口语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-29 08:30:50 口语 我要投稿



  1. Cheers!干杯!


  2. Toast to…!(the Queen)为…干杯

  3. Shit!狗屎!

  4. Nuts!神经病!

  5. Goddamn it!

  6. Love is worth yourlife!(cost)

  7. I’ll miss you.

  8. Please give him my regards.

  9. No,not yet.

  10. Nothing venture,nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子

  11. You’re something.你真了不起

  You’re a wet(潮湿) blanket(毯子).你是一个扫兴的人

  12. I’m just in a jam(塞车)我正进退维谷(in hot water)

  as like as two peas(beans)模仿秀

  13. brown-noser(棕色鼻子的人)马屁精 lick(舔) one’s ass(屁股)

  14. sell like hot cakes(蛋糕)热卖

  15. Where there is life there is hope.星星之火可以燎原

  16. Excuse the mess!乱七八糟,请原谅

  17. I don’t know.=I have no idea.

  18. as blind as bat.像蝙蝠一样瞎

  19. as stupid as ape.像类人猿一样笨

  20. Everything’s very quiet.万籁俱静

  21. invite(邀请) sb to sth

  22. You’re joking(开玩笑).

  23. tell sb to do sth.叫某人做某事

  24. tell sb a story.给人讲故事

  25. It’s a story!这不是真的

  26. have sth to+v.原 have nth to+v.原

  27. What’s on?上演什么?

  28. What’s up?干什么?

  29. love you at first sight一见钟情

  30. shave a beard长胡子

  31. shave it off刮得干干净净

  32. full-time job 全职 I’m a full-time accountant and a part-time sudent.

  33. part-time job 兼职

  34. What a pleasant surprise!惊喜

  35. take/ask/give one’s advice.接受/征求/提供建议

  36. tell sb to do sth叫某人做某事

  37. I’d like to go there. ’d like=would like=want

  38. make up(化妆) one’s mind(主意) 下定决心

  39. take…time 事作主语 spend …time 人作主语

  40. We might not go anywhere.我们可能哪儿也不去

  41. Don’t vorry too much.别担心

  I wonder why!我想知道为什么 wonder=want to know

  42. tickets,please.请打一下票

  43. introduce(介绍) sb to sb.

  44. a bad apple大坏蛋

  45. a fat cat大款

  46. a hot potato难以解决的问题

  47. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush(树丛)宁收当年麦,不收来年秋

  48. during the dog days.在成功之前的那段潦倒的日子

  49. get one’s goat(山羊)使某人发火don’t get his goat!别让他发火

  50. black and blue青一块紫一块

  51. as busy/lazy as a bee/swine(猪)异常勤快/懒惰

  52. a green hand一只新手

  53. rob(抢夺) peter to pay(补偿) paul.

  take out bule book 拿出蓝色书

  54. turn to page 12 翻到第12页

  55. read after me 跟我读

  56. take a break 休息一下

  57. do the lottery pools.买彩 票

  58. depend on parents at home,depend on friends at the outside.在家靠父母,在外靠朋友

  59. see the world=travel round the world 周游世界

  60. It’s a pleasant dream,but everything depends on ‘if’!这是个美好的梦,但一切都取决于“如果”!

  61. I work for a technology company.我在一家科技公司上班

  62. be late for work.上班迟到

  63. invite sb to sth邀请某人做什么事

  64. The boss wants me to do some extra work. 老板要我加班

  65. by the way.顺便(问,说)

  66. I don’t know what you’re talking about.我不知道你在说些什么

  67. a small potato小人物

  68. kill two birds with one stone(石头).一箭双雕

  69. go for a walk去散步

  70. He ran away as quickly as he could.他一溜烟跑了

  71. a lucky dog/live a dog’s life幸运儿

  72. be blue in the face忧郁的`脸色

  73. walls have ears隔墙有耳

  74. be on one’s high horse趾高气扬,高高在上/a dark(黑)horse一匹黑马

  75. fight(战斗) tooth and nail(指甲)竭尽全力的拼搏

  76. a white lie(谎言)一个善意的谎言

  77. eye for eye/tooth for tooth以牙还牙,以言还言

  78. one’s a cup of tea生活小习惯

  79. face the music面壁思过

  80. out of sight(视力),out of mind(思想)眼不见心不烦

  81. A piece of cake小菜一碟/very difficult/very easy

  82. A black sheep败家子

  83. Go bananas走火入魔

  84. a bed of rose安乐窝

  85. Be left out in the cold遭到冷遇

  86. one’s better half wife的一种说法,worse half老公

  87. be all ears洗耳恭听

  88. be all thumbs(大姆指)笨手笨脚

  89. green thumb园艺好手

  90. keep one’s mouth out of sth不要管别人的事

  91. kill the time消磨时光

  92. serve one right应得的,好有好报,恶有恶报

  93. a plain Jane普通女孩

  94. Make a noise in the world名噪一时

  95. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.不要太指望渺茫的希望

  96. sit pretty过着轻松成功的日子

  97. best man/brides maild/bride/bridegroom伴郎/伴娘/新娘/新郎

  98. cry baby爱撒娇的人

  99. Who do you think you''re talking to?你以为你在跟谁说话?

  100. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)











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