Once there was a fish who lived in the great ocean, and because the water was transparent and always conveniently got out of the way of his nose when he moved along, he didn’t know he was in the ocean. Well, one day the fish did a very dangerous thing, he began to think: “Surely I am a most remarkable being, since I can move around like this in the middleofempty space.” Then the fish became confused becauseofthinking about moving and swimming, and he suddenly had an anxiety convulsion and thought he had forgotten how. 从前大海里有一条鱼。由于海水是透明的,而且他总能方便地游来游去,所以他不知道自己在海洋里。有一天,他萌生了一个非常危险的想法:“我一定是最了不起的生物了,因为我可以在这样空旷的地方随意移动。”接着小鱼就一直思考着游泳的事儿,越想越困惑。突然,他由于焦虑发生了痉挛,以为自己忘记了怎么游泳。
At that moment he looked down and saw the yawning chasmofthe ocean depths, and he was terrified that he would drop. Then he thought: “If I could catch holdofmy tail in my mouth, I could hold myself up.” And so he curled himself up and snapped at his tail. Unfortunately, his spine wasn’t quite supple enough, so he missed. As he went on trying to catch holdofhis tail, the yawning black abyss below became ever more terrible, and he was brought to the edgeoftotal nervous breakdown.
The fish was about to give up, when the ocean, who had been watching with mixed feelingsofpity and amusement, said, “What are you doing?” “Oh,” said the fish, “I’m terrifiedoffalling into the deep dark abyss, and I’m trying to catch holdofmy tail in my mouth to hold myself up.” So the ocean said, “Well, you’ve been trying that for a long time now, and still you haven’t fallen down. How come?” “Oh,ofcourse, I haven’t fallen down yet,” said the fish, “because, because--I’m swimming!”
“Well,” came the reply, “I am the Great Ocean, in which you live and move and are able to be a fish, and I have given allofmyself to you in which to swim, and I support you all the time you swim. Instead ofexploring the length, breadth, depth, and heightofmy expanse, you are wasting your time pursuing your own end.” From then on, the fish put his own end behind him (where it belonged) and set out to explore the ocean.“