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专八英语阅读理解题及答案详解 篇1
The Military Is In
Things have really changed. Not only is the military standing tall again, it is staging a remarkable comeback in the quantity and quality of the recruits it is attracting. Recruiters, once denounced by antiwar students as “baby killers” and barred from campuses, are welcomed ever at elite universities. ROTC (Reserve Officer’s Training Corps) programs, that faltered during the Viet Nam era, when protesters were fire bombing their headquarters, are flourishing again. The military academies are enjoying a steady increase in applications.
Certainly, the depressed economy has increased the allure of the jobs, technical training and generous student loans offered by the military. Students know that if they go in and become, say, nuclear weapons specialists, they can come out and demand a salary of $60,000 a year. Military salaries, while not always competitive with those paid for comparable jobs in the private sector, are more than respectable, especially considering the wide array of benefits that are available: free medical service, room and board, and PX (Post Exchange) privileges. Monthly pay for a recruit is $574; for a sergeant with four years services it is $906; for a major with ten years’ service it is $2,305. The services’ slick $175 million-a-year advertising campaign promising adventure and fulfillment has helped win over the TV generation. Kids are walking down the school hallways chanting ‘Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines,’ just like in the commercials. And many military officials feel that the key difference is the enhanced patriotism among the nation’s youth. There is a return to the view that the military is an honorable profession. The days of a judge telling a miscreant to join the Army or go to jail are over. Recruiting for all four services combined is running at 101%of authorized goals. And the retention rate is now so high, that the services are refusing some re-enlistment applications and reducing annual recruiting target.
The military academics are also enjoying halcyon years, attracting more and better-qualified students. Compared to private colleges, where tuition and expenses have been climbing sharply, the service schools are a real bargain: not only is tuition free, but recruits get allowances of up to $500 a mouth. It is reported 12,300 applicants are for the 1,450 positions in this year’s freshman class. Military academies are now just as selective as any of the best universities in the country.
Nationwide, ROTC enrollment exceeds 105,000,a 64% increase over the 1974 figure. In the mid 70’s, the ROTC students refused to wear their uniforms on campus because they suffered all sorts of ridicule, if they did. Now if they wear them to class no one looks at them twice. To them, Viet Nam is ancient history, something the old folks talk about.
1. What is the main idea of this passage?
[A] The Military is in [B] The Military is up
[C] The Military is down [D] The Military is on
2. What was the attitude of the students in 1970’s towards the military?
[A] Approval. [B] Indifferent. [C] Distaste. [D] Scolding.
3. The phrase “come out” is closest in meaning to
[A] “become visible”. [B] “begin to grow”.
[C] “be made public”. [D] “gain a certain position”.
4. Which one of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason to attract students.
[A] Free tuition. [B] Spacious room.
[C] Considerate allowance. [D] Technical training.
1. A. 军队又吃香了。To be in 有“流行,时髦”之义。全篇文章围绕这一点而写。文章一开头就点名宗旨“事情真的变了,军队形象不仅高大,招收新兵的质量和数量明显得到恢复。”第二段开始:“可以肯定,经济萧条使得军队提供就业,技术训练和对学生慷慨贷款提高了诱惑力……。”第二段倒数第七句“许多军官感到关键性的变化是这个国家青年中的爱国心增强,当兵是一个荣誉职业的看法又恢复了。”都表示吃香。
B. to be up 有“完了,完毕,上涨”等义。 C. to be down 有“消沉,落魄,下降”等义。 D. tobe on 有“上演,开着”等义。这里都讲不通。
2. C. 厌恶。答案在第一段第二句“招兵人员曾一度被反战学生谴责为‘杀婴犯’而拒之校园之外,现在甚至名牌大学都欢迎。后备军官训练队计划在越战时期曾动摇不定,抗议的人向部队投掷燃烧弹,如今又兴旺起来。”最后一段第二句“70年代中期,后备军官训练队学生不愿在校内穿制服,因为穿了就遭到各种嘲笑。”这些都说明70年代,学生对军队的态度是“厌恶”。所以
A. 赞成, B. 漠不关心, D. 漫骂,都不对。
3. 获得地位。To come out 有 to gain certain position 获得(名次,地位)之义,也有appear, tobe seen (出现,看得见)之义。这里的上下文,只能是D. 第二段第二句“学生们知道,要是参军,当上譬如核武器专家,他们就能扬名并可要求6万美元年薪。”
A. 看得见, B. 开始成长, C. 公开。
4. B. 宽敞的'房间。
A. 免学费。 C. 相当高的津贴。 D. 技术培训,都提到过。第二段开始“可以肯定,经济萧条使得军队提供就业,技术训练以及对学生慷慨贷款等的诱惑力增大。”第三句“军队薪金尽管比不是私人公司中类似工作的工资,但已经很可观了,尤其考虑到军队里有一系列的福利待遇,如免费医疗,膳宿,军人消费合作社特惠等。”第三段“军事院校招收的学生数量多了,质量好,年头也就好过。私立大学里,学费和各类费用一直急剧上升,相比之下,上军事院校确实便宜,不仅学费全面,新生每月还可拿5百美元的补贴。
专八英语阅读理解题及答案详解 篇2
The Young Generation
Old people are always saying that the young are not whatthey were. The same comment is made from generation togeneration and it is always true. It has never been truer than it istoday. The young are better educated. They have a lot moremoney to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up morequickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They thinkmore for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideals of theirelders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly arenothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from theone that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.
The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around abit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this isprecisely what the young are doing. They are question the assumptions of their elders anddisturbing their complacency. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery.Wouldn’t people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And whatabout clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convicthaircuts? If we ruin our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can bestbe solved through conventional politics or by violent means, who said that human difference canbest be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generationso often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in theirpersonal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more materialpossessions? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that isimportant in life?
These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the pastforty years or so hasn’t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their eldersfor guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old—if they are prepared to admitit—could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is thatenjoyment is not ‘sinful’. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surelynot wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely notwrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the present is onlyto be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constantthreat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised that they shouldso often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?
1. Which of the following features in the young is NOT mentioned?
[A] Better educated. [B] More money and freedom.
[C] Independence. [D] Hard work.
2. What so the young reject most?
[A] Values. [B] The assumption of the elders.
[C] Conformity. [C] Conventional ideas.
3. Why do the young stress on the present?
[A] They have grown up under the shadow of the bomb.
[B] They dislike the past.
[C] They think the present world is the best.
[D] They are afraid of destruction.
4. What can the old learn from the young generation?
[A] Enjoyment is not sinful. [B] People should have more leisure time.
[C] Men might enjoy life. [D] One should enjoy one’s work.
1. D. 艰苦工作。这在第一段中第四句“青年一代受了更好教育,有大量的钱话,有更多的自由。他们成长的很快,不那么依赖于父母,他们独立思考得更多,不盲目接受老一代的理想……。”
A. 受更好的教育。 B. 更多的钱和自由。 C. 独立性。这三项均提及到。
2. C. 顺从。第二段集中讲到这一点。“因为老人们经常认为自己懂得多,理由就是他们经历得多。他们不喜欢自己的价值观受到怀疑或威胁。而这正是青年在做的。他们对老人们的设想提出疑问,打乱他们的自鸣得意。他们甚至敢于怀疑老一代创造了世界上可能最佳的社会。他们最反对的莫过于顺从。例如:他们说办公时间就是强制奴役,如果人们完全自由,绝对负责,他们的工作不会更好吗?而穿衣呢?谁说世界上所有的男人都该穿单调的灰色西装和剪成像罪犯似的短发?……。”这些词语都表示他们最反对的东西是遵从,“一致性”。所以
A. 价值。 B. 长者的设想。 D. 传统习俗观念。都是具体的某一点。
3. A. 他们在炸弹的阴影下成长。第三段倒数第四句起“由于年轻人是在炸弹战争的`阴影下成长壮大:在不断受到全面歼灭的威胁之下,所以也只能期望他们重视目前。这是他们的光荣遗产。他们经常询问赠给他们遗产的这代人的头脑是否清醒。对此我们能表示惊讶吗?”遗产指的是第二段的种种问题所体现出来的东西,如:“谁说人类之差异能通过常规政策或暴力手段予以很好的解决?为什么老一代人常用暴力来解决他们的问题?为什么他们(老一代)个人生活那么不愉快。老有负罪感?为什么老纠缠于要积聚越来越多的物质财富?……。”
B. 他们不喜欢过去。 C. 他们认为现世界是最好的。 D. 他们害怕破坏。
4. A. 享受不是犯罪。这在第三段中间“老年人——如果他们准备承认的话——可以从他们的孩子们那里学到一两件事。他们能学的最大的课堂之一是享受不是犯罪。”“享受”是人可适用于生活各个方面的原则。从工作中获得乐处,享受闲暇时间,肯定不是错误。抛弃约束限制,生活在现在而不是生活在过去肯定也不是错。
B. 人们应有更多的闲暇。 C. 人可以享受生活。 D. 一个人应当享受工作。
1. reminder 使共回想起某事的东西,提示者
2. complacency 自鸣得意,自满情结
3. take leave 擅自,任意,随意
I took leave to consider this matter settled. 请原谅我认为这事已经解决了。
4. conformity 与……一致,遵从
5. guilt 有罪,内疚
6. ridden (ride 的过去分词)受……支配的,受……压迫
7. guilt-ridden 负罪感
8. amass 积累,积聚
9. a rat-race 激烈的竞争
10. shrug off 对……耸肩表示不屑一理,轻视,摆脱
11. spotless 无污点的,纯洁的
12. shed 摆脱,抛弃
13. annihilate 歼灭
14. bequeath 赠送,把……传给后代
15. sanity 头脑清醒健全
1. convict haircut. Convict 义:罪犯。罪犯和短发两字合在一起为“囚犯理的发式”。但在这里其含义根据上下文决定。前面讲到“谁说世界上所有的男人都应穿浅灰色的西装”,后面只能译成“剪成像罪犯似的短发呢”。本义有haircut义:修理整齐的短发。整齐划一表示绅士派的工作人中作风正派,认真负责,一丝不苟的精神。作者用了convict罪犯一字表示讽刺:“罪犯也是整齐划一的短发跟绅士们的要求一样,难道他们也是作风正派,认真负责,一丝不苟吗?”
专八英语阅读理解题及答案详解 篇3
The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed intuition to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise; and to integrate action into the process of thinking.
Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition. In general, however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is. Some see it as the opposite of rationality; others view it as an excuse for capriciousness.
Isenberg's recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals that managers' intuition is neither of these. Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform well-learned behavior patterns rapidly. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills. A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture, often in an Aha! experience. Fourth, some managers use intuition as a check on the results of more rational analysis. Most senior executives are familiar with the formal decision analysis models and tools, and those who use such systematic methods for reaching decisions are occasionally leery of solutions suggested by these methods which run counter to their sense of the correct course of action. Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move rapidly to engender a plausible solution. Used in this way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns.
One of the implications of the intuitive style of executive management is that thinking is inseparable from acting. Since managers often know what is right before they can analyze and explain it, they frequently act first and explain later. Analysis is inextricably tied to action in thinking/acting cycles, in which managers develop thoughts about their companies and organizations not by analyzing a problematic situation and then acting, but by acting and analyzing in close concert.
Given the great uncertainty of many of the management issues that they face, senior managers often instigate a course of action simply to learn more about an issue. They then use the results of the action to develop a more complete understanding of the issue. One implication of thinking/acting cycles is that action is often part of defining the problem, not just of implementing the solution.
1. According to the text, senior managers use intuition in all of the following ways EXCEPT to
[A] Speed up of the creation of a solution to a problem.
[B] Identify a problem.
[C] Bring together disparate facts.
[D] Stipulate clear goals.
2. The text suggests which of the following about the writers on management mentioned in line 1, paragraph 2?
[A] They have criticized managers for not following the classical rational model of decision analysis.
[B] They have not based their analyses on a sufficiently large sample of actual managers.
[C] They have relied in drawing their conclusions on what managers say rather than on what managers do.
[D] They have misunderstood how managers use intuition in making business decisions.
3. It can be inferred from the text that which of the following would most probably be one major difference in behavior between Manager X, who uses intuition to reach decisions, and Manager Y, who uses only formal decision analysis?
[A] Manager X analyzes first and then acts; Manager Y does not.
[B] Manager X checks possible solutions to a problem by systematic analysis; Manager Y does not.
[C] Manager X takes action in order to arrive at the solution to a problem; Manager Y does not.
[D] Manager Y draws on years of hands-on experience in creating a solution to a problem; Manager X does not.
4. The text provides support for which of the following statements?
[A] Managers who rely on intuition are more successful than those who rely on formal decision analysis.
[B] Managers cannot justify their intuitive decisions.
[C] Managers'' intuition works contrary to their rational and analytical skills.
[D] Intuition enables managers to employ their practical experience more efficiently.
5. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph of the text?
[A] An assertion is made and a specific supporting example is given.
[B] A conventional model is dismissed and an alternative introduced.
[C] The results of recent research are introduced and summarized.
[D] Two opposing points of view are presented and evaluated.
1. 「答案」D
「考点解析」这是一道归纳推导题。本题题干中的senior managers暗示本题的答案信息在第三段,因为第三段首句包含题干中的senior managers。通过仔细阅读和理解本段中所谈到的五点,我们可推导出本题的正确选项是选项D.本题选项A、B、C所涉及的内容分别在本段的第五点、第一点和第三点提到。考生在解题时一定要学会认真归纳和总结原文所表达的每一层含义。
2. 「答案」D
3. 「答案」C
「考点解析」本题是一道审题定位题。题干中的who uses intuition to reach decisions暗示本题的答案信息在第四段,因为第四段首句含有和题干中who uses intuition to reach decisions大致相同的the intuitive style of executive management。通过仔细阅读和理解第四段的每一句话,我们可发现第四段的第一句话都在强调act(行动),可见本题的正确选项应该是强调行动的选项C.本题的答案信息来源是第四段的第二句话。考生在解题时一定要首先准确地审题定位,然后要善于归纳和理解原文中的中心主旨信息。
4. 「答案」D
5. 「答案」B
「考点解析」本题是一道段落结构题。第一句话中的do not和第二句句首的rather是破解本题的关键。抓住这两个关键就可以推导出本题的'正确选项应该是B.考生在解题时一定要注意表示否定的词语以及表示启承转合的词语,更要注意句子之间的相互关系。
[参考译文] 大部分成功的高层管理人员并不拘泥于传统的推理模式,即:首先确定目标,然后估定问题,摆出各种可能性,估计成功率,再做决定,最后才付诸行动去实施。相反,在这些人的日常决策过程中,他们靠一种定义模糊的直觉应付大量相关问题,这些问题使他们必须在一堆含糊不清,自相矛盾,奇特无比或者令人惊异的事物中做抉择,而且在考虑过程中就要有相应的行动。