Music Used as a Healing Therapy
1 Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems. In 400BC, its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently, in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy (疗法) with people suffering from trauma (外伤). Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer, and it has also been used by patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.
2 There is growing evidence that music can cause physical changes to the body which can improve our health. In the Welcome Trust Study, which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London, patients were asked to listen to musical performances. As a result, it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced, recovery times were improved, and fewer drugs were needed.
3 These very positive results are partly due to general well-being (良好的健康状况). It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life. They are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.
4 However, not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robertson, a scientist and musician, some effects of music are mysterious and are, therefore, being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimulate the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.
5 Science, however, demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music, since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even "prescribe" (开处方) music, but that could be a long time in the future.
1. Paragraph 1 __________
2. Paragraph 2__________
3. Paragraph 3 __________
4. Paragraph 4 __________
A. Potential dangers of music therapy
B. Increase in general well-being
C. History of music therapy
D. Other mysterious effects of music
E. Positive physical changes caused by music
F. Music and your body
5. Researchers have found that patients' stress levels decrease when they __________.
6. Music can treat patients partly because __________.
7. Those who always look on the bright side of life are more likely to __________.
8. Many doctors don't believe that music can treat diseases because __________.
A. recover from disease quickly
B. there is not enough hard evidence
C. use their minds actively
D. it improves general well-being
E. listen to musical performances
F. it brings many other benefits
Anti-Aging Secrets: Four Ways to Stay Young
1 The aging process is not easy for anyone. While some people accept getting older and do everything within their power to keep the mind and body active, others adopt a negative attitude and give in to the effects of aging. However, the key to feeling young is maintaining a young mental state. Moreover, simple lifestyle changes can make you feel years younger.
2 Keeping the mind active is the best medicine against aging. Studies have shown that persons who remain active following retirement live longer. Brainpower and physical fitness go hand-in-hand. When minds are sharpened or active, we are more likely to be physically active.
Even if aging results in slight memory loss or a little confusion, brain exercises such as crossword puzzles (填字字谜) can improve memory.
3 Some persons are naturally introverted (内倾性格的) or shy, which can result in isolation. If you want to live a long life, avoid isolation. Maintaining healthy relationships has lasting benefits. Establishing strong relationships could lower blood pressure, promote relaxation,ease pain, and may even strengthen the immune system (免疫系统).
4 Too much stress can quickly age people. Completely ridding (使摆脱) our lives of stress is impossible. On the other hand, we can adopt simple techniques for better coping with life's problems, including reducing chaos, setting realistic goals, and relaxing.
5 If you think that you are old, you feel old. Try to be cheerful and avoid developing a negative attitude towards life. Sometimes, this involves changing our association.
Surrounding yourself with complainers will start to influence your attitude to life. We all experience hardships. Rather than focusing on the unpleasant, reflect on the positive things about life.
1. Paragraph 2__________
2. Paragraph 3__________
3. Paragraph 4 __________
4. Paragraph 5 __________
A. Avoid Isolation
B. Adopt a Positive Attitude to Life
C. Keep Your Mind Active
D. Maintain Balance
E. Accept Failure
F. Reduce Stress
5. There is no better medicine against aging than __________.
6. Isolation may keep a person from __________.
7. Relaxation is one of the techniques for better __________.
8. It is wise of us to avoid
A. dealing with life's problems
B. keeping the mind active
C. changing our association
D. living a long life
E. setting realistic goals
F. focusing on the unpleasant
The Drink Your Body Needs Most
1 Our bodies are estimated to be about 60% to 70% water. Blood is mostly water and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients (滋养物) to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs.
2 We lose water through urination (排尿), respiration (呼吸), and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you do not take much exercise. Symptoms of mild dehydration (脱水) include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches,and constipation (便秘) A strong smell to your urine, along with a yellow color indicates that you are not getting enough water. Thirst is all obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.
3 A good rule of thumb (好的做法) is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces (盎司) of water per day that you need.For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.If you exercise you should drink another 8-ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink coffee or alcohol, you should add at least an equal amount of water.When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to have 8 ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane.
4 It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but some of them have sugar or artificial sweeteners that you don't need.
1. Paragraph 1 __________
2. Paragraph 2 __________
3. Paragraph 3 __________
4. Paragraph 4 __________
A. Ounces of water needed per day
B. Importance of water
C. Composition of water
D. Signs of dehydration
E. Supply of water
F. Necessity for bringing a bottle for water
5. You can't live
6. Dehydration may occur if there is a shortage of water__________.
7. The amount of water your body needs per day is closely related __________.
8. Don't forget to drink enough water even
A. in your body
B. without water
C. before long
D. for a change
E. on a busy day
F. to your weight
1. C。第一段首句是主题句,音乐一直被用于治疗患有不同问题的病人,接着讲述了公元前400年古希腊就已经记载了音乐有治疗的功效,然后又提到了两次世界大战中,音乐被用来治疗伤员,所以C(音乐治疗的历史)是正确答案。
2. E。第二段首句是主题句,越来越多的证据表明,音乐可以引起身体的生理变化,可以改善我们的健康。故E(音乐引起的积极的物理变化)是正确答案。
3. B。第三段首句是主题句,可以直接判断,本段是讲general well.being,意为“良好的健康状况”,后面又提到心情好且生活积极向上,病人就会恢复得快,而音乐能让人的心情变好,所以能提高健康状况。故B(提高身体的整体素质)是正确答案。
4. D。第四段第二句是主题句,音乐的好处并不只是增加了身体的整体素质,音乐还有其他的效果尚未被理解。故D(音乐的其他神秘作用)是正确答案。
5. E。题干:研究人员已经发现当患者__________时他们的压力会降低。根据第二段最后一句可知,去看音乐表演的病人,压力会大幅度下降。故选E。
6.D。题干:音乐能够治疗患者,部分是因为__________。根据第三段第一句可知,音乐给患者带来积极作用部分是因为improves general well-being。故选D。
7. A。题干:那些总能看到生活光明一面的人更有可能__________。根据第三段第二、三句可知患者生活态度积极乐观的话,恢复得就越快。故选A。
8. B。题干:许多医生并不相信音乐能够治疗疾病的原因是__________。根据第五段第一、二句可知,科学需要事实和真凭实据。医学界还不承认音乐的疗效是因为目前的各种报告是建立在各种故事的基础上,并没有科学依据。故选B。
1. C。短文第二段第一句即该段的主题句,主要讲保持头脑活跃才是抗衰老的最佳良药。
2. A。短文的第三段主要讲的是:要长寿必须避免孤独。建立健康的人际关系将有助于减少疾病,增强免疫系统。
3. F。第四段第一句即该段的主题句,主要讲过多的压力会使人很快衰老。
4. B。短文第五段讲的是:一个人是否感到衰老很大程度上取决于心态。因此一定要设法避免消极的生活态度。
5. B。题干:什么药也比不上__________更能抵抗衰老。利用关键词可以定位到短文第二段第一句,即保持头脑活跃是抗衰老的最佳良药。
7. A。题干:放松是__________更好的方式之一。利用关键词可以定位到短文的第四段,即放松是有效处理生活中问题的方法之一。
8. F。题干:对我们来说避免__________是明智的。利用关键词可以定位到短文最后一段,即不能只盯着不愉快的.事情。要更多地看到生活中积极的一面。
1. B。文章第一段主要讲的是水对人体的重要性。人体约有60%——70%是由水组成的,体温的调节离不开水,滋养物运行到各器官离不开水,排除废物等也都离不开水。
2. D。文章第二段主要讲脱水的征兆,其中包括关节与肌肉的慢性疼痛、腰痛、头痛、便秘、口渴等。
3. A。文章第三段的主题句为首句,主要讲人体每天所需的基本饮水量以及一些特殊情况下所需的饮水量。
4. F。文章第四段的主题句为前两句,主要讲随身携带水瓶及时饮水的必要性。
5. B。题干:__________你不能活。利用关键词可以定位到文章的第一段,可以得知,人若离开水是活不下去的。
6. A。题干:如果__________的水短缺,dehydration会发生。利用关键词可以定位到从文章的第二段,可知人体缺水便可产生脱水现象。
7. F。题干:身体每天需要的量与__________有关。利用关键词可以定位到文章第三段,即人体每天需饮水量与人的体重有密切关系。
8. E。题干:不要忘了喝足够的水,即使__________。利用关键词可以定位到第四段,可知即使再忙也不要忘了喝水。