Dear x,
During my first consulting project, I was asked to construct a sales planfor an insurance company. The first step was to meet Adam, the director ofsales, to discuss forecasting assumptions. A list of questions in hand, Iknocked on the door. To my surprise, Adam was very formal in his reception. Hedid not understand why we were meeting, so I explained that I would be creatingsales plans. At that point, he became outright hostile, he barked out hisnonanswer to my questions and informed me he was very busy preparing salesplans. Before I could suggest cooperation, I was ushered out, and the doorslammed behind me. Too shocked to react to the secretary's condescending smirk,I attempted to grasp why a textbook opportunity for teamwork became such aspectacular failure. What had I done to attract such hostility? I had justwanted to help. I called my engagement manager to complain, but he just accusedme of handling the situation poorly. I was crushed and convinced that I was notcut out for consulting.
To this day, I am not sure why Adam was so hostile. Retrospectively, I canonly guess that he was insulted and threatened, because no one had formallyrequested his assistance. Instead, a twenty-two-year-old appeared in his office,ready to perform one of his most challenging tasks.
Adam and I never became friends, but the incident profoundly affected theway I communicate. Now, every time I interview a client, I begin by exploringand allaying any fears the person might have. I explain the project's rationaleand seek a frank reaction. The rapport thus established makes the intervieweescomfortable enough to share private opinions. This very human interaction notonly secures me with quick yet profound insights, but also relationships thatoften far outlast consulting project.
Yours sincerely,