英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-09-01 20:53:08 英语试题 我要投稿




  一 听句子,选择所正确的应答语.(5分)

  ( )1.A.She is a doctor. B.She is cooking. C.She wants to be a shop assistant

  ( )2.A.Great B.Cloudy C.Dirty

  ( )3.A.She likes animals. B.She is watching TV. C.She is from France.

  ( )4.A.An action movie B.A post office C.A bank clerk

  ( )5.A.At 15:00 B.At school C.It’s exciting

  二 听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)

  ( ) 6.Mrs Wang’s son is a ______.

  A.teacher B.reporter C.student

  ( )7.Lucy teaches ________ at school.

  A.math B.Chinese C.English

  ( )8.What’s the weather like in Australia now?

  A.Cold and cloudy B.Sunny and warm C.Sunny and cool

  ( )9.What’s Lan Lan doing?

  A.Cleaning her room B.Doing her homework

  C.Playing computer games

  ( )10.Who may go to the movies?

  A.Tom B.Mary C.Mary and Tom

  三 听长对话,选择正确答案.(5分)

  ( ) 11 What does Tom do ?

  A.A teacher B.A policeman C.A doctor

  ( ) 12 Tom thinks Gina’s job is _______.

  A .interesting B.dangerous C.exciting.

  ( ) 13 Where does Gina work?

  A.In China B.In Australia C.In America

  ( ) 14 It is _______ in China.

  A.sunny and warm B.cold and humid C.windy and cool

  ( ) 15 What is Gina doing?

  A.Cleaning her room B.Visiting her pen pal C.writing an e-mail

  四 听短文,选择正确答案。(5分)

  ( )16.What does Lily like doing ?

  A. Playing basketball B.Watching TV C.Swimming

  ( )17.What is the weather like today?

  A.sunny B.Rainy C.Cloudy

  ( )18._______ is cooking with his/her mother.

  A.Alice B.Tina C.Henry

  ( )19._______ like eating ice cream.

  A.Lily B.Tom C.Alice

  ( )20.what is Tom doing?

  A.Playing computer games B.Dancing C.Singing


  五 选择填空 (15分)

  ( ) 21 There're many _______ on the big tree.

  A .leaf B.leaves C.leafs D.leafing

  ( ) 22 Why do you want to work _______ a magazine?

  A.on B.to C.for D.in

  ( ) 23 There are some ___ on the desk.

  A.magazines B.newspaper C.news D.book

  ( ) 24 I want ___ a policeman because it is an exciting ____.

  A.to be , job B.doing , work C.to do , job D.be , work

  ( ) 25 Welcome to Disneyland! It’s a good place _____fun .

  A.having B.to have C.have D.has

  ( ) 26 We are at the library . Please ___ quiet .

  A .do B.be C.can D. are

  ( ) 27 Are you doing your homework? _______.

  A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I’m not. C. Yes, I like it. D.No , I am.

  ( ) 28 The dolphin is ________ cute.

  A.little B. a kind of C. kind of D.kinds of

  ( ) 29 —What do you do? —____________.

  A. I’m very well B. I’m a basketball player

  C. I’m in the library D. I’m doing my homework

  ( ) 30 She likes ______ to the movies with her friends and _____sports.

  A. going, playing B. go, play

  C. going , play D. going , plays

  ( ) 31 The Chinese people ________very friendly.

  A.are B.is C.am D.have

  ( ) 32 Where ___ you ____?

  A.do , come B.do , from C.are , come D.are , ,from

  ( ) 33 I like the ____ the story. It’s fun.

  A.begin B.begin of C.beginning D.beginning of

  ( ) 34 ____ is the weather ____in Beijing?

  A.What / B.How likes C.What like D.How like

  ( )35 Thank you for ____ us some help.

  A.give B.giving C.to give D.gives

  六 问答配对(10分)

  ( )36.How old is John? A Yes, please.

  ( )37.Where is the school? B Yes, I’m sorry.

  ( )38.What is the last day of the week? C He is from America.

  ( )39. What does your father do? D He is a policeman. ( )40.What do you want to be? E It’s on Park street.

  ( )41.Is your mother a teacher? F Saturday.

  ( )42. How’s it going? G Not bad.

  ( )43.Where is Mr. brown from? H Yes, she is.

  ( )44.Can I help you? I A doctor.

  ( )45.Are you late for school today? J He is ten years old.

  七. 从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,有多余的选项。(5分)

  A:Do you like animals?


  A: Let’s go to see the animals this afternoon.There’s a new zoo in our city.

  B: ___47_____