

时间:2023-06-09 19:30:46 王娟 英语试题 我要投稿
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  一.单项选择(从A、B、C、D中选择正确答案) 15’

  ()1.---My mother was ill and I had to look after her at home.


  A.It doesn’t matter.B.Don’t worry C.I don’t think so.D.I’m sorry to hear that.

  ()2.---What delicious cakes!

  ---Yes,and they would taste ________ with butter(黄油).

  A.good B.better C.well D.badly

  ()3.My father was _______ about the_______ news.

  A.exciting;exciting B.excited;excited

  C.exciting;excited D.excited;exciting

  () 4.-----___________?-----She is short with fair hair.

  A.What does Sally like B.What is Sally look like

  C.What does Sally look like D.What is Sally looking

  ()5.The girl looks as ____ as a film star.

  A.lovely B.beautifully C.carefully D.swiftly

  () 6.-----______ you ___ your homework yet?

  -----Yes.I _____ it a moment ago.

  A.Did,do;finished B.Have,done;finished

  C.Have,done;have finished D.will,do;finish

  () 7.Her father ______in1990 and her husband ______for more than five years.

  A.died,dead B.has died,dead

  C.died,has been dead D.has died,has died

  ()8.We came to Nanjing three years ago,so we ________ here for three years.

  A.have been to B.have been in C.have been D.have gone

  () 9.----Jack,is your mother in?

  ----Sorry,she ___________ Shanghai on business.

  A.has been in B.has gone to C.has gone in D.has been to

  ()10.You can improve your English _________ practicing more.

  A.by B.with C.of D.in

  ()11.My home is far from school.That’s _______ I go there by bus.

  A.what B.how C.when D.why

  ()12.This movie wasn’t _________.He fell asleep half way through it.

  A.interesting enough B.enough interesting

  C.interested enough D.enough interested

  ()13.He’s never been to the Great Wall,__________?

  A.is he B.was he C.wasn’t he D.has he

  ()14.He has many books on the desk,but _______ of them is on English.

  A.none B.neither C.all D.both

  ()15.The weather in Bejing is different from _______in Guangzhou.

  A.it B.one C.that D.those

  二.完形填空 10’

  Do you hope to move to another city or a foreign country?It may be interesting.But how about moving to ___1__planet?A US company now has a plan:sending people to Mars__2__

  20 years.

  To begin with,the company plans to send__3__people to go to Mars first.It will__4_them several months to get there.When they arrive,they will build a __5__first.

  But Mars is not an easy place to__6__.It is rocky,cold and has lots of sandstorms(沙尘暴).Also,there is __7__air for breath.So people would have to live in a special house.They would have to__8__special clothes if they go out.

  People will have to find __9___resources(资源),iron,water and so on.All these could

  help people live there....

  Sounds interesting?You might want to go to Mars now.___10__will things go well as the company hopes?We’ll wait and see.

  ()1.A.the other B.another C.one more D.other

  ()2.A.at B.o n C.in D.to

  ()3.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little

  ()4.A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay

  ()5.A.car B.garden C.house D.bus stop

  ()6.A.dream of B.stay in C.climb up D.liv e on

  ()7.A.no B.some C.many D.much

  ()8.A.put on B.wear C.wear out D.dress up

  ()9.A.alone B.useful C.latest D.deep

  ()10.A.Because B.When C.But D.So

  三.阅读理解 30’


  There are many different places to eat in Switzerland.There are some fast-food restaurants,self-service restaurants and family restaurants.There also are some nice and expensive restaurants.Choosing where to eat is an “experience”.

  Food is more expensive in Switzerland than in most of other countries in Europe.It is much more expensive than in the USA.In Switzerland if you go to a fast-food restaurant,you may easily spend up to 10 CHF (瑞士法郎) for a hamburger,a soft drink and a cup of coffee.In a family restaurant,a meal usually costs you between 15CHF and 50 CHF.Self-service restaurants are less expensive.At a nice restaurant,one person can pay as much as 1,000 CHF just for a bottle of wine.

  In Switzerland a usual dinner always has all kinds of noodles,vegetables,meat,fish and seafood.Potatoes are used in many different ways.Vegetarian meals (素食饭菜) are also popular now.This means that salads are very popular.The most important part of a dinner is the dessert.Cheese,cakes and cookies are the most popular desserts.

  ()1.This passage tells us about different places to eat in    .

  A.Switzerland B.the USA C.the world D.Europe

  ()2.What does the underlined word “self-service” mean in Chinese?

  A.服务 B.自助 C.优质服务 D.无人售货

  ()3.How is the food in Switzerland according to the second paragraph?

  A.It tastes very good in Europe.

  B.It is much cheaper in Europe.

  C.It is almost the most expensive in Europe.

  D.It has the most kinds of food in Europe.

  ()4.Which is the most expensive restaurant in Switzerland?

  A.A fast-food restaurant.B.A family restaurant.

  C.A self-service restaurant.D.A nice restaurant.

  ()5.What is the most important part of a Switzerland dinner?

  A The salad.B.Vegetables.C.The meat.D.The dessert.


  It’s true that every country has its custom.

  We all know that in America if people are pleased with you,they will give you a sign “OK”.But maybe you don‘t know this sign is co nsidered to be rude in Brazil.

  In Poland,guests usually choose flowers as presents for hostesses(女主人).Remember the number must be an odd(奇数)one.And the hostess doesn’t hope that you remove the cover of the bunch(束)of flowers.You must be more careful when you give red roses to a woman because the red rose means love.

  In China we often hear people say that “nodding” means agreement(同意)。And “shaking the head” means disagreement.But in Bulgaria they mean the opposite.

  We really need to pay more attention to the differences in customs.What‘s more,we should learn more about them in order to avoid embarrassment (尴尬)。Do remember:when in Rome,do as the Romans do.

  ()6.The sign “OK” is different between ____.

  A.America and China B.America and Brazil

  C.Brazil and Poland D.America and Bulgaria

  () 7.In Poland,when a man sends some red roses to a woman as presents,it means ______.

  A.he will invite her to a dinner party B.he will invite her to sing and dance

  C.he has fallen in love with her D.he will surely marry her

  ()8.In Bulgaria,if a person shakes his head,that means he ____.

  A.doesn’t want to talk w ith you B.agrees with you

  C.disagrees with you D.doesn’t like you

  ()9.The sentence “When in Rome,do as the Romans do.” means that ______.

  A.we do what the Romans do B.we should do after the Romans

  C.we must learn from the Romans

  D.we must observe(遵守)its customs when we are in a foreign country

  ()10.The main idea of this passage is ____.

  A.different countries,different customs B.different countries,the same customs

  C.learning from the Romans D.doing what the Romans do


  Health is very important for us.In order to stay healthy,we need to know some common knowledge.

  Firstly,pay attention to the diet.We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables,because they are rich in fiber (维生素)and low in fat(脂肪).As a proverb says,“ An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” So fruit is good for health.Don’t have a lot of food that contains _____①____ fat,such as butter.Meanwhile(同时),sweets should be eaten in proper quantity,because too much sugar ②does harm to us.Don’t drink too much coffee,either.

  Secondly,exercise is necessary.③Regular exercise can help keep us from getting fat.People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than those who don’t.

  Finally,form(养成) good living habits.We should sleep for about 8 hours at night,and never work too hard.Too much work and little sleep will lead to illness.What’s more,stay away from cigarettes.

  These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.

  11.How many ways to stay healthy does the writer mention?



  A.much too B.too much C.too many D.many too




  15.The best title of the passage is “_____________________________________________”.







  1.I’m so nervous because there are so many ________________(陌生人) in the room.

  2.Have you ever _______________(梦想) of flying into space one day.

  3.Now,I can speak English,______________(德语) and Chinese.

  4.It’s ________________(不可能的) to imagine how large the universe is.

  5.I often eat fast food,so I have got a ________________(肚子疼)。

  6.I am so weak that the doctor told me to ______________(锻炼) more.

  7.Sorry,I’m late because my mother’s _________________________(病)。

  8.Have you ____________(测量) your son’s temperature?

  9.The meat _____________(闻起来) a little sour.

  10.Lingling,thanks for ___________ (邀请) me to your birthday party.


  1.So far,the little girl ________________(learn) 2,000 English words.

  2.I don’t know how __________________(make) a model spaceship.

  3.The soft bed makes me __________(feel) comfortable.

  4.Many parents find it difficult __________(talk) with their teenage children.

  5.-----________ you _________(do) your homework yet?

  -----Yes.I ____________(finish) it a moment ago.

  6.I ______________(read) this book twice.It’s very interesting.

  7.Mr.Smith ___________(work) in this factory since he ______( come) to China.

  8.Most of the students have finished _______ (do) their English homework.

  9.I’ve caught a bad cold and I don’t feel like ___________(eat).



  1.因----而自豪_______ ____________2.获得一等奖___________________






  2.这就是它上新闻的原因。(that’s why-----)


  3.他离开北京已经三年了。(for three years)

  ______________________ __________________________________________________

  4.他们去过很多有趣的地方。(be to)

  _________________________________________________________ _______________

  5.它们当中没有一个有着和地球一样的环境。(none of)



  ___________________________________________________________________________ _________


  一.1---5 D B D CA 6-----10 BCCBA 11---15 DADAA

  二.1 —5 BCBAC 6----10 DABBC

  三.1—5 ABCDD 6—10 BCBDA



  13.be harmful to


  15.How to stay healthy.

  五.1.has learnt 2.to make 3.feel 4.to talk 5.Have,done;finished

  6.have read 7.has worked ,came 8.doing 9.eating



  () 1.hot A.father

  () 2.mother B.boy

  () 3.winter C.cold

  () 4.girl D.dear

  () 5.cheap E.summer


  1.Pass ______ ( I ) the knife,please.

  2.Please give _______ (we) the scissors.

  3.Can I use ______ (you) bike?

  4._____ (it)are Sunday,Monday,Tuesday…

  5.Are _____ (this) your stamps?


  1.The months of winter usually are N ________,D _________ andJ _____.

  2.Shanghai is in the e _______ of China.

  3.Teachers’ Day is on the t _______ of S _______.

  4.The ball is 200 yuan.It is d _______.

  5.This plane f ______ to Guangzhou every day.

  6.Beijing is a b ______ city.

  7.The box is h _____.I can’t carry it.


  () 1.I’m very glad _____ you.

  A.see B.to see C.seeing D.to seeing

  () 2.More and more people in the world enjoy _____ now.

  A.swim B.swimming C.to swim D.swims

  () 3.This new pencil-case is only _____ Jimmy.

  A.in B.on C.for D.at

  () 4.Are there _____ trees behind the house?

  A.a B.the C.much D.any

  () 5.The game is _____ funny that many of them like it.

  A.such B.so C.very D.quite

  () 6.One of his friends ______ his daughter sometimes.

  A.visiting B.is visiting C.visitor D.visits

  () 7.This machine is very easy to use.______ can learn to use it in a very short time.

  A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Few people

  () 8.Even the top students in our class can’t work out this problem.So it _____ be very difficult.

  A.may B.must C.can D.need

  () 9.-- Hi,Mike.Can you help me?

  -- OK.________.

  A.You’ll help me B.I’m going C.I’m coming D.I’m leaving

  () 10.-- What can I do for you,madam?

  -- I’d like two ______.

  A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D.bottle of milks


  the same hobby,for,with,spend,from,go around,live in,lessons,subject,to

  1.How do you _____ your weekends?

  2.-- Can you go and get any fruits _____ me?

  -- All right.

  3.-- Are you _____ different countries?

  -- Yes,we are.

  4.-- Touch your feet _____ your hands,please.

  -- OK.

  5.I like travelling.I’d like to ______ China.

  6.She likes watching cartoons,too.We have ______.

  7.–- What _______ do you like?

  -- I like Maths.

  8.Wang Bing is writing an e-mail ______ his friend.

  9.I’m from the USA.I _______ New York.

  10.-- What ______ do you have this morning?

  -- We have Chinese,Maths,PE and English.


  1.A:What is the cat doing?

  B:It _____ sleeping.(睡觉)

  A:Do you like it?

  B:Yes,______ ______.

  2.A:When ______ you go to bed?

  B:I go to bed ______ 9:00.

  A:What ______ you?

  B:I go ______ ___________9:30.

  3.A:Have you ______ any ink?

  B:Yes,______ _______.

  A:May I _____ it?

  B:Of course.Here you are.


  Tom is seven.He goes to school every day.The school is near his home,so he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(按时).But today he is late.His mother asks him,“Why are you late today?”

  “I am in the headmaster’s office(校长办公室).”

  “Why do you go to the headmaster’s office?”

  “Because my teacher asks us a question in the class.Nobody can answer it,but I can.”

  “It’s good to answer the teacher’s question.”

  “But the question is,Who puts ink on my chair?”

  1.Is Tom’s home far from his school?


  2.How does he go to school?


  3.Does Tom often come back home late?


  4.Only Tom can answer the question,can’t he?


  5.Is it good for Tom to do it?














  —_______does your mother watch the Talk show ---Once a week.

  A.How long B.How often

  C.How soon D.How many

  My English teacher is as_____ as my math teacher.

  A.Serious B.seriouser C.more serious D.much serious

  The weather in Wuhan in summer is ___than that in Beijing.They are different.

  A.cool B.much cool C.hot D.hotter

  Beijing is one of the ______in the world now.

  A.busiest city B.busiest cities C.busy city D.busy cities

  My mother decided _____us to the zoo and we all jumped with joy.

  A.taking B.to take C.takes D.take

  The tomato is in fact a fruit,________ it is eaten as a vegetable.

  A.because B.if C.when D.although

  ---Do you play computer games

  ---No,_______.I don’t like them at all.

  A.always B.often C.usually D.never

  What do you ____ this new watch

  A.think at B.think of C.think over D.think hard

  ---How many students like this song

  --- ______ of us likes it.It sounds terrible.

  A.No one B.None C.All D.Nobody

  一How much should I pay for the meal

  —That’s to you_______ decide!

  A.as;as B.up;to

  C.thanks;to D.on;to

  I am different ______ my friends.Are you similar ______ your friends

  A.to;from B.from ;to C.to;as D.with;to

  The funny story made the kid ______.

  A.Laughs B.laughing C.laugh D.to laugh

  Little Tom eats_______ food ,so he is_______ fat.

  A.much too;too much B.much too;too many

  C.too much;much too D.too much;too many

  Thanks for ____me to the party.

  A.invite B.to invite C.inviting D.invited

  Do you have _______ to say about this

  A.something different B.anything different

  C.different something D.different anything


  The summer vacation is the best time for students.They can go outdoors and have fun.They can go to big cities to______,or go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of ______.

  Peter is an American middle school students and he loves______very much.He always travels in his country.

  This summer vacation he did ______He was interested in Chinese history._____he flew to Beijing and xi’an for the summer vacation.He left New York on July 12th and ______New York on the last day of August.He wanted_______a great vacation,and in fact he did have a wonderful time.During the ______,he visited places of interest and bought something.And at night,he took walks______the beautiful night.It’s really a _______summer holiday.

  1.A.watch TV B.exercising C.go sightseeing (观光) D.go fishing

  2.A.buildings B.city C.far D.nature

  3.A.travelling B.shopping C.fishing D.hiking

  4.A.something difference B.different something C.something different D.difference something

  5.A.Because B.So C.But D.Although

  6.A.got back to B.get back to C.getting back D.gets back to

  7.A.having B.to have C.to having D.had

  8.A.weekend B.week C.night D.day

  9.A.enjoyed B.enjoys C.to enjoy D.enjoying

  10.A.great B.well C.terrible D.boring



  A.Is it expensive

  B.What kind of food do you like

  C.But it has the best service ,too.

  D.It’s the most popular restaurant

  in town.

  E.Have a great time.

  F.Let’s go there.

  A.Is it expensive

  B.What kind of food do you like

  C.But it has the best service ,too.

  D.It’s the most popular restaurant

  in town.

  E.Have a great time.

  F.Let’s go there.

  Tim ;What’s the best restaurant in town


  Tim:Oh,any kind of food is okay.

  Mary:Well,the French Deli is really good.


  Mary:Yes,it’s the most expensive restaurant in town.3.

  Tim:Hmm…,And what’s Nick’s Diner like

  Mary:It’s cheaper than the French Deli,but the food’s kind of boring.

  Tim:How about the Curry House

  Mary:Oh,that’s a new place.4.

  Tim:Is the food good

  Mary:Yeah,if you like hot curry.

  Tim:Yeah,I love it!5.


  Many people today like exercising.Some like to run,and some like to walk.Others dance or play balls.They do different kinds of exercise.Why do people like exercising It’s good for their health.And exercise helps make them tired,so they sleep better at night.

  You may like to run.If you do,take care of your feet.Make sure you have the right shoes.Some people like to run on roads,but they must watch out for cars.

  Walking is a good exercise.You may take a long walk in the park.It’s more fun if you don’t go alone.Go with a friend.The two of you may have a great time.

  Some people like to swim.But others don’t like to go into the water.If you like this kind of exercise,make sure that someone is watching you.You must always take care when you are in the water.Jumping a rope (跳绳) or riding a bike is also good exercise.There are many other exercises.Find out what you like.You may need help at first.Some people often do exercise,and they can help you.Do exercise every day,and you will know what it makes you feel.

  1.The passage tells us about _______.

  A.Running B.swimming C.walking D.exercise

  2.If you want to run for exercise,you should _______.

  A.have the right shoes B.run fast on the roads

  C.go with a friend D.let someone watch you

  3.They must watch out for cars.Here “watch out” means _______.

  A.向外看 B.左右看 C.小心 D.担心

  4.In the passage there are _______ kinds of exercise.

  A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8

  5.What should you do if you want to do exercise

  A.Find out what you like. B.Ask for help at first.

  C.Exercise every day. D.A、B and C.

  Chinese Cafe

  Monday---Saturday Lunch


  Lunch $6 (Under10 $4)

  Take Away

  $5 Each Box

  (Put whatever you want into one box)

  Monday-Thursday Evening


  Dinner $11(Under10 $6)

  Eat In

  All you can eat &Barbecue

  Friday-Saturday Evening


  Dinner $12(Under10 $6)

  Free Bottle of Wine

  For Each Table of Four

  (Evening and over18 only)

  Sunday Lunch


  Lunch $7(Under10 $4)

  Enjoy your meal!

  Tel:4655 9651

  Green Avenue,Longbridge

  Sunday Evening


  Dinner $11(Under10 $6)

  1.We can see this ad _____________.

  A.at a cafe B.at a library C.at school D.at home

  2.We can go for lunch at __________ on Monday.

  A.10:30 B.11:45 C.12:30 D.14:30

  3.Mrs Zhou will spend ________ if she goes for dinner on Friday.

  A.$6 B.$7 C.$11 D.$12

  4.Mr Brown and his 8-year-old son had to pay _________ for dinner last Sunday.

  A.$7 B.$11 C.12 D.$17

  5.You can _________ according to the ad.

  A.take away the food in one box for $8

  B.enjoy all you can eat and barbecue

  C.get a free bottle of wine with your friend

  D.call the Chinese Cafe at 9651 4655

  Many boys and girls love to watch TV.They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets.But many parents let their children watch TV only in special (特定的) time.

  TV shows are like books or movies.There are many kinds of TV shows,such as sitcoms,soap operas,sports shows,fashion shows,etc.A child can learn good things and bad things from them.Some shows help children to know the news all over the world.Children don’t have to go to the zoo to see animals.Boys and girls can see sitcoms,sports shows and game shows at home.Some shows teach children how to cook or how to use tools(工具).

  Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV,but it is also fun to read books,to play games or to visit friends.

  1.Many boys and girls spend ______.

  A.4 hours on TV shows on Sunday

  B.6 hours on TV shows every day

  C.many hours a day in front of the TV sets

  D.8 hours on TV shows every day

  2.Many parents _____.

  A.don’t let their children watch TV

  B.ask their children to watch TV

  C.let their children watch TV in special time

  D.want their children to do homework

  3.From TV,boys and girls can ______.

  A.learn good things and bad things B.learn nothing

  C.learn good things D.do bad things

  4.Kids like to watch TV,because ____.

  A.it is fun B.they have nothing to do

  C.it is exciting D.it is good

  5.How does the writer like the TV shows ____.

  A.They are good for children.

  B.They are bad for children.

  C.Some of them are good for children.Others are not.

  D.They are kind to children.



  1.He went to summer camp on vacation.(改为一般疑问句)

  _________he ________to summer camp on vacation

  2.We went to the Great Wall last month.(对划线部分提问)

  ______ _______you do last month

  3.I would like some noodles.(同义句)

  I ______ ________ eat some noodles.

  4.He is the tallest in his class.(同义句)

  He is ______ than any ______student in his class.

  5.Tom goes shopping twice a month.(对划线部分提问)

  ______ ________ does Tom go shopping



  班队课上大家介绍自己的朋友。假如 Lucy 是你的好朋友,请根据提示向你的同学介绍她 的情况.

  注意:1.词数 80-100 词。首句已给出,不计入总词数。


  Hi,everyone!I am going to say something about my best friend Lucy.



  — What subject do you like best,Judy

  —____.I can learn about famous mountains and rivers.

  A.Geography B.Music C.English D.History

  We all went mountain climbing Linda.She had to take care of her little sister at home.

  A.with B.around

  C.except D.since

  — Are these your runners,Li Tao

  — No,____ are white.Maybe they’re Jenny’s.

  A.I B.my C.mine D.me

  The old man is very.He doesn’t have enough money to buy food.

  A.patient B.happy

  C.active D.poor

  This yellow dress made the woman younger.

  A.look B.to look

  C.looked D.looking

  My sister is much at painting than me.

  A.good B.well

  C.better D.best

  Your story me of my grandmother.I haven’t seen her for two years.

  A.discusses B.reminds

  C.surprises D.forgets

  is the third Sunday of June.Children usually buy gifts for their fathers.

  A.Mother’s Day B.Father’s Day

  C.Teachers’ Day D.Children’s Day

  — Where’s your brother,Tim

  — I saw him the gym just now.

  A.to rush into B.rushes into

  C.rushed into D.rush into

  Mike the book for two weeks.He will return it next week.

  A.kept B.has kept

  C.borrowed D.has borrowed

  “ ” is another way of saying “five forty-five”.

  A.A quarter past six

  B.A quarter to six

  C.A quarter to five

  D.A quarter past five

  — What are you ____,Li Mei

  — My new skirt.I can’t ____it everywhere.

  A.finding;find B.finding;look for

  C.looking for;look for D.looking for;find

  Lin Bo and I friends since we were at school.

  A.will be B.have become

  C.have been D.will become

  —___ has your cousin lived in your home


  A.How long;Since B.How often;On

  C.How soon;From D.How many days;For

  —______ — It’s 8:00 now.Time for class.

  A.When do you go to school B.What day is it today

  C.What time is it D.Is it time for class


  完形填空 (每空1分,共10分)

  As an NBA star,Dwight Howard is busy.But he still____time to help others.

  ____July,2009,Howard went to South Africa with some other players for a special trip.Howard and the other NBA____were very busy.But when they were____,they went to meet some poor children there and stayed with them the whole____They taught children how to play basketball in the morning____played with them in the afternoon.

  On the fourth day of the____,the players visited a small place near the city of Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡).The children were____when they saw the famous players.The players____the children about their basketball experiences.Howard also____the children to be good players.

  The children in Africa liked Howard a lot and thought he was a real superman (超人).

  1.A.sees B.looks C.finds D.watches

  2.A.On B.In C.At D.Of

  3.A.teachers B.players C.students D.balls

  4.A.tired B.fine C.interested D.free

  5.A.day B.night C.evening D.morning

  6.A.but B.or C.and D.when

  7.A.study B.place C.trip D.city

  8.A.tall B.bored C.sad D.happy

  9.A.spoke B.told C.talked D.said

  10.A.encouraged B.believed C.communicated D.realized


  Once a king asked a poor man Harold,“Why don’t you work to make money ” Harold answered,“No one gives me a job.My enemies have told everyone that I never finish any work on time (准时).”

  The kind said,“Today you can go to my treasury (金银财宝库) and get as much treasure as you can,till sunset (日落).”

  Harold ran home to tell his wife about it.She said,“Go and get the gold coins and diamonds now.”

  “I cannot go now.I’m hungry.Cook lunch for me first.”

  After lunch,Harold took a rest for an hour.Then he took a bag and left home.On the way,Harold felt hot,so he sat under a tree to rest.Two hours later,it became cool.Harold got ready to go,but he saw a man showing some magic tricks (魔术).Harold stopped to watch him for an hour.

  When Harold reached the palace,it was already time for sunset.The palace gates had been closed.Harold lost a big chance because he didn’t realize the importance of time.


  1.Harold couldn’t finish work on time.

  2.Harold could get the treasure from the treasury at any time.

  3.Harold had a rest under a tree for an hour.

  4.Harold didn’t get any gold coins at last.

  5.Harold didn’t realize the importance of time.

  Hello!I’m Peter.My favourite subject at school is maths.It is very interesting and I always get good marks in the exams.For me,numbers and figures (图形) are so easy.I am lucky to have a clear-thinking brain.

  The wonderful thing about maths is that there is nothing else to remember besides some formulae (公式).Other subjects like history and geography need a lot of memory work.For me,they are much harder.Maths is simple to me,but some of my friends hate it.They get stuck with (被……困住) simple problems and often give up.So I help them out when I can.My friends also help me with my history and geography.

  Now,I come to realize that people are different in their abilities (能力).Some of us are lucky to be good at some things.Others may do well in other ones.


  1.Peter loves maths because.

  A.he thinks it’s interesting

  B.his friends always help him

  C.he counts very quickly

  D.his mother teaches him maths

  2.Which subject needs much memory work according to Peter

  A.Maths. B.Art

  C.Geography. D.Physics.

  3.The underlined phrase (划线短语) means “______” in Chinese.

  A.解答 B.放弃

  C.比较 D.坚持

  4.What can we know about Peter

  A.Peter is lucky to have a good teacher.

  B.Peter reads maths books every day.

  C.Peter thinks numbers and figures are simple.

  D.Peter helps friends with their physics.

  5.What does Peter mean by the last paragraph (段落)

  A.Not everyone loves maths.

  B.People who don’t like maths may be good at reading.

  C.All his classmates are not lucky except him.

  D.People have their own special abilities.


  1.I’m good at _______(地理).What about you,Jenny

  2.Would you like to come to our party _______(今晚)

  3.Jane will come back in a _______(一刻钟).Please wait a moment.

  4.When the child saw his mother,he_______(冲) to her quickly.

  5.Danny,you shouldn’t _______(喊) loudly in the library.


  south discuss recent tour be late for

  1.After a long _______,we decided to make a new plan.

  2.Lots of _______travel to New York every year.

  3.All these fresh fruits come from _______China.

  4.If you _______class again,Miss Yang will be angry.

  5.Have you seen Tom and Jenny _______



  Li Hong,are you _______ _______English


  Be quick!You’ll be _______ _______work.


  Can you _______ me_______ my Chinese


  This story _______him _______his grandmother.


  _______ _______,please!The patient needs a good rest.


  任务型阅读 (10分)


  My school has a big library.It has books on different subjects,newspapers and magazines.Every book has a number.We look for books by the number.Students can borrow books or study in the library.Students can’t keep a book for more than fourteen days.

  In the library,there are long desks and benches (长凳).Students sit there and read books,newspapers or magazines.Nobody speaks loudly.It is very quiet.

  The school librarians have much experience.They are ready to help students.We find them busy all the time.The librarians give advice to students on the choice of books.They also tell students not to write something on books or tear off (撕掉) the pages.

  Reading books helps us gain (获得) more knowledge.Books are our best friends.We should read more books.

  1.What are in the writer’s library

  There are in the library.

  2.How can students find the books they want

  They can look for books by.

  3.How long can a student keep a book

  A student can keep a book for.

  4.What do the librarians tell students not to do

  They tell students not to.

  5.What does the writer think of books

  Books are our friends and they help us.


  classmate chance different make activity

  give name meeting study afraid

  How many students are there in your class What’s the 1.between studying in a small-sized class and a big-sized one

  Huang Yuting,15,is from No.43 Middle School.She said she still didn’t know all of her classmates’2..“There are 80 classmates in our class.I don’t have the3.to talk to everyone,” Huang said.But a big class means more fun in group4..She said,“When we travel,I can taste foods from different 5..It’s much fun.”

  Xie Liangcai,from No.3 Middle School,6.in a class of 25 students.He said,“A small class7.me more chances to stand out.I used to be a shy boy and was

  8.to speak loudly.But in this small-sized class,I always take part in the class 9.and speak out my ideas.This has 10.me more confident (有信心的) already!”


  补全对话 (5分)


  A:Good morning!1.

  B:I’d like to borrow some books on learning English.2.

  A:Of course!This way,please.You’ll find them on the shelf on your left.


  A:Four books.


  A:For a month.

  B:If I can’t finish reading them in a month,can I renew (续借) them


  B:Oh,I see.Thank you very much.

  A:You’re welcome.

  A.Yes,you can renew them on the Internet.

  B.How long can I keep them

  C.When should I return them

  D.What can I do for you

  E.Can I write on them

  F.Can you show me where they are

  G.How many books can I borrow at a time


  假设你是八年级三班的张伟,现在正在学习很多的科目。在这些学科中,你最喜欢哪个科目呢?请根据提示和要求,以“My favourite school subject”为题写一篇英语短文。


  1.What is your favourite subject at school

  2.Why do you like it best

  3.What do you learn from it




  My favourite school subject

  Hello!I’m Zhang Wei.I’m in Class Three,Grade Eight.











八年级下册英语单词表:Unit 301-27



