
时间:2024-06-07 21:24:00 口语 我要投稿
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  第一部分人际交流之约会 Appointment


  Conversation 1

  A : Do you want to go shopping with me ?

  B : Thats a good idea . What time is good for you ?

  A : How about Saturday morning ?

  B : Sounds good .

  Conversation 2

  A : Can I see your parents some time tomorrow ?

  B : Sorry , they are too busy these days .

  A : How about this weekend ?

  B : Yes ,I think so .

  Conversation 3

  A : What do you plan to do on Sunday morning ?

  B : Nothing special .

  A : How about going to English corner with me ?

  B : Oh , Id rather not .

  A : Why not ?

  B : You know , I am poor at English , especially spoken English .

  A : Thats why you should go there , If you dont dare to speak English owing to the fact that you are afraid of maaking mistakes , you simply will never learn English .

  Conversation 4

  A : Hello , I wish to speak to Mr,Zhang .

  B : This is he speaking .

  A : Oh , how do you do , Mr.Zhang? This is Mary speaking , I have a present for you from Wu of Beijing .

  B : Oh , thank you .

  A : Mr.Wu had told me that you were coming to Changchun. May I call on you at your hotel tomorrow ?

  B : Yes , its all right . Shall we say two in the afternoon?

  A : Great . Then Ill be at your hotel at two .

  B : All Right .

  A : How could I get there ?

  B : The hotel is near to Peoples Square . Its name is Bai Ju Hotel .

  A : whats your room number?

  B : Its Room 302 on the third floor . But Ill be waiting for you in the lobby , If you cant find me ,please page me .

  A : Ill do that , Mr.Zhang , See you tomorrow .

  B : See you !

  Conversation 5

  A : Hello. Green Trading Company . What can I do for you ?

  B : Im Mr.Stephens secretary . He has an appointment with Mr.Green today .

  A : Yes. Itll be at three oclock this afternoon .

  B : Im afraid we have to reschedule it .

  A : Didnt we make that appointment a long time ago ?

  B : Im very sorry . But Mr.stephen must leave for Hong Kong right away.

  A : How about Friday afternoon?

  B : Thatll be fine .

  Conversation 6

  A : I want to meet you . Are you free this evening ?

  B : Well, actually , Im not free today . Do you have anything urgent ?

  A : No , I just want to meet you .

  B : How about tomorrow instead .

  A : Hmm, thats all right . Shall we meet at the bar near beach ?

  B : All right . See you then .

  第二部分人际交流之赞扬 Praise


  Conversation 1

  A : What an attractive blouse , You look so pretty in this blue dress!

  B : Really ? Thank you . I bought it in Spring Street yesterday .

  A : Its very nice . It goes well with your skirt .

  B : Thank you . Its very nice of you to say so .

  A : Not at all. This dress certainly shows your good taste.

  B : Thats quite a compliment coming from you .

  Conversation 2

  A : How do you do , Prof .Smith .

  B : How do you do , Ms. Yang. You speak very good English .

  A : Thank you . I begin to like English even when I was a child.

  B : Where did you learn it?

  A : At school , in China . This is my first time to be out of my own country .

  B : Its amazing .

  Conversation 3

  A : I really like the book you lent me the other day .

  B : Im glad you like it .

  A : And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long .

  B : Not at all .

  A : Everyone in our class enjoyed it too. Its very interesting .

  B : Oh, Im glad.

  A : Would you mind me keeping it for another three days?

  B : No problem.

  Conversation 4

  A : I think your speech was excellent.

  B : Was it?

  A : Sure it was .

  B : Thank you . It was really a challenge to speak before such a large audience , you know.

  A : But you did it and did it well!

  Conversation 5

  A : This is my house . Let me show you around it .

  B : How beautiful the detached house is !

  A : Follow me to the back-yard.

  B : Its marvelous ! The lawn looks like a green carpet , and the garden with so many lovely flowers.

  A : We had the grass cut and the flowers trimmed this morning .

  B : No wonder it smells fragrant .

  A : Here is the swimming pool and we can swim later.

  B : Its fantastic!

  Conversation 6

  A : Hi !Wang Mei . Come and have a look at my new dress.

  B : Oh! What a beautiful dress! It fits you so well . You look so charming in the dress.

  A : Thank you for saying so .

  B : Where did you buy it?

  A : I bought it in a store near my school .

  B : How much is it ?

  A : Its only thirty yuan .

  B : Its so cheap. Ill buy one , too.

  A : Ill go together with you .

  Conversation 7

  A : What a nice tie you are wearing !

  B : Thank you . But does it really look all right ?

  A : Certainly . It matches your suit perfectly.

  B : Then does it go well with my sweater?

  A : Yes . You look very smart today .

  B : Thank you very much.



  Conversation 1

  A : Jack ! Youve really done it this time .

  B : What? What happened?

  A : I told you to get this consignment out last week . We cant very well run a light bulb conference without any light bulbs , can we ? What am I going to do with you ?

  B : Please , give me one more chance . Ill never let it happen again . Im very sorry .

  A : Well , I guess I could give you one more chance , but this is the last time . In the meantime , I hear that Tom who normally does night shift is taking three weeks vacation , Can you think of anyone who B : would be willing to work nights while he is gone?

  A : Um , me ?

  B : Bingo !

  Conversation 2

  A : Hello, Bobby ,It seems that I cant arrive at your home by 12 oclock.

  B : What happened? Were all expecting you , Hans , Dick , Archie...

  A : Im so sorry , Ive been held up by the damn traffic jam for half an hour . Id have arrived but for that.

  B : I see. Where are you now, Li?

  A : Thirty meters ahead is the Waterloo Bridge .

  B : Its not far away from home, Its -let me see – about 20minuteswalk , Can you walk here?

  A : Ive thought of that , but what can I do with my car? If only I had taken a taxi !

  B : Thats too bad , But dont worry . Well put off dinner till one oclock .

  A : Im so terribly sorry to keep you waiting .

  B : It doesnt matter . Bye .

  A : Bye.

  Conversation 3

  A : Hi .

  B : Hi, May, Hi , Ken I hate to bring this up, but that new stereo ,system you got ...

  A : Yeah?

  B : You were playing it very late last night .

  A : Yeah?

  B : It kept me awake .

  A : Oh, Im sorry .

  B : It kept me awake a couple of hours.

  A : Im so sorry , I .. I didnt realize it was that loud.

  B : It was that loud, and it was pretty late, and check with Mary if you dont believe me .

  A : Its true . It was a bit loud .

  B : Im very sorry . I didnt realize it . I promise Ill keep it down in the future.

  A : Oh, its no problem . Its OK. You know , it only happened once.

  B : I am glad weve straightened everything out .

  Conversation 4

  A : We cant wait any longer...

  B : (Rushing in )Im terribly sorry to be so late. I had an article...

  A : Youll knock yourself out the way youve worked . Why dont you slow down ?

  B : I cant afford to .

  A : All right . Now that everybodys here. Shall we be getting started ?Miss Lin , are you ready ?

  B : Yes , thanks . Before I start , Id like to thank Professor Smith for all his help in giving me unlimited access to his research materials.

  A : Excuse me , Miss Lin . Would you mind speaking up , please? I cant hear you very well .

  B : Sorry , Ill try to speak louder .

  Conversation 5

  A : You shouldnt have told her the truth . What can we do now?

  B : Im sorry , Its all my fault .

  A : You are always like this . Ive told you many times not to tell her .

  B : Sorry , I had no intention.

  A : Its too late to say sorry no . Oh , what am I going to do ?

  B : I know I was an idiot , But if there is anything I can do to make up , Please do tell me .

  Conversation 6

  A : Why , Tom? Its five to six already and you are still writing here .

  B : So what ?Are we going anywhere ?

  A : Yes , have you forgotten ? We have arranged to go to Marys to watch some videos tonight .

  B : Oh , Im sorry I forgot all about it . Well, can I take a rain check ?

  A : Whats the matter with you ? You are the one that persuaded all of us to go there.

  B : Im terribly sorry , Rose .But I have to finish this paper by tomorrow or professor Martin will kill me .

  Conversation 7

  A : Excuse me for being late , Jack . I was held up by traffic.

  B : Thats all right , Mary , Come in and join us .

  A : Jack , I dont know how to say this , but I dropped the birthday cake on my way here and bought another one , Im so sorry .

  B : Oh , You should have been more careful. That cake was my design. Ive told Tom about it .

  A : Im sorry to have given you so much trouble. Ill explain to him .

  Conversation 8

  A : Jane , would you listen to me for a moment? Ive come to apologize for my rudeness yesterday . Would you forgive me ?

  B : Well , its not all your fault . I shouldnt have given you so much pressure.

  A : No, its all my fault . Im so sorry .

  B : Never mind . I know you were very upset then. Im sorry I shouted at you .

  A : It doesnt matter. I know you wanted to help me .

  第四部分人际交流之商量 Consultation


  Conversation 1

  A : Peter, why dont you go outside and play basketball with your friends?

  B : No , Mum, Id rather stay inside .

  A : I just cant understand why you want to stay at home . It is such a wonderful day today .

  B : I prefer staying at home and watching TV.

  A : Didnt you just finish watching a basketball game on TV?

  B : Yes , but a football game is next .

  A : Oh, Peter . You really should go and play ball yourself rather than watching games .

  B : I just enjoy watching games .

  A : You really shouldnt watch so much television.

  Conversation 2

  A : Whats the problem? You dont look happy.

  B : I failed my oral test .

  A : How come ?

  B : Im not practicing enough.

  A : Why dont you go to the English corner to talk to your classmates in English quite often ?

  B : When I talk to Chinese, I always want to speak Chinese.

  A : You should always keep in mind : the more you practice , the better English you can speak.

  Conversation 3

  A : Youre going to Shanghai tomorrow , are you ?

  B : Thats right . Do you think itll be cold?

  A : It might be. Youd better take a heavy sweater with you . The nights are usually quite cold at this time of year.

  B : Do you think Ill need a cotton coat?

  A : Not for now, I think , But I believe therell be rain, so take your raincoat with you.

  Conversation 4

  A : What would you like to be in the future ?

  B : A teacher.

  A : But if I were you , I would be a singer . Youve got such a beautiful voice .

  B : I wouldnt like to be a singer , but Id like to become a music teacher to teach children to sing , That dream developed in my mind when I was a child .

  A : Are you sure about that ?

  B : Im quite sure. Ive always loved working with children.

  Conversation 5

  A : Betty , would you please read this letter of application Ive just written? Id like to have your opinion .

  B : Id be glad to tell you what I think .

  A : Good !Im interested in your advice .

  B : If I were you , I would change the beginning . You should write about your education first because we like to judge a man by his abilities.

  A : Good idea, Betty . What would you think about the second part ?

  B : I think its too short . Youd better say something about your work experience.

  A : Youre right , Ill change it . How about the last part?

  B : Very good . But you should talk about your family , too .

  A : I agree . I appreciate your helping me .

  Conversation 6

  A : Id like to have your opinion on my essay .

  B : Id be glad to tell you what I think .

  A : What do you think about the second part?

  B : I think its too short.

  A : You are right . Ill change it .

  Conversation 7

  A : Do you want a cigarette?

  B : No , thank you . Ive given up , you know .

  A : You dont mind if I have one.

  B : Well, all tight . But you know , smoking does do harm to your health.

  A : Yes , you are right .

  B : Why dont you try and give it up?

  A : Ive tried to give up smoking several times , but its no use .

  第五部分人际交流之同事之间 Colleagues


  Conversation 1

  A : Mr.James. I know that office hour is up now, but could you work during the weekend and finish the translations?

  B : Well , unfortunately I have got something to do this weekend. But let me see...

  A : Oh , Im sorry . However, if you could help me out, Ill double the pay for the hours worked.

  B : Thats very kind of you . How soon do you really need them?

  A : Ill need them for the conference on Monday afternoon. Do you think it can be done by then?

  B : Ill try.

  A : Thank you very much , Mr.James.

  Conversation 2

  A : Good morning , sir . Can I help you ?

  B : Yes, Id like to see the manager. Heres my card.

  A : Thank you , Mr.Wang. Do you have an appointment?

  B : No, Im afraid I dont . Is it possible for me to see him now?

  A : Im afraid Mr.Li is engaged at the moment. Would you mind waiting ?

  B : Well, how long will it be ?

  A : About half an hour.

  B : Thats too bad. I cant wait that long. I have another appointment at ten.

  A : Can the Assistant Manager meet you instead?

  B : No , I have discussed the details about sales of our new equipment with the manager on the telephone yesterday.

  A : Do you want to make another appointment?

  B : Yes, I suppose thats the best thing I can do for now. Ill be here on Thursday morning at 10 oclock . Is that all right?

  A : Yes, Ill make a note of that and ask Mr.Li to confirm.

  Conversation 3

  A : Good morning . So this is the first day for you to work here, I hope youll like your job.

  B : Good morning , Ms.Wilson. Ive got a lot to learn from you . I think Ill enjoy working with you .

  A : I hope so . Now let me tell you your duties here. This is your desk . Please sit down.

  B : Thank you .

  A : Your main duty is to answer the phone calls and transfer them to the person wanted.

  B : I see . What if the person wanted is out?

  A : In that case, you are supposed to ask the caller to leave a message.

  B : Is there anything else I should do ?

  A : Yes , you are responsible for keeping all files in order.

  B : All right.

  A : If you have any questions. I will help you .

  B : Thank you .

  Conversation 4

  A : Mary , could you please come in for a short while?

  B : No problem.

  A : Mary , Id like you to meet Richard, Our new executive in the marketing.

  B : Nice to meet you , Austin.

  A : Welcome to our department. I hope youll like it here.

  B : By the way , Richard will assist me in the planning work . I hope you can work well together.

  A : Sure, if youve got any problem you can ask me .

  B : Thank you . Its very kind of you .

  A : Richard , Mary is a very helpful and experienced secretary indeed , and Im sure you will find out.

  B : Thank you , sir . Ill try my best to assist Richard in his work.

  Conversation 5

  A : What a busy week !

  B : Really ! Ive never seen so much work .

  A : Right. How are you going to spend your weekend?

  B : I dont know. I have no idea.

  A : Would you like to play some tennis with me before going home?

  B : Im not good at sports, I have never played tennis , and I know I would be terrible.

  A : You should try it . Its a great game. Come on , let me help you .Im a good player, and a good teacher, too. What do you say ?

  B : OK , but dont say I didnt warn you .

  A : That was a pretty good shot, Mary .

  B : Thanks . This is fun!

  A : Let me help you with your serve . I think that with a little help you can be a good player.

  B : No one has ever tried to show me how to play a sport before. Maybe I should learn to do something.

  A : Of course, you can . All you need is a little help and a lot of practice.

  B : Do you really think I can be a good player?

  A : Well , maybe not a Michael Zhang, but better than the average. Person would you like to play again Wednesday ?

  B : Yes. This has been fun.

  第六部分人际交流之朋友相交 Friendship


  Conversation 1

  A : Is this Zhang Lins home?

  B : Yes. Oh, its you , Linda. I havent seen you for a long time .Well, come in and sit down. How about something to drink?

  A : Yes , please. Im a little thirsty , actually.

  B : Would you like tea or coffee?

  A : Coffee, please.

  B : Here you are.

  A : Would you like to talk over a drink?

  B : That sounds good. How are you doing , Linda?

  A : Just fine. Are you busy now?

  B : No. Im just killing time .

  A : Shall we visit our math teacher tomorrow?

  B : Yes . I havent been in his house for several weeks . When shall we start?

  A : How about eight oclock tomorrow morning?

  B : All right. See you tomorrow .

  Conversation 2

  A : My friend finally dumped her boyfriend, and shes sworn shes going to abstain until she finds the right man to marry .

  B : After going through an episode like that Im not surprised . Hows her headspace?

  A : Shes doing great , shes getting her confidence back, and her self-esteem, has improved drastically . Shes very happy.

  A : Im proud of you for standing by her. I think youve helped make a big difference in her life.

  B : Do you have any plans for next Sunday evening?

  A : No , why?

  B : My friend , who had the mishap, wants to take us to dinner to show her gratitude for helping her.

  A : She doesnt need to do that , I didnt do anything.

  B : She feels you gave me the freedom to be able to assist her and she appreciates that . Come on , Lets indulge her.

  Conversation 3

  A : So how long have you know Jack ?

  B : We go way back . Weve known each other since we were toddlers.

  A : Really ? You guys must be really tight.

  B : Yeah , Were buddy-buddy still.

  A : He seems sincere , and trustworthy .

  B : Well, he is , but he can be conniving at times .

  A : What do you mean ?

  B : Well, I know that he would never stab me in the back . But Ive seen him double cross other people .

  A : Oh, my! Really? I never thought he would be like that.

  B : Dont get me wrong, Im not saying hes like that all the time.

  A : So, can I trust him or what?

  B : Well, I think you should decide for yourself.

  A : But I need someone that I can count on for this job.

  B : Okay , Okay . You can trust him. I was just trying to give you a hard time .

  A : Come on youre confusing me . Give it to me straight.

  B : Actually , hes the most dependable person I know, and he would never turn on anyone.

  Conversation 4

  A : Hello ? Is that Mark ?

  B : How are you ? I havent heard from you in ages.

  A : Ive been overseas , So have you been busy lately?

  B : Pretty busy . So are you back for good?

  A : Yes, I was just wondering when youd have time to go fishing.

  B : Well, Im not working on the weekend, so we could grab some beer, ice and our fishing rods , and head out to the river.

  A : That sounds good. Ive missed you my friend .

  B : Same here.

  Conversation 5

  A : Do you still see the people we went to school with ?

  B : I did for a while, I suppose, until I left university , but after that not really.

  A : Yeah, Ive lost touch with most people as well, but I still see Rose occasionally.

  B : Oh yes, hows she getting on?

  A : OK, I suppose, but shes had a rough time in the last few years, She got porced

  B : What, from Peter?

  A : Oh, of course.










