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时间:2021-06-17 15:28:12 英语美文 我要投稿





  Divorce  is painful-unhappy marriage are wrose.It will be tough enough to make a life with another person if you pick the right person.Don't start married life with two strikes against the two of you.You can avoid this irreversible error.Try the following tips.


  Before you marry,think long and hard what marriage means to you .Why are you getting married?To eliminate a deficit in your existence (for example,loneliness)or to enjoy life more fully by sharing it with someone else?The latter is a healthier reason.


  What explicit expectations do you have for a spouse?Are there any behaviors you insist upon?What kind of relationship are you hoping for?Discuss the answers to these questions with your future spouse.


  Over a period of weeks discuss the expectations both of you have for marriage.Decide what's really important,resolve any differences,and negotiate to the point where you can willingly buy into cach other's expectations before you tie the knot.


  Marry based on compatibility,caring ,and common values,Slight adjustment in these areas may be possible,but don't hope for ,or expect,major changes.


  Do you like everything about the way your future spouse has treated you before you decide to get married?If not,remember:it won't get any better after the ceremony.


  What do you enjoy more-the things you do for your prospective spouse or the things that he or she does for you?The future looks right for the  two of you if you each respond to this question by saying,"The things I do for her(him)."


  Can you say with confidence that you are looking forward to growing old with this person?



  A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed,he examined it.


  He was the bud that would soon blossom,but noticed thorns upon the stem and he thought,"How can any beautiful flower from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?"Saddened by this thought,he neglected to water the rose,and just before it was ready to bloom,it died.


  So it is with people,Within every soul there is a rose.The God-like qualities planted in us at birth,grow amid the thorns of our faults.Many of us look at ourselves and a see only the thorns,the defects.


  We despair,thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us.We neglect to water the good within us,and eventually it dies.We never realize our potential.


  Some people do not see the rose within themselves;someone else must show it to them.One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns of another,and find the rose within them.


  This is one of the characteristics of love ,with love ,we can look at a person and accept that person into our life,knowing their true faults and all the while recognizing the nobility in their soul.We should help others to realize they can overcome their faults.If we show them the "rose"within themselves.they will conquer their thorns .Only then will they blossom many times over.



  She left her shoes: she took everything else--her toothbrush, her clothes, and even that stupid little silver vase on the table we kept candy in. Just dumped it out on the table and took the vase. The tiny apartment  we shared seemed different now:her stuff was gone. It wasn't much really, although now the room seemed like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing incomplete. The closet seemed empty too  most of it was her stuff anyway. But there they were at the bottom, piled up like they usually were ,every single one of them,Why did she leave her shoes?She could have forgotten  them, I  knew too well that she took great pride in her shoe collection, but there they still were, right down to her favorite pair of sandals.They were black with a design etched into the wide band that stretched across the top of them,the soles scuffed and worn,a delicate imprint of where her toes rested was visible in the soft fabric.


  It seemed funny to me she walkcd out  of my life without her shoes. Is that irony or am thinking of something else? In a way I was glad they were still here, she would have to come back for them, right?I mean how could she go on with the rest of her life without her shoes? But she's not coming back,I know she isn't. she would rather walk barefoot over glass than have to see me all of her shoes! All of them. every sneaker, boot and sandal, every high heel and clog, every flip-Ilop.What do I do? Do I leave them here or bag them up and throw thorn in the a trash? Do I look at them every morning when I get dressed and wonder by she left them? She knew it" she knows what she"s doing. I can't throw them out for fear she may return for  them today. I can't be rid of myself of her completely with all her shoes still in my life, can't dispose of them or the person that walked in them.


  Her shoes left deep foot print up my heart, and I can't sweep it away.All I can do is stare at  them and wonder, stare at their laces and straps, their buttons and tread.They still connect me to her though, in come distant bizarre way.I can't remember the good times we had,which pair she was wearing at that moment in time.They are hers and no one else's.She wore down the heels,and she scuffed their sides, it's her fragile footpaint imbedded on the insole .I sit on the floor next to them and wonder how many places had she gone while wearing,these shots, how many miles had she walked in them, which pair was she wearing when she decided to leave me? I pick up a high heel she often wore and absently smell it.I don't think it is disgusting.It's just the last tangible link I have to her, the last bit of reality I have of her. She left her shoes; she took everything else except her shots.They remain at the bottom of my closet, a shrine to her memory.











