
-高二英语单元测试题—Body language

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2015-2016年高二英语单元测试题—Body language


2015-2016年高二英语单元测试题—Body language


  1.As you have never been there before, I will have someone_____ you the way.

  A. to show B. show C. showing D. showed

  2. I will try to get her ___ the doctor.

  A. see B. seeing C. to see D. for seeing

  3.This page needs ____ again.

  A. being checked B. checked C. to check D. to be checked

  4 His father wonders how he managed ____ this all by himself.

  A. doing B. having done C. to do D. to be done

  5. ---Did you wash your clothes yesterday?

  ----No, I had them ______ .

  A. wash B. washed C. to be washed D. washing

  6.English can help ______ people and make the stay in a foreign country easy ad comfortable.

  A. agree with B. communicate with C. communicate to D. write to

  7.To get good result in the coming exam means _____ even harder both in and after class.

  A. to work B. work C. working D. worked

  8.--- Would you like ____ cup of tea?

  ---_____? I am thirsty.

  A. other, Certain B. another, why not C. the second, Surely D. some, Thanks a lot

  9.The boys and girls gathered in front of the hall and ____ a line, listening to their headmaster speaking.

  A. stood B. formed C. had D. covered

  10.The picture in the newspaper ____ that the lady was the very woman that the police

  were after.

  A. told B. said C. drew D. showed

  11.Please speak louder and more clearly. You have to make yourself _____.

  A. hearing B. to hear C. heard D. hear

  12.It is bad manners to sit with your feet ____ another person.

  A. pointed out B. pointing out C. pointing at D. to point on

  13.It was a pity that the girl _____ the English film yesterday.

  A. lost B. mistook C. missed D. gave off

  14.His parents ____ away , leaving him an orphan.

  A. died B. put C. moved D. passed

  15. “How much water is left in the jar?” “______”.

  A. Nothing B. None C. Not some D. Not one

  16.Mrs White has _____ that she is unable to get a job.

  A. so little education B. such little education

  C. so little an education D. such a little education

  17.This is one of ______ really good books that have been published o this subject.

  A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

  18.We had to read the second chapter,______?

  A. didn’t we B. don’t we C. shouldn’t we D. hadn’t we

  19.Jane’s uncle insists _________ in this hotel.

  A. not staying B. not to stay C. that he not stay D. staying not

  20._______ from Shanghai to London!

  A. How long there is B. what a long way it is C. what distance is D.. how long is there


  A rich man was camping alone on a hill .One day it began to rain and the rain made the 1 wet .At last he had to make his way home .As he passed a 2 house he stopped for rest .A lady in silk walked past him with her head 3 up high .Following her were two pretty daughters .They stopped and 4 at him angrily .

  “Who are you ? 5 don’t like tramps(流浪汉)going around our house,”one of them shouted .

  “Go away at once ,”cried the other .

  “But I’m not a tramp ,”said the man .“All I want is food and ”come here ?Go away at once !”they repeated .“We don’t like your 6 the night .”

  “How dare you come here ?Go away at once !”they repeated .“We don’t like your 7 around our house .Go ,go !”

  The man 8 on and reached a small house .On entering it he saw a couple 9 their supper .Though the 10 was weak and the furniture poor ,it made him warm and comfortable .

  “Can I have some food and 11 for the night ?”he asked .

  “Of course ,friend ,”said the woman , 12 forward a little chair for him .“We are going to have our 13 .Come and 14 us.”

  The food was not 15 but they 16 it with the stranger .That night they let him sleep on their bed while they themselves 17 the stable(马厩).Early the next morning ,the man said 18 to them .Their kindness 19 him a memory full of thanks .When he reached home he quickly 20 a lovely house to be built for the couple in the woods .

  1.A.tent B.house C.ground D.woods

  2.A.small B.dirty C.tidy D.beautiful

  3.A.raising B.held C.keeping D.making

  4.A.threw B.stared C.watched D.glanced

  5.A.They B.Some men C.The family D.We

  6.A.pass B.wait for C.stay for D.live at

  7.A.feet B.man C.smell D.voice

  8.A.pushed B.moved C.stayed D.smiled

  9.A.having B.giving C.preparing D.enjoying

  10.A.light B.man C.woman D.house

  11.A.leave B.continue C.spend D.rest

  12.A.bringing B.giving C.fetching D.taking

  13.A.sleep B.breakfast C.supper D.lunch

  14.A.help B.join C.enjoy D.attend

  15.A.delicious B.comfortable C.free D.enough

  16.A.shared B.provided C.offered D.left

  17.cleaned B.prepared C.used D.took

  18.hello B.no C.yes D.good-bye

  19.connected B.left C.sent D.remained

  20A.let B.found C.ordered D.given




  From Monday until Friday most people are busy working or studying ,but in the evenings and on weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves .Some watch TV or go to the movies ;others take part in sports .It depends on individual interests .There are many different ways to spend our spare time .

  Almost everyone has some kind of hobby .It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplanes .Some hobbies are very expensive ,but others don’t cost anything at all .Some collections are worth a lot of money ;others are valuable only to their owners .

  I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars .A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece worth $ 250 ! He was very happy about his purchase(buying)and thought the price was reasonable .On the other hand ,my youngest brother collects matchboxes .He has almost 600 of them but I doubt (hesitate to believe ) if they are worth any money .However ,to my brother they are extremely valuable .Nothing makes him happier than to find a new matchbox for his collection .

  That’s what a hobby means ,I guess .It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the fun of it .The value in dollars is not important ,but the pleasure it gives us is .

  1.The word “individual”in the first paragraph most probably means .

  A.different B.strange C.secret D.one’s own

  2. According to the passage ,most people are from Monday until Friday .

  A.free to relax and enjoy themselves B.busy working or studying

  C.free to take part in sports games D.busy watching TV and going to the cinema

  3. Something that one enjoys doing in one’s spare time is a .

  A.job B.pleasure C.hobby D.contribution

  4In the writer’s opinion ,

  A.all hobbies are very expensive B.some hobbies don’t cost anything

  C.hobbies are worthless D.hobbies are valuable to everybody

  5.which statement is not true ?

  A.The writer’s brother has a large collection of matchboxes ,which makes him very happy

  B.We collect a subject constantly in our spare time simply for the fun of it

  C.The pleasure that a hobby can give is important

  D.To have a hobby means to spend a lot of money


  There is a lot of misunderstanding(误解)about studying .Most students have not been taught the rules behind really good working .Above is a graph(图)showing the amount a person learns against the number of hours he works in a day .If he doesn’t do any work ,he learns nothing(point O).If he does an hour’s work ,he learns a certain amount (point 1).If he does two hours’ work he learns about twice as much(point 2) .If he does more work he’ll learn still more(point 3).Now if he tries to do 23 hours’ work in 24 ,he’ll be so tired that he’ll hardly remember anything :what he learns will be very little (point 4).If he did less work ,he’d learn more (point 5).

  Point x is the very maximum(最大量)anyone can learn in the day. And is the optimum If you try to work past the optimum ,you can only get tired and achieve (达到)less than the best .

  Most students find their optimum at about five hours a day .Yours may be a little more or a little less—but if you get in five hours’ good work a day ,you will be doing well .

  When you’ve finished your optimum ,you must stop .You must not then sit around in the chair thinking about the work —that only tires without any learning .Your mind cannot rest .You must get out and do something .It doesn’t matter what—anything so long as you are doing ,something else but work .

  6.According to the graph ,“optimum”is .

  A.the best amount of work to do B.the longest time people can work

  C.something that people should try to work past D.the point when people learn least

  7. Which sentence is true according to the pragraph

  A.The longer you work ,the more you learn

  B.The less work you do ,the more you learn

  C.If you work past the optimum ,you learn more

  D.If you work past the optimum ,you learn less

  8. The optimum for most students is about .

  A.three hours B.six hours C.five hours D.four hours

  9. What does the passage mainly discuss?

  A.How long should you work each day ?B.How can you find your optimum ?

  C.How can you improve your study with additional(额外的)work ?

  D.How much can you learn during the additional work ?


  America has long been considered the land of opportunity by those from other countries .Americans ,too ,believe that the United States give almost limitless opportunity for those who want to open business on their own .

  Today ,Americans are still fond of trying their hand at becoming small business people ,even though only one out of two survives in the first two years .Many of these people start their business for the wrong reason :to get away from the paper work of their present jobs or to exchange the responsibility of their present jobs for freer life styles .But more ,not less paper work and responsibility come with the ownership of a small business.

  Not all small businesses succeed .Fifty percent of the 4,550,000 that start in the United States ever fail .Still ninety-five percent of businesses in the U.S.can be regarded as small ,and these businesses altogether produce forty percent of America’s total national products .

  10.according to the passage, which of the following statement is trure.

  A.People from other countries and Americans think there are a lot of opportunities in the U.S.

  B.Only the Americans think the U.S.can give them many opportunities

  C.Both people from other countries and Americans believe they have many opportunities in the U.S.so that they can do whatever they like .

  D.People from other countries and Americans all think the U.S.the place where they can realize their dreams .

  11rom this passage ,we know that .

  A.many people from other countries think that in the past there were many opportunites in the U.S.but now

  B.now Americans don’t believe the U.S.can give them a lot of opportunities

  C.People from other countries still think they have more opportunities in the U.S.than in their own countries.

  D.Americans think they have more opportunities to start their own business than those from other countries

  12Acording to this passage ,many American people like to start their own business because .

  A.they want to become rich soon

  B.they not only dislike their present job but also want a freer life style

  C.they don’t want to do paper work D.they want to have more chances

  13he underlined word“survives”means .

  A.fails B.succeeds C.continues to exist D.is very successful


  Today we use pens all the time without thinking too much about them .However ,there was a time when writing was quite difficult because such instruments did not exist .

  From the eighth to the eighteenth century ,people wrote with quills .A quill is a bird feather .Most quills were strong gooes or swan feathers .

  In the 1700s ,metal pens were invented .These pens had a metal point ,called a nib ,which was connected to a wooden holder .Like quills ,metal pens had to be dipped in ink quite often in order to write .

  The fountain pen ,which can be refilled ,was invented in 1884 by I .E.WATERMAN.A fountain pen has a supply of ink in it and permanent steel point .Ink constantly flows to the point so it is unnecessary for the writer to stop writing every few words to dip the pen .This made writing more enjoyable .The ball-point pens used today were first sold in 1946 .They also have their own supply of ink inside .However ,the ink is somewhat thicker and oilier than regular ink .This pen has a small metal ball that turns when the pen is moved across a sheet of paper .

  14n the fifteenth century ,people wrote with .

  A.metal pens B.fountain pens C.ball pens D.bird feathers

  15.the text mainly tells us ________.

  A.how difficult it was to write without pensB.when metal pens were invented

  C.how writing pens were developed D.when ball pens were first sold

  16the underlined word “constantly may means ”.

  A.now and then B.from time to time C.slowly D.quickly


  Ever since humans have lived on the earth ,they have made use of various forms of communication .Generally ,this expression of thoughts and feelings has been is the form of oral speech .When there is a language barrier (障碍),communication is completed through singn language in which motions stand for letters ,words ,and ideas .Tourists and the people unable to hear or speak have had to turn to this form of expression .Many of these symbols of whole words are very lively and exact and can be used internationally ;spelling ,how ever ,cannot .

  Body language sends ideas or thoughts by certain actions ,either meaningfully or not .A wink (眨眼)can be a way of showing that the party is only joking .A nod means agreement ,while shaking the head indicates disagreement .

  Other forms of nonlinguistic(非语言的)language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips),singnal flags ,Morse code ,and smoke signals .Road maps and picture signs also guide and warn people .While language is the most common form of communication ,other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings .

  17.Which of the following statements best summarizes this passage ?

  A.When language is a barrier ,people will find other forms of communication .

  B.Everybody uses only one form of communication .

  C.Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners

  D.Although other forms ,except for language ,of communication exist ,they are of little value .

  18.Which form other than oral speech could be most commonly used among blind people ?

  A.Picture signs. B.Braille . C.Body language . D.Signal flags.

  19.Sign language is said to be very lively and exact and can be used meaningfully except for .

  A.spelling B.idea C.whole words D.expressions

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