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  概括大意题出题特点1:段落中有明显的段落主题句(通常出现在段落的开头部分, 如段首句; 有时还可能出现在段落的结尾处。



  A Origin(起源) of the tie

  B British ties

  C Uselessness(无用) of the tie

  D Old-fashioned(过时的) ties

  E Role(作用) of the tie

  F Signs(迹象,标记) of a tieless era(时代)

  23.Paragraph 2 _____.

  2 That leads to (导致) another question.(不是直接涉及文章主题的观点性/概括性的话语) Why does anyone wear a tie? Ties serve no purpose(没有用途)(该句是直接涉及文章主题的观点性话语,因此很可能是段落主题句)。(解释性的话语:) They do not cover(覆盖) any part of your body (身体)and keep(使……保持……) you warm. They always seem to get covered in food stains. Perhaps that is the purpose of the tie. It lets everyone know what you just ate.

  补充:英语通常写作逻辑:观点句/概括句 + 分析解释(如: 举例说明)


  A Education

  B People

  C Transport(交通)

  D Drinks(酒/饮料)

  E Food

  F Nightlife(夜生活)

  24.Paragraph 3 _____.

  3 Getting around (在……出行)England(英格兰) is pretty easy(与段落主题相关的观点句)。(接下来的句子中含有大量的细节信息词) Budget(廉价的)airlines (航空公司)like Easy jet and Rynnair fly domestically. Trains (火车)can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another. Long distance express buses are called coaches. Where coaches and buses run on the same route, coaches are more expensive (though quicker) than buses. London‘s famous black cabs are excellent but expensive. Minicabs (微型出租车)are cheaper competitors, with freelance(个体的)drivers. But usually you need to give a call first. London’s underground (地铁)is called the Tube. It‘s very convenient and can get you to almost any part of the city.

  A Effects of a stroke

  B Annual cost of stroke in the US

  C Definition and description of a stroke

  D Breakthroughs in treatment

  E Risk factors of stroke

  F Warning signs of a stroke

  25.Paragraph 4 ___.

  4 The American Stroke Association has identified(识别) several factors(因素) that increase(增加) the risk of stroke(中风)。(权威人士/权威机构的调查发现/研究发现/观点,如果出现在段落开头部分的语句中, 这样的话语很可能就是其所在段落的主题句) The more risk factors a person has, the greater the chance that he or she will have a stroke. Some of these you can‘t control, such as increasing age, family health history, race, and prior stroke. But you can change or treat other risk factors to lower your risk. Factors resulting from lifestyle or environment can be modified with a healthcare provider’s help. Some of these include: high blood pressure, current smoking, heart disease, and high red blood cell count.



  提示:段落主题词是在段落中反复出现(至少出现3次以上), 而且几乎贯穿全段出现的词语;段落中的某个词语/短语结构在段落中与其近义词/家族词汇共出现在至少3次以上,则这个词语连同其近义词/家族词汇均为其所在段落主题词。

  A Education

  B People

  C Transport(交通)

  D Drinks(酒/饮料)

  E Food

  F Nightlife(夜生活)

  23.Paragraph 2 _____.

  2 Most people have strong preconceptions(成见) about the British. But if you‘re one of these people, you’d be wise to abandon those ideas. Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities, a football match, or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable. It‘s certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers, sports supporters, pet owners (宠物主人)and gardeners(园丁) than the UK.


  提示:当段落中没有明显主题词及主题句时还可采取:1.反向排除法; 2:细节信息确定主题法;

  A. An introduction(引入,介绍) of a Toyota(丰田汽车)‘s 225 horsepower (特征词)(马力)V6 engine(发动机)(motor的近义词)。

  B. A description(描述) of the nanomotor(纳米发动机) in terms of (在……方面)power(动力, 权力) and size(大小,尺寸)。

  C. Surface tension(专业词汇/细节信息词)(表面张力)。

  D. Previous(以前的, 早先的) inventions(发明) of nanoscale(纳米级的) products(产品)。

  E. The working principle (工作原理)of the nanomotor(纳米发动机)。

  F. Possible(可能的) fields(领域, 天地, 运动场) of application(运用) in the future(将来)。

  2. paragraph 4 ___.

  Although the amount of energy produced is small —— 20 microwatts(微瓦) —— it is quite impressive in relation to the tiny scale of the motor. The whole setup(设备, 机构) is less than 200 nanometers(毫微米) on a side, or hundreds of times(倍/时期/次) smaller than the width(宽度) of a human hair(头发)。 If it could be scaled up to the size of an automobile engine, it would be 100 million times more powerful(强大的) than a Toyota Camry‘s 225 horsepower V6 engine.

  2.B motor及engine很可能就是其所在段落的主题词。由此判断A或B可能是答案。借助段落中的细节信息结构(涉及到数字的结构,分别描述大小和动力), 由此判断B是答案。

  A. An introduction(引入,介绍) of a Toyota(丰田汽车)‘s 225 horsepower (马力)V6 engine(发动机)(motor的近义词)。

  C. Surface tension(表面张力)。

  D. Previous(以前的, 早先的) inventions(发明) of nanoscale(纳米级的) products(产品)。

  F. Possible(可能的) fields(领域, 天地, 运动场) of application(运用) in the future(将来)。

  3. paragraph 5 ___.

  In 1988, Professor Richard Muller and colleagues made the first operating (工作的, 操作的)micromotor(微型发动机), which was 100 microns across, or about the thickness of a human hair. In 2003, Zettl's group created the first nanoscale motor. In 2006, they built a nanoconveyor(纳米传送带), which moves tiny particles along like cars in a factory.

  3. D 段落中出现了典型细节信息结构, ——涉及到数字的时间,从过去的时间到现在的时间,由此判断段落主题与关于历史的叙述相关。因此D是答案。从段落的具体内容上看, 该段介绍了发明纳米发动机之前的一些纳米等级的机械产品,如体积大一些的纳米发动机,微型发动机,纳米传送带,纳米机器等。选项 D 概括了本段的大意。









