- 相关推荐
1. respire 呼吸的 respiration n 呼吸 -spir-【词根】呼吸
2. agitate [‘ædʒiteit] v 使不安;动摇
(She was agitated because her train was an hour late.)
3. amateur [‘æmətə]业余的
(Although Tom is an amateur,he is a first-class player.)
4. ambiguous [æm’biɡjuəs] 模糊的,模凌两可的
(This is an ambiguous statement.)
5. analogy n 类似,相似
(Works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature.)
6. antique n 古董 adj 古老的[æn’ti:k]
7. apprentice n 徒弟,學徒
(My son is an apprentice in a furniture maker’s workshop.)
8. assassinate v 暗杀,行刺
9. assault n 攻击 (Troops began an assault on the city.)
10. assessment n 评估
11. attorney n 代理人,律师 (He acted as attorney for me.)
12. avail v 有用于,有助于 (All his efforts did not avail.)
13. baffle v 阻碍,使有困难
(The question baffled me completely,and I couldn’t answer it.)
14. buffalo n 水牛
15. bait n 诱饵
16. banquet n 宴会,夜宴
17. barren 贫瘠的 (That barren land could produce little food.)
18. bishop n 主教 archbishop 大主教
19. bleach v 漂白 (The sun bleached her yellow skirt.)
20. blush v,n 脸红 (I have to blush to admit that thing.)
1. budget 预算 budget deficit预算赤字
2. bulletin n [‘bulitin]公告,新聞快報
3. burglar n 竊賊,夜盜
4. bestow v 贈與,授予
5. cater (to)v 提供,供應,討好
6. charter v 包租,發給…許可證
7. clockwise adj 順時針的
8. (Please turn the key in a clockwise direction.) anticlockwise 逆時針的
9. cluster n 一捆,一叢,一簇,一束(clusters of flowers)
10. clutch v 抓住(The mother clutched her baby in her arms.)
11. n 離合器(ex:She released the clutch,and the car began to move.)
12. coherent adj [kəu’hiərənt] 前後一致的,條理清楚的(a coherent argument)
13. coherence n 條理性,連貫性,一致性
14. commonsense n 常識
15. commonwealth n 共和國,聯邦
16. compensate v 補償,賠償
(She use her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence.)
17. complement v,n 補充,補足
(The two suggestions complement each other.
Rice makes an excellent complement of curry dish.)
18. compliment v,n 恭維,讚美
(He complimented Erika on her appearance.
She paid me an enormous compliment.)
19. compulsory adj 必須做的,強制的,義務的
(Is English a compulsory subject?)
20. selective adj 選擇的 (He is very selective in his reading.)