

时间:2024-07-06 13:04:17 试题 我要投稿


  Bind the sack before it be full.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2018职称英语理工词汇选项精选题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!


  词 汇 选 项 (第 1-1 5 题,每题 1 分,共 1 5 分}

  下面每个句子中均有1 个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1 个意义最为接近的选项。

  1. W h e n you are invited, you are supposed to be punctual.

  A. in time B. on time C. polite D. courteous

  2. The m a x i m u m speed of this car is 150 miles per hour.

  A. highest B. lowest C. m i n i m u m D. supreme

  3. H e purchased this stamp at an auction.

  A. bought B. showed C. took D. m a d e

  4. At first, all the people laughed at his ridiculous suggestion.

  A. amusing B. shocking C. frightening D. foolish

  5. H e confessed that he did not read the assigned book.

  A. answered B. agreed C. admitted D. alleged

  6. W e came across an old m a n lying in the road.

  A. saved B. saw C. faced D. encountered

  7. They often compelled us to work twelve or fourteen hours a day.

  A. m a d e B. compromised C. smashed D.commanded

  8. D o n ’t just stand by. C a n ’t you lend a hand?

  A. loan B. offer C. help D. understand

  9. N o b o d y could figure out this problem.

  A. m a k e out B. think of C. solve D. discover

  10. T w o thirds of the sufferers of the disease were killed.

  A. patients B. spreaders C.fans D. pioneers

  11. H e had a long conversation with his neighbor.

  A. talk B. speech C. debate D. discussion

  12. It is a marvel that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a six-storied building.

  A. curiosity B. wonder C. wander D. spectacle

  13. They didn’t want anyone to k n o w about their romance.

  A. adventure B. mystery C. p o e m D. love

  14. She seemed to have detected some anger in his voice.

  A.heard B. realized C. noticed D. got

  15. His imagination transformed shadows into a monster.

  A. a beast B. a ghost C. a giant D. an angel


  1. B be punctual 等于 be on time, 守时、准时;in time:及时;courteous 和 polite 表示礼貌。

  2. A highest :最高的,可以修饰s p e e d ,替换 m a x i m u m ( 最大的);m i n i m u m :最小的;lowest: 最低的;s u p r e m e :级别最高的。

  3. A purchase等于b u y , 表 示 “ 买” ;s h o w: 展现,表演; t a k e :拿走; m a k e : 制作。

  4. D ridiculous :荒谬的、可笑 的,和 foolish ( 愚蠢的)意思比较接近;a m u s i n g :逗人发笑的;shocking: 令人震惊的'; frightening:令人害怕的。

  5. C confess:供认、承认,和 admit意思相同; a n s w e r :回答; a g r e e :同意;allege:声称、 辩解。

  6. D c o m e across : 碰到、不期而遇, encounter和它的意思相同; s a v e :拯救; see: 看见; face :面对。

  7. D compel:强迫,和 c o m m a n d ( 命令)意思相近; m a k e : 使得... ; compromise: 妥协; smash:砸碎、 重创。

  8. C lend a h a n d 等 于 offer a h a n d,是 固定 搭配, “ 帮忙” 的意思;l o a n :贷 款 ;h e l p : 帮助 ;

  understand :理解。

  9. C figure out:解决,等于 solve; m a k e out:理解、 坚持;think o f : 想起; discover:发现c

  10. A sufferer :受痛苦的人、遭磨难的人;patient:病 人 ;spreader:传 播 的 人 ;f a n : 追 随 者 ;pioneer: 先驱。在本句中sufferer 是这种疾病的受害者, 也就是病人。

  11. A conversation 和 talk 是同义词,表 示 “ 谈话”; speech: 演讲; debate: 辩论; discussion:讨论。

  12. B marvel 和 wonder 都 表 不 “ 奇迹” ; curiosity : 好奇心; w a n d e r :闲逛; spectacle:大场面、 奇观。

  13. D r omance:浪漫史,他们的浪漫史也就是他们的love; adventure:冒险;m y s t e r y :神 秘 、奥秘 ; p o e m : 诗歌。

  14. C detect在 本 句 中表 示 “ 察觉到” ,相当 于 notice; hear:听到,声音中的愤怒只能感觉到;realize :意识到; g e t :得到。

  15. A monster: 怪兽; beast:野兽, 这两个词意思接近;g h o s t :魔鬼、幽灵;g iant:巨人;angel:天使。










