Obesity is rapidly becoming a new scourge of thewestern world, delegates agreed at the 11thEuropean Conference on the issue in Vienna1Wednesday to Saturday. According to statementsbefore the opening of the conference _ of 2,000specialists from more than 50 countries 一 1. 2 billionpeople worldwide are overweight, and 250 million areobese.
Professor Bernhard Ludvik of Vienna General Hospital said,“ Obesity is a chronic illness. InGermany,20 per cent of the people are already affected,but in Japan only one per cent. ” Buthe said that there was hope for sufferers thanks to the new scientific discoveries andmedication.
Professor Friedrich Hopichler of Salzberg said, "We are living in the new age (but) with themetabolism of a stone-age man.2" “I have just been to the United States. It is really terrible. Apizza shop is springing up3 on every corner. We have been overrun by fast food and Coca-Cola-ization. ”4
Many of the experts stressed that obesity was a potential killer. Hopichler said, “Eightypercent of all diabetics are obese,also fifty per cent of all patients with high blood pressureand fifty per cent with adipose tissue complaints. ” "Ten per cent more weight means thirteenper cent more risk of heart disease. Reducing one's weight by ten per cent leads to thirteen percent lower blood pressure. ”
Another expert Hermann Toplak said that the state health services should improve theirfinancing of preventive programs. "Though the health insurance pays for surgery (such asreducing the size of the stomach) when the body-mass index5 is more than 40. That isequivalent to6 a weight of 116 kilograms for a height of 1.70 meters. One should start earlier. ”
Ludvik said that prevention should begin in school. “ Child obesity (fat deposits) correlateswith7 the time which children spend in front of TV sets. ”
The consequences were only apparent later on. No more than fifteen per cent of obese peoplelived to the average life expectancy8 for their population group.
周三至周六,在维也纳召开的有关肥胖症问题的第11次欧洲会议上,代表们一致同意,肥胖症 正在迅速成为西方世界的灾祸。共有来自50多个国家的2,000位专家参加了这一会议,会议于开始时宣布:全世界有12亿人体重超重,而2. 5亿人肥胖。
维也纳总医院的Bemhard Ludvik教授说:“肥胖症是慢性病。德国20%的人已经患有肥胖症, 而日本却只有1%。”但是他说,多亏了新的科学发现及药物,肥胖症患者有了希望。
萨尔茨堡的Friedrich Hopichler教授说:“我们正生活在新时代,可是却是石器时代人类的新陈 代谢。”“我刚去了美国,情况的确很糟糕,每个角落都有比萨饼店开业。我们已经深受快餐食品和 可口可乐化的侵害。”
许多专家强调,肥胖症是潜在的杀手。Hopichler说:“80%的糖尿病患者肥胖,而髙血压和脂肪 组织疾病患者伴有肥胖症的都各为50%。” “体重增加10%意味着患心脏病的危险增加13%。体重 减少10%可导致血压降低13%。”
另一名专家Hermann Toplak说政府的健康部门应该加大对预防项目的资助。“当体质指数大 于40时,尽管是由健康保险支付手术费(诸如缩胃手术),但体质指数大于40时相当于一个身高 1. 70米的人体重达到116千克。应该提早启动预防工作。”
Ludvik说:预防应从学校做起。“儿童肥胖症(脂肪堆积)与儿童用来看电视的时间有关。” 造成的结果只是在以后才显现的,仅有15%的肥胖者活到了其所属人群的平均预期寿命。