口语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-29 15:20:06 口语 我要投稿


  A Excuse me, where can I buy cigarettes?


  A 劳驾,请问在哪里能买到香烟?

  B Cigarettes. Certainly, sir. At the shop on the first floor.

  B 香烟。当然,先生。在一楼的商店能买到。

  A On the first floor? Thanks.

  A 在一楼?谢谢你。

  B You’re welcome. It’s the shop next to the coffee lounge.

  B 不客气。咖啡厅旁边的商店。

  A And I’m also looking for a map,a street map of Beijing. Do you have one?

  A 我还想找张地图——北京的市区图。你有吗?

  B Yes. Here’s one.

  B 有。这有一张。

  注释 Notes

  To ask where something is, or where you can get something or do something,use Where...?e.g.Where can I buy cigarettes; Where can I send a fax; Where is the coffee shop?

  要问某地在何处或者你在哪里可以买到某物或者在哪里做某事,用Where...? (……在哪里?)。例如:Where can I buy cigarettes? (我在哪里能买到香烟?); Where can I send a fax? (我在哪里能发传真?); Where is the coffee shop? (咖啡店在哪里?)。

  To describe where something is accurately, use phrases to describe its position, e.g.It’s next to the coffee lounge; It’s beside the restaurant.

  要精确地描述某地在何处,用下面的短语来描述它的位置,例如:It’s next to the coffee lounge(在咖啡厅隔壁);It’s beside the restaurant(在餐馆旁边)。

  重要的短语和句子 Key phrases & sentences

  Excuse me, where can I buy cigarettes?


  At the shop on the first floor.


  It’s the shop next to the coffee lounge.


  I’m also looking for a map,a street map of Beijing.


  Do you have one?


  Here’s one.


  A Ping, are there any good places to buy Chinese paintings?

  A 平,哪里是买中国画的好地方?

  B Do you mean traditional paintings?

  B 你是说传统绘画吗?

  A Yes. Landscapes and traditional art.

  A 是的。风景和传统艺术品。

  B There’re quite a few shops and galleries near your hotel.

  B 在你住的饭店附近有几家商店和艺术馆。

  A Are they cheap or expensive?

  A 那里的东西贵还是便宜?

  B Well, it depends on what you buy. You can also go to Panjiayuan Market. There’re lots of paintings and art there.

  B 哦,那要取决于你买什么。你也可以去潘家园市场。那里有很多画和艺术品。

  A OK. Let’s go there. That sounds interesting.

  A 好。咱们就去那里。听起来很吸引人。

  注释 Notes

  Again, to describe the position of a place, you can use phrases like next to... or near...e.g.There’s a shop near your hotel.

  再次提醒大家,要描述某地的位置,用像next to...(紧挨着……)或者near...(在……的附近)这样的`短语。例如:There’s a shop near your hotel(在你的饭店附近有一家商店)。

  You can ask how much something might cost by saying:Is it cheap or expensive?

  你可以这样问某物需要多少钱:Is it cheap or expensive? (便宜还是贵?)。

  重要的短语和句子 Key phrases & sentences

  Are there any good places to buy Chinese paintings?


  Do you mean traditional paintings?


  Landscapes and traditional art.


  There’re quite a few shops and galleries near your hotel.


  Are they cheap or expensive?


  It depends on what you buy.


  You can also go to Pan jiayuan Market.


  There’re lots of paintings and art there.


  That sounds interesting.



  A Is there a good bookshop near here?

  A 这附近有好的书店吗?

  B Yes, I know two bookshops near here, on Wangfujing Street.

  B 有,我知道这附近有两家书店,在王府井大街上。

  A I’d like to buy some guide books to Beijing.

  A 我想买几本北京导游手册。

  B No problem. I’ll take you there.

  B 没问题。我带你去。

  A And maybe also a book to start learning Chinese.

  A 也许还买本书开始学中文。

  B We can find that, too. They are good bookshops.

  B 我们也会找到这样的书。那是很不错的书店。

  注释 Notes

  Remember the words you use to describe location or position, e.g.near.Is there a bookshop near here; Is the restaurant near the hotel?

  记住用来描述地址或者位置的短语,像near(在……的附近)。Is there a bookshop near here? (这附近有书店吗?);Is the restaurant near the hotel?(在饭店附近有餐馆吗?)。

  Again, if you would like to do something, remember the phrase I would like to... or shorter version I’d like to.... e.g.I’d like to buy some books.

  再重复一次,如果表达你想做某事,用短语I would like to.... (我想……)或者用它的简略形式I’d like to.... (我想……)。例如:I’d like to buy some books(我想买几本书)。

  重要的短语和句子 Key phrases & sentences

  Is there a good bookshop near here?


  Yes, I know two bookshops near here, on Wangfujing Street.


  I’d like to buy some guide books to Beijing.


  I’ll take you there.我带你去。

  And maybe also a book to start learning Chinese.


  We can find that, too.我们也会找到这样的书。

  They are good bookshops.那是很不错的书店。


  A Do you know where I can find a good shop for Chinese tea?

  A 你知道我在哪里可以找到卖中国茶的好商店吗?

  B Yes. There are lots of good places. What exactly do you want to buy?

  B 是的。有很多卖茶的好地方。你想买什么样的茶?

  A I’d like to get some green tea and some jasmine tea. And I’d also like to get a Chinese teapot.

  A 我想买一些绿茶,还有一些茉莉花茶。我还想买一只中国茶壶。

  B OK, I know one or two very good tea shops.

  B 好的,我知道一两家好的茶叶店。

  A Thanks. That would be really helpful.

  A 谢谢。那太好了。

  注释 Notes

  To ask someone about a place, you can say: Do you know where...e.g.Do you know where I can find a good bookshop?

  向某人询问某地,你可以问:Do you know where...? (你知道在……吗?)。例如:Do you know where I can find a good bookshop? (你知道我在哪里可以找到好书店?)。

  Remember how to say you would like to do something:I’d like to buy some green tea.

  记住这样说你愿意做某事:I’d like to buy some green tea(我想买一些绿茶)。

  重要的短语和句子 Key phrases & sentences

  Do you know where I can find a good shop for Chinese tea?


  There are lots of good places.


  What exactly do you want to buy?


  I’d like to get some green tea and some jasmine tea.


  I’d also like to get a Chinese teapot.


  I know one or two very good tea shops.


  That would be really helpful.那太好了。

  A You should buy some silk clothes for your daughter, Sue.

  A 你应该给你的女儿买几件丝绸衣服,苏。

  B That’s a good idea. She would love them. Silk is so beautiful.

  B 这是一个好主意。她会喜欢的。丝绸很漂亮。

  A The silk is of very good quality here.

  A 这里的丝绸质量非常好。

  B Where can I find a good place to buy silk?

  B 在哪里可以买到好的丝绸 ?

  A Well, there’re lots of shops near here, but there are good markets, too.

  A 哦,这附近有很多商店,但是也有很多好市场。

  B Let’s go and have a look.

  B 咱们去看看。

  注释 Notes

  Remember the way of offering advice, or suggesting something, using should.e.g.You should buy some silk clothes.

  记住如何提出建议或者提议,用should(应该)。例如:You should buy some silk clothes(你应该买几件真丝衣服)。

  You can describe how good something is by saying: The silk is of very good quality.

  你可以这样描述某物如何好:The silk is of very good quality(这里的丝绸质量非常好)。

  Remember also how to suggest doing something using Let’s...e.g.Let’s go and have a look.

  还要记住怎样建议做某事,用Let’s...(让我们……)。例如:Let’s go and have a look(咱们去看一看)。

  重要的短语和句子 Key phrases & sentences

  You should buy some silk clothes for your daughter.


  She would love them.


  Silk is so beautiful.


  The silk is of very good quality here.


  Where can I find a good place to buy silk?

  在哪里可以买到好的丝绸 ?

  There’re lots of shops near here, but there are good markets, too.


  Let’s go and have a look.











