be married 32 years to a man who often called her "a silly woman."

  "Oh, I know Bill loves me," she said, "but he has never been one to say he loves me, or send cards to me." She sighed and looked out the window at the trees in the courtyard. "Id give anything if hed say ‘I love you, but its just not in his nature."

  Bill visited Connie every day. In the beginning, he sat next to the bed while she watched the soaps. Later, when she began sleeping more, he paced up and down the hallway outside her room. Soon, when she no longer watched television and had fewer waking moments, I began spending more of my volunteer time with Bill.

  He talked about having worked as a carpenter and how he liked to go fishing. He and Connie had no children, but theyd been enjoying retirement by traveling, until Connie got sick. Bill could not express his feelings about the fact that his wife was dying.

  One day, over coffee in the cafeteria, I got him on the subject of women and how we need romance in our lives; how we love to get sentimental1 cards and love letters.

  "Do you tell Connie you love her?" I asked (knowing his answer),and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

  "I dont have to," he said. "She knows I do!"

  "Im sure she knows," I said, reaching over and touching his hands rough, carpenters hands that were gripping the cup as if it were the only thing he had to hang onto "but she needs to hear it, Bill. She needs to hear what she has meant to you all these years. Please think about it."

  We walked back to Connies room. Bill disappeared inside, and I left to visit another patient. Later, I saw Bill sitting by the bed. He was holding Connies hand as she slept. The date was February 12.

  Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning up against the wall in the hallway, staring at the floor. I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 A.M.。

  When Bill saw me, he allowed himself to come into my arms for a long time. His face was wet with tears and he was trembling. Finally, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath.

  "I have to say something," he said. "I have to say how good I feel about telling her." He stopped to blow his nose. "I thought a lot about what you said, and this morning I told her how much I loved her.。. and loved being married to her. You shoulda2 seen her smile!"

  I went into the room to say my own good?bye to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that says, "To my wonderful wife.。. I love you."










