英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-11-11 12:40:36 英语试题 我要投稿




  第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共85分)




  1 . A. A nice plate B. Delicious. C. For Kate.

  2. A. A black cat B. Very heavy C. It’s black

  3. A. In the meeting room B. Very heavy C. For about one hour

  4. A. It’s a nice one B. The smaller one C. High in the sky

  5. A. This afternoon B. With Jenny C. In the office



  6.Who sings well?

  A. Mary B. Kate C. The classmates

  7.Where does the man work?

  A. In the restaurant B. in the doctor’s office C . at a store

  8. What’s the man’s present for Jack?

  A. a sweater B. football boots C. a shirt

  9. What can we learn about Tom?

  A. He now has children of his own.

  B. He has an older brother and a younger sister.

  C. He is the third child in the family.

  10. How many people do they expect to attend the party?

  A. 115 B.100 C. 85

  11. What may be the relationship between the man and the woman?

  A. servant and hostess.

  B. doorkeeper and visitor

  C. waiter and customer.

  12. What does the man mean?

  A. You should believe everything you read .

  B. There are different reviews in the papers

  C. He wonders which newspaper she has read.




  13. What are the man and the woman going to do?

  A. to watch a tennis game B. to play tennis

  C. to have a tennis lesson

  14. What can we know about Jack?

  A. he doesn’t like tennis at all. B. he is not good at serving a ball

  C. he can play it well

  15. What does the woman suggest?

  A. he needs practice more. B. he has to watch more games

  C. he should bring some extra tennis balls.

  听下面一段对话, 回答第16----18小题。

  16. Who took those beautiful pictures?

  A. Betty’s mother and father. B. Betty’s sister C. Betty.

  17.What is Betty’s mother doing in the photo?

  A. lying on the beach B. holding a lovely koala bear

  C. walking in the woods

  18. What made Betty’s father feel great?

  A. going to a museum B. buying a pair of earphones

  C. staying in the sunshine.

  听下面一段对话, 回答第19----22小题。

  19. Where was the dog before the accident happened?

  A. on the sidewalk. B. on the road C. behind the owner

  20. What can we know about the man ?

  A. he doesn’t mind his dog. B. he knew nothing about the accident

  C. he was afraid of the driver.

  21. What is the relationship(关系) of the two people?

  A. stranger and passerby(路人) B. policewoman and the dog’s owner.

  C. dustman(垃圾工) and driver

  22. What caused the accident?

  A. the dog B. the man C. the post(邮箱)

  听下面一段独白, 回答第23----25小题。

  23. Why did the farmer ask nobody to dig his field?

  A. he was afraid someone would find his money.

  B. he had no one to ask for help at all.

  C. he knew his wife could manage(想办法) to dig the field.

  24. What did the policeman go to the potato farmer’s field for ?

  A. to help the farmer dig the field.

  B. to talk to the farmer’s wife.

  C. to look for the money and the gun.

  25. What might happen in the end?

  A. the farmer’s wife was able to plant the potatoes.

  B. the policemen had to let the farmer go out of the prison.(监狱)。

  C. the farmer went out to plant potatoes.


  26.-While John_____ the piano, Mary ___ the house.

  - Really, didn’t she like his performance?

  A. played left B. was playing left

  C. was playing was leaving D. played was leaving

  27.-Who’s the Monkey King?

  - He’s the main _____ in Journey to the west .

  A. actor B. object C. character D. tourist

  28.-Canada is a lot ______crowded than China .

  -That’s true. The population in China is larger than _____ in Canada.

  A. more it B. less one

  C. more, those D. less that

  29.-_____you ____ my watch, Tom? I can’t find it now.

  -Yes, I ____ it 5 minutes ago.

  A. Do see saw B. Are seeing see

  C. Have seen saw D. Will see see

  30.-Please ____the kids to get up quickly, or they’ll be late for school.

  --Don’t you know today is Saturday .

  A. make B. let C. hurry D. pull

  31.-How did Lucy hurt herself?

  -She ____ a big tree because she was reading while walking.

  A. walked over B. walked into C. fell into D. ran over

  32.- I ______ with the new iphone6s at the first sight of it.

  -So you bought it though your parents didn’t allowed.

  A. came up B. got on C. caught up D. fell in love

  33. –Every year ,a large number of people die_____ car accidents.

  --That’s true, because of being drunk or careless.

  A. from B. out C. away D. down

  34.-Where’s your father, Tom?


  A. He’s reading B. He will come

  C. He is very well D. He’s gone to work