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  metro line;Subway Lines;subway line;metro lines


  纽约地铁线路图 New York City Subway Map

  香港地铁线路图 Hong Kong Metro Map

  地铁线路养护 subway line maintenance

  上海地铁线路图 Shanghai Metro App ; Shanghai Subway

  XX地铁线路图 XX Subway Map

  地铁线路规划 metro line design

  地铁线路CE Metro Lines CE

  北京地铁线路图 Beijing Subway Map ; bersicht des Streckennetzes der U-Bahn Peking

  地铁线路图 Tube map

  地铁线路 双语例句

  1. 到2007年,90%的公共汽车和70%的出租车将使用清洁的天然气,将兴建5条新的地铁线路,总共114公里长,城市公共汽车服务的处理量将达到日载旅客1950万;到2007年,北京消费天然气将比2000年多四倍,除了发电厂的一些大型锅炉外,将不准使用煤作燃料;到2007年,将再建成l4座污水处理厂,增加处理量,并且,50%经过处理的水将会重新利用。

  And 50 percent of the treated wastewater will be re- used.

  2. 内环线和南北高架环抱左右,地铁1、3、4号线及20余条公交线路穿梭与此,交通十分便利。

  The Inner Circle-line and the North-South overhead road surround it, No.1, 3, 4 Metro lines and more than 20 bus line shuttle here. Transportation is very convenient.

  3. 似乎每天都有新的地铁线路或高速铁路建成,甚至还有一个全新的机场候机楼。

  Every day seems to bring a new metro line or high-speed rail link – even a whole new airport terminal.

  4. 这是继该公司去年连连在深圳、广州、上海签约地铁之后的又一扩张,使其成为目前唯一一家在京沪穗深都拥有地铁线路资源的移动电视广告运营商,加上其此前已拥有的26个国内一、二线城市公交车媒体资源,扩张势头逼人。

  This is afterwards this company signed the another dilate after making an appointment with the subway in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai again and again last year, make its are become current and exclusive spic of a Shanghai is in Beijing is deep the business of operation of mobile TV ad that owns subway route resource, add 26 home that its already owned before this one, resource of media of bus of second line city, outspread impetus is threatening.

  5. 该项目位于徐汇区商业中心徐家汇地段、南丹东路与漕溪北路的交叉路口,是繁荣的现代商贸区,它附近一公里方圆内是上海体育城及龙华旅游城等生活娱乐区和上海交通大学等文化教育区,交通非常便利,有地铁和多条公交线路往来通过。

  The project area is located in the business center carefully linking lots, Nandan Tung Road and the intersection Caoxibeilu is prosperous modern business district, near its surrounding area within one kilometre Shanghai Sports City and Longhua Tourism City live entertainment district and Shanghai Jiaotong University, and other cultural and educational areas, areas with very facilitate a subway and a number of public transport lines between adoption.

  6. 广州地铁公司说,该建议计划的国外净密度上水平的发达国家,而地铁建设计划,有13个线路,总长度488公里,到达。

  Guangzhou Metro Corporation has said that the recommended program abroad net density of the upper level of the developed countries, while the subway construction plan has 13 lines, the total length of 488 kilometers to reach.

  7. 新的道路,新的地铁线路,新的运动中心——这么多的事情都在进行当中。

  New roads, new metro lines, newsports centres - theres so much going on.

  8. 北京的地铁线路一般按照棋盘布局的城市。

  Beijings subway lines generally follow the checkerboard layout of the city.

  9. 到时候将有更多的新地铁线路和新的交通系统。

  A And there will be new metro lines and transport systems.

  10. 到时候将有更多的新地铁线路和新的交通系统。

  And there will be new metro lines and transport systems.

  11. 由于各城市地位的重要性及地铁线路在城市所处的位置不同,人防要求也会随之不同,所以本条规定。

  Due to differences of geographical position of each cities and position of subway lines in cities, aerial defence basement may also be different.

  12. 总投资近34亿元人民币的地铁八通线全长18.964公里,起点为四惠站,途经定福庄、双桥、杨闸、八里桥至通州北苑后,线路拐向东南方向,沿旧京津公路经果园、体育场直至终点土桥站。


  地铁线路在英文中通常被称为 "subway line" 或 "metro line"。










