英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-08-15 16:43:19 英语试题 我要投稿




  一、 看图写单词(每个2分,共10分)

  ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____________ ____________  _____________   _____________  _____________


  1.study(单三形式) 2.new(反义词)

  3.wish(现在分词) 4.speak(过去式)

  5.children(单数) 6.worry(过去式)

  7.miss(单三形式) 8.don’t(完整形式)

  9.school(复数) 10.ride(现在分词)


  ( )1. It’s a fine day today, but it’s going to tomorrow.

  A. snowy B. be snow C. be windy

  ( )2. A:Did you meet in Beijing ? B:No.

  A. he B. his C.him

  ( )3. There lors of balloons in the room.

  A.are B.be C.is

  ( )4. How many are there in the basket?

  A.egg B.an egg C.eggs

  ( )5. Tom wants his fiend. A. be B. to is C. to be

  ( )6. A: is the Great Wall?

  B:It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.

  A. How much B. How big C. How long

  ( )7. Children are football in the playground.

  A. playing B. played C. play

  ( )8. Harbin is in the of China.

  A. east B. south C.north

  ( )9. Helen Keller is a model us.

  A. of B. to C. for

  ( )10. My sister a present for me last Sunday.

  A. buys B. buy C. bought


  1.-----_________are they? ---- They are five dollars.

  2.-----_________is in red? ------ Lily.

  3. -----_________is your father?----- Very well.

  4. -----_________was he from? ----Xinjiang.

  5. -----_________did you watch TV yesterday? -------At six..

  How much Where When How Who


  ( )1.What colour is your bag? A. It’s my uncle.

  ( )2.What did she have for breakfast? B. It’s blue.

  ( )3.What time is it? C.Three.

  ( )4.When did you go to Xinjiang? D. We went there in July.

  ( )5.Who is this? E. She had sandwiches.

  ( )6.How many eggs did you eat yesterday? F.It’s seven o’clock.

  ( )7.How did you go there? G.Of course.

  ( )8.Where’s Xinjiang? H.Yes,I did.

  ( )9.Can I see them? I.It’s in the west of china.

  ( )10.Did you go there? J.We went there by plane.


  1. Students are m_________a cake together now.

  2. The men wore w_________ clothes.

  3. I w_________a letter to my mother yesterday.

  4. Daming h______milk and eggs for breakfast.

  5. Mr Li w_________very hard when he was a child.

  6. I’m sending an e to my family.

  7. The birds are s in the trees.

  8. Keep on p Chinese in the UK.

  9. W are you wearing a dress?

  10. Be c ! The car is coming.


  A:Good afternoon!________________?

  B: ________________.I want a coat . A.Yes , please .

  A:This one is very nice .Do you like it ?

  B: ___________.Do you have a small one ,please? B.Here you are .

  A:Look at this one.

  B:That ‘s lovely!I’ll take it._________________. C.Can I help you?

  A: Seventy yuan.

  B: ________________. D.How much is it ?.

  A: Thank you.

  B:You’re welcome. E.I think it’s too big for me.


  ( ) 1. She is bom in 2000.

  A B C

  ( ) 2. Did you saw the TV?

  A B C

  ( ) 3. Mum buys me a bike yesterday.

  A B C

  ( ) 4. We often played basketball after school.

  A B C

  ( ) 5. What’s colour is your pencil-box?

  A B C

  九、阅读理解:正确打“T”,错误打“F” (每小题2分,共10分)

  There was a big supermarket near Mrs Black’s home.The things were cheap there. Yesterday,Mrs Black went to the supermarket .She bought some sandwiches for David. He liked sandwiches. Eggs were also his favourite food. And she bought some milk.She wanted to buy a bag of rice,but she couldn’t take it .It was very heavy. The shop assistant(售货员) helped her.

  ( )1.There wasn’t a big supermarket.

  ( )2.Mr Black went to the supermarket yesterday.

  ( )3.David liked sandwiches.

  ( )4.Mrs Black didn’t have enough milk at home.

  ( )5.The rice is heavy.



  1 2 3 4 5

  Listen to music near the bed story book computer dinner, often

  last week tomorrow now at six









