口语 百文网手机站


时间:2022-11-12 18:03:21 口语 我要投稿






  1. I' m afraid I can' t come to your wedding. 我很抱歉,学英语的好网站,恐怕参加不了你的婚礼

  2. He is really afraid of the dark. 他真的挺怕黑的。

  3. I have a great fear of sharks. 我很怕鲨鱼。

  4. I' m worried it might rain today. 我担心明天会下雨。

  5. I fear I won' t finish my assignment on time. 我担心我不能按时完成我的作业了。

  6. I' m frightened I might fall. 我很害怕我会掉下去。

  7. James is scared to death of flying. 詹姆斯怕坐飞机怕得要命。

  8. That movie was absolutely terrifying. 那部电影真够恐怖的。

  9. I was petrified when I heard a noise outside. 我听到外面的声响时都吓呆了。

  10. He' s been dreading this day for months. 他一连几个月都在担心这一天。

  11. That guy gives me the creeps. 那家伙让我毛骨悚然。

  12. I think he has a few last-minute jitters, but he' ll be OK. 我想他的确有些坐立不安,不过他会没事的。



  I’d like to order your products.


  We’re ready to place an order with you.


  Can we make a change on order No.24?


  Our order hasn’t arrived yet. Could you please check it for me?



  1.You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!

  2. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?

  3. I’m very disappointed. 真让我失望。

  5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!

  6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!

  7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

  8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?

  9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!

  10. I don’t want to see you ce! 我不愿再见到你!

  11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!

  12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?

  13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。

  14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

  15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!

  16. Leave me alone. 走开。

  17. Get lost.滚开!

  18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

  19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。

  20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!



  我叫Tony。I'm Tony.


  我叫Susan。I'm Susan.


  我叫芳芳。I'm Fangfang.


  我是东东。I'm Dongdong.


  我是明明。I'm Mingming.


  我是丁丁。I'm Dingding.


  我是Mars。I'm Mars.


  我是Ted。I′m Ted.

  A sorry!aunt,i really won"t stay here,hope you can konw me ~B but,you are a kid! do you konw? A i isn"t a kid,i can do everything by selfconfidence.i want to do what i want to~~~~~i believe i can do better B if you do it,i don" allow you eat diner A o,iask my mother at once!saying you misuse me, figure out! B i order you go to school in a minute,you can get a car! figure out A O my god,let"s go! B go


























  Set 2

  1. When do we use shampoo? (When we was our hair.)

  2. Where does your mother cook? (In the kitchen.)

  3. Does an elephant use its nose to pick up things? (Yes, it does.)

  4. What color are tomatoes inside? (Red.)

  5. In which season do we put on more clothes? (In winter / autumn.)

  6. How many days are there in January? (Thirty-one.)

  7. Which are often thicker, dictionaries or magazines? (Dictionaries.)

  School things(学习用品)

  School bag, Books, sharpener, water bottle, pencil-cave, pen, pencil, eraser, rubber, glue, crayon, color-pencil, ruler, sharpener

  What do you have in your schoolbag?

  I have a sharpener.

  How many books have you got?

  I have got 8 books, English book, math book, Chinese book, music book, drawing book, comic book, computer book, story book, exercise book.

  In the classroom(教室)

  TV set, chair, desk, door, window, curtain(窗帘),floor,schoolbag, light, fan, teacher's desk, table, picture

  What can you see in the classroom?

  I can see a light.

  How many lights can you see?

  I can see 8 lights.


  Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Aunty, Uncle, Nephew, Niece, Cousin, Grandpa, Grandma.

  How many people are there in your family?

  My family has five people.

  There are five people in my family.

  My father,mother, brother, sister and me.

  My parents, brother, sister and me.

  Who's he? He's my father.

  Who's she? She's my mother.

  Who are they? They're my family.


  一、 Greetings 问候语

  1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!

  2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!

  3. I'm Kelly. 我是凯莉。

  4. Are you Tom? 你是汤姆吗?

  5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

  6. How are you? 你好吗?

  7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?

  8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。

  9. How is Lily / your wife / your husband? 莉莉好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?

  10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。

  11. Good night,Sunny. 晚安,珊妮。

  12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。

  13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。

  14. See you later. 待会儿见。

  15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。

  二、Expression In Class 课堂用语

  16. May I come in? 我能进来吗?

  17. Come in, please. 请进。

  18. Sit down, please. 请坐。

  19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。

  20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。

  21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。

  22. Here! 到!

  23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?

  24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗?

  25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗?

  26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?

  27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗?

  28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗?

  29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。

  30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。

  三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品

  31. What's this? 这是什么?

  32. It's a pen. 是支笔。

  33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗?

  34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。

  35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔?

  36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。

  37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?

  38. No, it isn't. It's a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。

  39. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?

  40. What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的?

  41. How big is your house? 你的房子有多大?

  42. How long is the street? 这条街有多长?

  43. What's the name of the cat? 这猫叫什么名字?

  44. Where's the company? 那个公司在哪儿?

  45. Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的?

  四、About Belongings 关于所有物

  46. What's this? 这是什么?

  47. It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。

  48. Is this yours? 这是你的吗?

  49. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。

  50. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?

  51. Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?

  52. Over there. 在那边。

  53. On the desk. 在桌上。

  54. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡


  55. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。

  56. Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包?

  57. The bigger one. 大些的那个。

  58. The one on your right. 你右边的那个。

  59. Are these books all yours? 这些书全是你的吗?

  60. Some of them are mine. 一部分是我的。



  East 东

  South 南

  West 西

  North 北

  Left 左

  Right 右

  Straight on 往 前 直 去

  There 那 儿

  Front 前 方

  Back 后 方

  Side 侧 旁

  Before 之 前

  After 之 后

  First left/right 第 一 个 转 左 / 右 的 路

  二、请问如何前往 ……

  Excuse me, How do I get to the …… ? 请 问 如 何 前 往 ¨ ¨ ¨ ?

  How do I get to the airport? 请 问 如 何 前 往 机 场 ?

  How do I get to the bus station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 公 车 站 ?

  How do I get to the metro station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?( Metro 乃 欧 洲 常 用 字 )

  How do I get to the subway station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?( Subway 乃 北 美 洲 常 用 字 )

  How do I get to the underground station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?( underground 乃 英 国 常 用 字 )

  How do I get to the train station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 火 车 站 ?

  How do I get to the hotel XXX? 请 问 如 何 前 往 XXX 酒 店 ?

  How do I get to the police station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 警 局 ?

  How do I get to the post office? 请 问 如 何 前 往 邮 政 局 ?

  How do I get to the tourist information office? 请 问 如 何 前 往 旅 游 资 讯 局 ?

  三、请问附近 ……

  Excuse me, Is there …… near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 ……?

  Is there a baker near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 面 包 店 ?

  Is there a bank near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 银 行 ?

  Is there a bar near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 酒 吧 ?

  Is there a bus stop near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 公 车 站 ?

  Is there a cafe near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 咖 啡 店 ?

  Is there a cake shop near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 西 饼 店 ?

  Is there a change bureau near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 找 换 店

  Is there a chemist's near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 药 剂 师 ?

  Is there a department store near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 百 货 公 司

  Is there a disco near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 的 士 高 ?

  Is there a hospital nearby? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 医 院 ?

  Is there a night club near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 夜 总 会 ?

  Is there a post box near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 邮 政 局 ?

  Is there a public toilet near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 公 共 厕 所 ?

  Is there a restaurant near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 餐 厅 ?

  Is there a telephone near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 电 话 ?

  Is there a travel agent near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 旅 游 社 ?

  Is there a youth hostel near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 青 年 旅 馆 ?

  You must obey all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志

  Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名

  Turn on the engine (car)。 点火

  Let's go. 现在开始

  Right turn. 右转

  Left turn. 左转

  Go straight/keep moving straight. 直行

  First street right turn/left turn. 第一条街右转/左转

  Traffic light right turn/left turn. 交通灯右转/左转

  Stop sign, make a right turn/left turn. 停牌右转/左转

  Stay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶

  Second street. 第二条街

  Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯

  Turn on the wind shield wiper. 开雨刷

  Right of way. 优先权

  Stop the car here. 在这里停车

  Pull over the curb. 靠路边停车

  Slow down 慢驶

  Three point turn. 三点调头

  Parallel parking. 平行泊车

  Up hill parking. 上坡泊车

  Down hill parking. 下坡泊车

  Back up. 后退

  Back into the driveway. 倒车进入车道

  Too close. 太接近

  Too slow. 太慢

  Too fast. 太快

  Speed up . 加速

  Give your signal. 打灯号

  Cancel your signal. 取消灯号

  Watch for pedestrians. 注意行人

  Take it easy/relax please. 请不要紧张

  More gas. 加油

  Follow the car. 跟着前车

  Entrance. 入口

  Exit 出口

  Intersection 十字路口

  Put on your seat belt. 放安全带

  Parking brake . 手刹

  Turn on the heater/air conditioner. 打开暖气/冷气

  Head in parking/drive in . 车头进泊车

  Back in parking. 后退泊车

  Turn off the engine. 关闭引擎

  You failed. 你不合格

  Do you have any identification? 你有证件么


  1) o! Is (Tom ) in ?

  2) Nice to meet you. I'm Bill Dillon.

  3) Nice day, isn't it?

  4) I'll take all of them.

  5) May I / Could I speak to …?

  6) Is that … (speaking)? Yes, it is

  7) How is everything going?

  8) Have a nice trip.

  9) This is … (speaking) .

  10) Looks like rain, doesn't it ?

  11) Shall I open the window for you ?

  12) Hold on (for a moment), please./ Just a moment, please. / Wait a moment, please.

  13) Who is that? / Can I ask who's calling?

  14) Can you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop?

  15) Hi ! I'm Judy Drew.

  16) Why don't you use a knife?

  17) I'm afraid he/she isn't here/ in right now.

  18) Can I take a message for you?

  19) Will you give him a message, please?

  20) -Does he /she have your number?

  v --Perhaps not. My number is….

  21) How about going for a walk?

  22) The line is busy. I'll try again later.

  23) Which is the way to the nearest post office?

  24) I've lost a case , I wonder if it has been found.

  25) May I use the telephone?

  26) I can't get through (to sb) . I'll try again later.

  27) Take your time , please.

  28) May I try it on ?

  29) I just call to say …

  30) Wrong number!/ I'm afraid you've dialed a wrong number.

  31) The line is bad./ It's not a good line.

  32) I want to have a look at… .

  33) How much is it?

  34) I can't decide which to buy.

  35) Can you make it cheaper?

  36) You are wanted on the phone.

  37) I wonder if I could park here.

  38) There is a call for you.

  39) Would you please not smoke here ?

  40) You're welcome.


  At a Wedding在婚礼上:参加婚礼的史密斯夫妇,想起了自己曾经的婚礼,谈论伴郎伴娘长得英俊漂亮,牧师主持得不错等等。

  Mr. Smith:They’re playing the Wedding March. Your eyes are filled with tears。


  Mrs. Smith:I’m very touched and I can’t help bursting into tears at a wedding。


  Mr. Smith:Really? I haven’t seen that at our wedding, but at Jeff and Mary’s。


  Mrs. Smith:Mary looks so beautiful in the wedding gown, and I recall the moment that I was a bride。


  Mr. Smith:You will always be the most beautiful one in the world. What is the bridesmaid’s name?


  Mrs. Smith:Judy. Why are you so interested in her?


  Mr. Smith:Don’t be so sensitive. Just a casual question. I caught you looking at the groomsman。


  Mrs. Smith:He is terribly handsome。


  Mr. Smith:I wonder why he is chosen to be the groomsman and why Mary doesn’t marry him, since he’s much more attractive。


  Mrs. Smith:Why are you so bitter? No one tells worse jokes than you。


  Mr. Smith:The minister is doing a good job. I’m not sure if they’ll be as happy as we are。


  I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。


  Who will officiate at the wedding?


  They’re playing the Wedding March。


  The groom and bride are perfect for each other。


  I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。


  I hope you have a great honeymoon。


  Congratulations on your marriage!


  It’s great for you to tie the knot!



  1. This model of typewriter is efficient and durable, economical and practical for middle school students.


  2. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size, energy saving and is also easy to learn and easy to operate.


  3. They are not only as low-priced as the goods of other markers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects.


  4. You will get a 30% increase in production upon using this machine and also it allows one person to perform the tasks of three people.


  5. This product will pay its own way in a year.


  6. This machine will pay back your investment in six months.


  7. The new type of suitcase car designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.


  8. This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.


  9. The maximum speed of this kind of variable-speed bicycle is 30 km per hour.


  10. These machines have few breakdowns and are easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure.


  11. Compared with the other brands, this kind of type costs less per mile and wears much longer due to its topnotch rubber.


  12. This kind of type is characteristic of nonskid stops on wet roads.


  13. This material has a durable and easy to clean surface.


  14. This kind of air conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your company.


  15. Our products are of superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up.




  A subway map, please.

  Could I have a subway map, please? *比较礼貌的说法。


  Where's the ticket counter?


  How much is the fare to Shinjuku?

  How much is the fare to Shinjuku? (到新宿多少钱?)

  I'll find out for you. (我看一下。)

  What is the fare to Shinjuku?

  How much does it cost to get to Shinjuku?

  What's the price of a ticket to Shinjuku?

  How much do I pay to go to Shinjuku?


  It's one hundred fifty yen.


  Which train should I take to Shinjuku?

  Which train goes to Shinjuku? (哪趟车到新宿?)

  Which train stops at Shinjuku? (哪趟车在新宿停?)

  Which train is going toward Shinjuku? (哪趟车开往新宿?)


  Where am I supposed to change? *be supposed to…“应该做……”。

  Where am I supposed to change? (我应该在哪站换车?)

  At Shinjuku. (在新宿。)

  Where do I change trains?

  Where should I change trains?

  Where am I supposed to transfer?

  At what station should I change?


  Where am I supposed to get off for Ogikubo?


  You can change to the JR Chuo Line at Shinjuku.


  Where can I catch an express train? *特快是a limited express, 每站都停的车是a local train。


  Go to track number two.

  Go to track two.

  Take this train. (坐这趟车。)

  Take the orange train. (坐那辆黄色的车。)

  Take the Chuo Line. (坐中央线。)


  How often do the trains come?

  How frequently do the trains come? *frequently 表示频繁程度,“不时地,频繁地”。

  How many trains run in an hour? (一个小时有几趟车?)

  When do the trains come? (车什么时候来?)


  The trains come every ten minutes. *every表示“每”。

  The trains run six times an hour. (一个小时有6趟车。)

  The trains come very often. (一会儿一趟。)

  The trains come five times a day. (一天5趟车。)


  When is the next express?

  When is the next express? (下趟快车是几点?)

  At 1:10. (1点10分。)


  What time is the last train to Chofu?

  What time is the last train to Chofu? (到调布的末班车是几点?)

  I'm not sure. Probably around midnight. (不清楚,大概是夜里12点吧。)


  Is the next train an express?


  Does this train stop at Chofu?

  Does this train stop at Chofu? (这趟车在调布停吗?)

  Yes, it does. (停。)

  Will this train stop at Chofu?

  Does this train go to Chofu? (这趟车去调布吗?)


  It's the fourth stop from here.

  How far is it to Shinjuku? (到新宿有多远?)

  It's the fourth stop from here. (从这到那儿有4站地。)

  There are four more stops to Shinjuku.

  There are four more stops before Shinjuku.


  After the next stop.

  The second stop. (第2个站。)

  Two more stops. (还有两站。)


  How many stops are there to Shinjuku?

  How many stops are there to Shinjuku?(到新宿还有几站?)

  There are four more stops to Shinjuku.(到新宿还有4站。)


  What's the next stop?

  What's the next station?

  Could you tell me what the next station is? (您能告诉我下站是哪儿吗?)

  Would you tell me what the next stop is? (请告诉我下站到哪儿了?)

  I was wondering what the next station is. (我不知道下站是哪儿。)

  Is the next station Chofu? (下站是调布吗?)


  The next stop is Chofu.


  Where can I get a taxi?

  Where can I get a taxi? (我在哪儿可以打到车?)

  There's a taxi stand up ahead. (前面就有出租汽车站。)

  Where can I catch a taxi?

  Do you know where I can get a taxi? (您知道哪儿有出租汽车站吗?)

  Where's a taxi stand around here? (这附近哪儿有出租汽车站?)


  Where's the taxi stand?

  Where's the cabstand?


  Call me a taxi, please.

  Call me a taxi, please. (请帮我叫辆出租车。)

  Certainly. Where to, sir? (好的,您去哪儿?)

  Can you get me a taxi, please? (您能帮我叫辆出租车吗?)

  Taxi, please.

  Hail a taxi, please. *hail 表示“大声叫、叫住(船、车、人等)”。

  Ring me a taxi, please. *英式英语。用于打电话叫出租车时。


  How long does it take to get downtown?


  How much does it cost?

  How much will it cost?

  How much do you charge?


  Where to?

  Where're you going?

  Where would you like to go? (您想去哪儿?)


  To Wall Street, please.


  To this address, please.

  Take me to this address, please.

  I'd like to go to this address.

  Please take me here. (请带我到这儿。)


  I'm in a hurry.

  I'm in a hurry. (我有急事。)

  May I ask why? (怎么了?)*有礼貌的问法。


  Take the shortest way, please.


  Could you wait for me, please?


  Stop here, please.


  Could you help me carry my bag?


  How much would it cost to get there? *用would表示类似“要是去……的话”的语气,句子显得有礼貌、客气。

  How much will it cost?


  Where's the bus stop?


  Is there a bus to the airport?

  Is there a bus to the airport? (有去机场的汽车吗?)

  No, I'm afraid not. (恐怕没有。)


  How many stops to the museum?


  When is the next bus to Narita?

  When is the next bus to Narita? (下趟到成田机场的车是几点?)

  It's at 4∶10. (4点10分。)

  When does the next bus to Narita leave? (下趟到成田的车几点开?)

  How long do I have to wait for the next bus to Narita? (还得等多长时间才能有到成田机场的车?)

  What time is the next bus to Narita?

  How soon is the next bus to Narita? (下趟到成田的车多久才能来?)


  Does this bus go to the airport?


  Could you tell me when to get off?

  Could you tell me when to get off? (麻烦您到站时告诉我一声。)

  No problem. (没问题。)


  The bus has just left. *加上just含有“就在刚才”的语气。

  The bus just left.

  We just missed our bus. (就在刚才,我们错过了那趟汽车。) *miss“错过,没赶上”。


  The buses don't come on time. *on time“正点,按时间”。

  The buses are not punctual.

  The buses don't come as scheduled.

  The buses are always late. (汽车总是晚点。)


  Is this seat taken?

  Is this seat taken? (这儿有人坐吗?)

  No, it's not. (没人坐。)

  Is anyone sitting here? (有人坐这儿吗?)

  Can I sit here? (我可以坐这儿吗?)

  Do you mind if I sit here? (我坐这儿可以吗?)

  Is this seat free?


  Isn't the traffic heavy?

  Isn't it crowded?

  Isn't the road congested?


  1、Advanced samples must arrive in London before the end of August; otherwise the goods are useless. 前寄样品必须在8月底以前到达伦敦,否则所订货物都将无效。

  2、Can you let me have the name and quantities? 你可以告诉我货名和数量吗?

  3、Could you run that by me again? 你能再说一遍吗?

  4、Don’t bother me! 别烦我!

  5、Don’t hog the bathroom! 别占着卫生间了!

  6、Give me five more minutes please。 再给我五分钟时间好吗?

  7、How did you sleep? 你睡的怎么样?

  8、How do you do?/ Good morning!您好!(初次见面时使用)/早上好!

  9、I need more information. 我需要更多的信自。

  10、I shall be free this afternoon. 我今天下午有空。

  11、I shall be here at half past six. 我六点半在这儿。

  12、I’ll be so glad if you can come. 如果您能来我将很高兴。

  13、I’ll be very pleased to see you. 我将非常高兴见到您。

  14、I’m not quite sure if I’m free. 我不肯定是否有空。

  15、I’m ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that the goods are confined to Finland. 我准备向你们订货,但是唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给芬兰的公司。

  16、Ihope this meeting is productive. 我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。

  17、I’ll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed……我要领您到床边去.请跟我来.这是您的床位.

  18、I’m not myself 我烦透了。

  19、Monday would be better for me. 星期一会好一点。

  20、Not in the long run. 从长远来说并不是这样。这句话很实用,也可显示你的“高瞻远瞩”。


  1. The goods we ordered on February 12 have arrived in a damaged condition.


  2. A number of cases are broken and the contents are badly damaged.


  3. The package are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably.


  4. We wish to inform you that five of the cars we bought from you have been seriously out of order within 50Km driving distance.


  5. Nearly 20% of the bales were broken and the contents badly soiled.


  6. From the shipment of 2,000 cases of glassware, we ind that a number of wooden cases and the contents have been broken.


  7. On inspection, we found that about 50 bags are broken and it is estimated that 240Kg of cement had been lost.


  8. We regret to inform you that eight of the cases of your consignment arrived in a badly damaged condition.


  9. We have examined the contents and find that 92 pieces are missing and the rest unfit for use.


  10. Your shipment of goods has been found short in weight by reinspection.


  11. We are now making a claim against you for the ten defective sew machines.


  12. There is a shortage of 1,450 pounds in this shipment.


  13. On arrival of the shipment, we found at least 50 cases damaged, which made up 20% of the total quantity.


  14. We had the material inspected immediately when the goods arrived, and a shortage of 15kg was found.


  15. It was found, much to our astonishment, that nearly 30% of the electronic components were water-stained.


  16. You should make amends for the losses by replacing all the detective products, and paying for the business we have lost.


  17. After the inspection of the goods arrived, we found a shortage of 50MT.


  18. Case NO 16 was found to be 3 packages short.


  19. We are now lodging a claim against you for the shortweight of fertilizer.


  20. We have to ask for compensation of the loss incurred as a result of the interior quality of the goods concerned.


  Part Two

  21. We hope indemnification will be made for all expenses incurred.


  22. On the basis of the survey report, we register our claim with you for $3,000.


  23. You are requested to compensate us for the total loss of sugar at value of $105 Per MT.


  24. We claim compensation of $1,800 for inferiority of quality.


  25. We have to file a claim against you to the amount of $7,000 plus inspection fee.


  26. You should compensate us by 3%, plus the inspection fee.


  27. This is a statement of loss and you should indemnify us $2,450.


  28. We are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $27,500, which we have sustained by the damage to the goods.


  29. We found that the quality of the TV sets we received last week is below standard. So we request a 5% allowance.


  30. We claim an allowance of £230 on account of the quality of this shipment.


  31. We have to ask for compensation of £6,000 to cover the loss incurred as result of the inferior quality of the goods.


  32. We are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $20,000, which we have sustained by the disqualified goods.


  33. We are willing to accept the shipment only if you allow a 30% reduction in price.


  34. We hope you will settle this claim as soon as possible.


  35. Claims for shortage must be made within 30 days after arrival of the goods.


  36. Kindly remit us the amount of claim at an early date.


  37. On examination, we have found that many of the sewing machines are severely damaged.


  38. Please dispatch, within one week, the replacement of another five refrigerators with a price reduction of thirty percent of the total value of the five refrigerators.


  39. We should be obliged if you would forward us a replacement for the machine as soon as possible.


  40. We insist that you should send perfect goods to replace the defective goods.



  1.If only our team had scored one more point.



  2.Nobody likes grapes more than I do.


  【表达强烈的喜欢,此句可变成爱情用语—— Nobody loves Jane more than I do.很实用哦!】

  3.The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather.


  4.Ann prefers cold weather to hot weather.



  5.How long have you been studying English?



  6.Being happy in my work is most important to me.



  Unit 9 How old are you?你几岁了?

  1、 那位叔叔很喜欢你,他摸着你的头,问:

  你几岁了?How old are you?

  2、 老师介绍来了一位新同学坐在你同位,你问他:

  几岁了?How old are you?

  3、 小伙伴猜他比你大,你问:

  他几岁了?How old are you?

  4、 明知今天是宝宝的生日,你却问了个调皮捣蛋的问题:

  你几岁了?How old are you?

  5、 老爷爷年纪大了,走路都颤微微的,你很想知道他多大年纪了,就问:

  爷爷,你多大年纪了?How old are you?

  6、 老奶奶说要给你讲一个很久以前的故事,你却想知道老奶奶现在的年纪,你问她:

  您现在多大年纪了?How old are you, granny?

  7、 在田野,你捉到一支可爱的小山雀,你问:

  它多大了。How old are you now?

  8、 那只小羊正在朝着你叫呢。你跑过去问:

  你几岁了?How old are you?



  May I help?

  May I help? (要我帮忙吗?/要我帮你拿吗?)

  Sure. If you don’t mind. (当然,要是不麻烦的话。)

  Do you want any help?

  Need any help?

  Need a hand?

  Do you need a hand?

  Can I give you a hand?

  Do you need some help?

  Can I help you carry that? (要我帮您搬吗?)


  Think twice before you decide.


  How about this one?

  How about this one? (这个怎么样?)

  It’s the same price.(这个价钱也是一样。)

  What about this one?


  I want to make a suggestion.

  I want to offer a suggestion.


  Let’s take a short cut. *short cut表示“近路,捷径”。

  Let’s go a shorter way.


  Let’s play hooky! *play hooky 俚语,“逃学”。

  Let’s skip school!

  Let’s cut class!

  Let’s ditch school!


  Let’s call in sick.


  Let’s play cards!


  I have an idea.

  I have an idea. (我有个主意。)

  What is it? (什么主意?)

  I’ve got it.

  I have come up with an idea.

  I have a good idea. (我有个好主意。)


  Tell you what. *用于向对方提建议时。它是I’ll tell you what.的缩写。

  Tell you what. Why don’t you come to my house now? (这样怎么样?你现在就来我家一趟,怎么样?)

  Okay. (好吧!)


  Let me think for a moment.


  Just think about it.

  I don’t know what to say. (我不知道说什么好。)

  Just think about it. (你好好想想看。)


  You should get a haircut.

  You should cut your hair.

  You need a haircut.


  Won’t you join us? *Won’t you…? 表示“……好吗?”,是一种表达建议的较随便的方式。

  Why don’t you come along? (我们一起去吧?)


  What do you suggest?

  What is your suggestion?


  Wanna make a bet? *wanna口语说法。是Do you want to…的缩写。

  Wanna make a bet? (打赌?)

  You’re on! (行啊。)

  Doo you want to bet?

  Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?

  Let’s bet on it. (我们打个赌吧。)

  Want to bet?


  I suggest you take a taxi.









