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Harry:Do you want to hear something spooky? I met my uncle yesterday.
Sally:Big deal! That’s not very scary. Next you’ll tell me he’s dead.
Harry:He died? ten years ago.
Sally:Stop playing around. You know,I get scared when you start talking like this.
Harry:You big coward! I’m just joking.
Sally:You know,I get spooked from ghost stories and scary movies. The scary movies made my hair stand on end,and keep me awake at night.
Harry:Actually,I wasn’t completely joking. I saw him in a dream last night.
Sally:Maybe you just miss him.
Harry:Yeah,he was a great uncle,very kind to me,when he was alive?.
我害怕蛇。I’m afraid of snakes.
★ snake [sneik] n. 蛇
我害怕置身于狭小的空间里。I have a fear of being in small places.
★ fear [fiE] n. 害怕,恐惧
你吓坏我了。You scared me.
= You frightened me.
○ You scared me to death. 你把我吓死了。
★ scare [skZE] v. 惊吓,使受吓
★ frighten [5fraitn] v. 使惊吓
★ death [deW] n. 死亡
That horror movie made my hair stand on end.
● horror movie“恐怖电影”
● make one’s hair stand on end“使某人吓得头发都竖起来了”
We were horror-stricken when we saw the accident.
★ horror-stricken [5hCrE7strikEn] a. 吓坏的(= horrow-struck)
我都吓傻了。I was scared silly.
○ I get scared. 我害怕了。
○ I almost lost it.
吓得我不寒而栗。My blood ran cold.
★ blood [blQd] n. 血
1. I m afraid I can t come to your wedding. 我很抱歉,学英语的好网站,恐怕参加不了你的婚礼
2. He is really afraid of the dark. 他真的挺怕黑的。
3. I have a great fear of sharks. 我很怕鲨鱼。
4. I m worried it might rain today. 我担心明天会下雨。
5. I fear I won t finish my assignment on time. 我担心我不能按时完成我的作业了。
6. I m frightened I might fall. 我很害怕我会掉下去。
7. James is scared to death of flying. 詹姆斯怕坐飞机怕得要命。
8. That movie was absolutely terrifying. 那部电影真够恐怖的。
9. I was petrified when I heard a noise outside. 我听到外面的声响时都吓呆了。
10. He s been dreading this day for months. 他一连几个月都在担心这一天。
11. That guy gives me the creeps. 那家伙让我毛骨悚然。
12. I think he has a few last-minute jitters, but he ll be OK. 我想他的确有些坐立不安,不过他会没事的。
心里担心害怕的说说 担心害怕不安的说说08-26