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In this section, you will hear a mini-lecture. You willhear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, takenotes on the important points. Your notes will not bemarked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture isover, you'll be given two minutes to check yournotes, and another 10 minutes to complete thegap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture.
Introductory Lecture to University Study Goodmorning and welcome to the University of Westlands. My name is Marcia Mayhew and I'm theco-ordinator of the Bachelor of Social Science degree here at this university. This morning I'dlike to tell you something about the structure of the university and about some of therequirements of the degree that you're about to enter.
The Bachelor of Social Science is in one faculty within the university: that is the faculty where Iam working, known as Arts and Social Sciences. Here on this campus we also have the facultiesof Architecture, Law, and Science and Technology among others.
First let's take a brief look at the structure of the faculty. It's important to know somethingabout the structure of the faculty because, as you go through your course, you may need tocall on members of the staff to help you. Our university works as a hierarchical system. At thetop of the faculty we have a dean and below the dean we have three divisions; each division hasa divisional head and your degree is located in the Division of Social Sciences. Within each of thedivisions, there are the departments and each of these offers different degrees.
For instance, two of the departments which offer the major subjects for your award are theDepartment of Sociology and the Department of Psychology. Each has a departmental head,but for practical purposes, the people you are going to see the most of is myself, because Iwork as coordinator of the social sciences degree and serve as a bridge between you and thedepartments. The other group of people whom you will also see very frequently are the actuallecturers who are teaching the subjects that you are taking.
For instance, in the first semester you'll be doing four subjects, namely psychology, sociology,history and economics, so you will be meeting lecturers of these subjects very often. Mostlikely, you may see them once a week, but some of them, it is possible for you to meet themtwice a week. If you have any problems or difficulties, not that I'm anticipating you will, but younever know, then you should go and see your lecturers.
For instance, you may find that you can't meet a deadline for an essay, or perhaps you'rehaving problems with attendance. These seem to be the two most common problems thatstudents face on this campus. In most cases, your lecturers will help you to solve yourproblems. If your lecturers are unavailable, you can always come and see me in my office. I'mavailable on Wednesday and Thursday mornings and on Friday afternoons as well. Outsidethese hours, perhaps you could ring the secretary and make an appointment. Usually I will findthe earliest possible time to see you and discuss your problems.
Now, you'll note that all of the subjects which you undertake in the first year are composed oflectures and tutorials. A lecture is about an hour long and a tutorial usually runs for about twohours. A lecture is rather like what I am doing now, where one person will talk to all of youtogether on a subject. We do ask you to try to attend the lectures. A tutorial is perhaps wheremost of the learning occurs at a university.
You will be divided into groups of between 12 and 15 students and each week one of you willhave to present a piece of work to the group as a whole and then the group will discuss whatyou've said. It's this discussion, this exchange of ideas, which really constitutes the basis ofuniversity learning, in my view. Listening to lectures in many ways is just giving you informationthat you could access for yourself in the library, but the discussion at the tutorial is veryimportant. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't go to the lectures, though!
Other factors to be particularly concerned about are the structure of essays and delivery ofwritten material and in particular I would like to mention the question of plagiarism. Plagiarismis taking other people's work without acknowledging it, that is, without saying where it comesfrom. Of course all essays are based on research done by other people but you must rememberto attribute the work to the original writer. And while it's a good idea to work with otherpeople, don't hand in work which is exactly the same as your friend's work because we willnotice! If you don't acknowledge the source of your information, then you run the risk offailing the subject or in very serious cases you might be denied entry to the university.
Last but not least, stay in touch with us. If things are getting you down, don't go and hide.Come and talk to us about it. That's what we are here for. Right, thank you very much forcoming along today, and hope you'll enjoy your stay on this campus.