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Sack 解雇的BBC地道英语口语练习

时间:2021-08-17 10:32:57 口语 我要投稿

Sack 解雇的BBC地道英语口语练习

  Neil: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil.

Sack 解雇的BBC地道英语口语练习

  Helen: 大家好,我是Helen,欢迎收听地道英语。

  Neil: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

  Helen: 英语是在现实生活中不断发展的语言,所以我们需要随时更新词汇,最好的方法莫过于收听 BBC Learning English 制作的`地道英语。

  Neil: That’s right, Helen.

  Helen: 今天你给我们准备的词是什么?Neil?

  Neil: Well today’s word is a very common word in English but it’s a word you probably never want to hear in relation to yourself.

  Helen: That sounds scary! What’s the word?

  Neil: Today’s word is to sack. S.A.C.K. Sack.

  Helen: I thought a sack was a kind of bag.

  Neil: It is, but we use the verb ‘to sack’ to refer to being dismissed from your job.

  Helen: 那么说 to sack somebody 就是解雇某人的意思,炒鱿鱼。

  Neil: That’s right. Your boss might sack you because you’re always late for work or because you do your job very badly.


  A: Did you hear about Andrew?

  B: No, what happened?

  A: The boss sacked him.

  B: He got sacked! Why?

  A: Because he was late for work every day for a month!

  Helen: 如果不干活,或者工作干得不好,都会遭到被解雇的厄运。

  Neil: That’s right. It is very embarrassing and shameful to get the sack.

  Helen: To get the sack?

  Neil: Yes, that’s another way to use the word. It’s possible to say: I was sacked; or my boss sacked me; or I got the sack.

  Helen: 看来,这个词又有其他的用法,虽然意思相同。 Have you ever been given the sack, Neil?

  Neil: Certainly not! I’m a true professional. Anyway, we’re nearly out of time.

  Helen: So let’s recap. To sack somebody 就是解雇某人,to get the sack 就是说因为犯错或者做了什么坏事,被解雇了,从而丢掉了工作。

  Neil: Exactly so. Now it’s time for us to go now, Helen. See you all next time.

  Helen: Yes, see you next time. Bye.

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