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1. According to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, what are the administrative
divisions of China? 根据中华人民共和国宪法,我国的行政划分是什么?
The country is divided into provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. 我国的行政划分是省,自治区和直辖市。
2. What climatic zone does China lies in?
China’s climate conditions vary greatly. It includes tropical, subtropical, the temperate and cool-temperate conditions. But the country for the most part lies in temperate zone. 中国的气候条件差异很大,包括热带,亚热带,温带和中温带。但是大多数区域处于温带。
3. In what area does China still fall behind its neighbors? 中国在什么领域落后于邻国?
China still falls behind its neighbors in the area of design. 中国在设计领域落后于邻国。
4. How many schools is cooking in China divided into? 中式烹饪有那几派?
Cooking in China is divided into four schools: the Cantonese, Sichuan, Shandong, and Huaiyang Dishes. 中式烹饪分为粤菜,川菜,鲁菜和淮阳菜。
5. What are the main condiments of Cantonese dishes? 粤菜的主要佐料是什么?
The main condiments of the dishes are characteristically oyster sauce, fermented soy bean sauce, fish sauce, lard, sugar and vinegar. 粤菜主要佐料是具有鲜明特色的蚝油,酱油,鱼酱,猪油,糖和醋。
6. What are the characteristics of Cantonese dishes? 粤菜的特色是什么?
Cantonese dishes are famous for their fresh materials and great tenderness. 粤菜以鲜嫩闻名。
7. Why do Sichuan dishes enjoy great popularity all over the country? 为什么川菜享誉全国?
They enjoy the popularity because of their distinct and various flavors. Some of the most famous flavors are derived from fish flavors, pepper powder boiled in oil, strange flavor and sticky-hot. 川菜享誉全国是由于其独特而又多样的口味,包括鱼香味,辣椒油,怪味和麻辣。
8. What are the characteristics of Shandong dishes? 鲁菜的特色是什么?
The Shandong cuisine is famous for its wide selection of materials, cooking methods, and seafood. 鲁菜以选料广泛,烹饪技法和海鲜闻名。
9. What are the cooking methods of Shandong dishes? 鲁菜的烹饪方法有哪些?
The cooking techniques include BAO (quick frying), LIU (quick frying with corn flour), PA (stew braising) roasting and boiling, using sugar to make / clothe fruit, and crystallizing with honey. 烹饪方法包括爆,熘,扒,烤和水煮,用糖做水果的糖衣,用蜂蜜结晶。
10. What are the major categories of Chinese tea? 中国茶主要有哪几种?
Tea from China includes black tea, jasmine tea, Wulong tea, green tea, and brick tea. 中国茶包括红茶,茉莉花茶,乌龙茶,绿茶和砖茶。
11. What is the benefit of drinking tea? 喝茶的好处
Drinking tea could quench thirst, overcome fatigue, help digestion and dilute fat. Tea is also rich in various vitamins. It could protect us from radiation and be used as an antiseptic. 喝茶可以止渴,消除疲劳,助消化,溶解脂肪。茶叶富含多种维生素,防辐射,也可以用来解毒。
12. What are the types of classical Chinese gardens? 中国古典园林有哪些类型?
Classical Chinese gardens comprise imperial garden, private garden and temple garden. 中国古典园林包括皇家园林,私家园林和寺庙园林。
13. What are the elements in/inside Chinese gardens? 中国园林内部有哪些元素?
In classical Chinese gardens, natural elements include flowers, grass, trees, rocks and ponds, while man-made or artificial elements comprise halls, verandas, waterside kiosks, pavilions and bridges. 古典中国园林中,自然元素包括花草树木,小山和池塘,人造元素包括亭台楼阁和小桥。
14. What is ancient Chinese architecture renowned for? 古代中国建筑因什么而著名?
Ancient Chinese architecture is renowned for its unique structural system, graceful forms and rich artistic decorations. 古代中国建筑以独特的结构,优雅的造型和丰富的艺术装饰而闻名
15. What are the long-standing architectural ideas still practiced today? 至今任被沿用的建筑理念是什么?
The use of symmetry and axes, and the orientation of buildings and structures towards the south are the long-standing architectural ideas still practiced today. 对称,中轴线,建筑物坐北朝南,这些建筑观点至今仍被沿用。
16. What is the post and lintel frame in ancient Chinese architecture? 中国古代建筑的柱檩结构是什么?
The post and lintel frame is a structural system in which beams and columns, instead of walls, support the load. 柱檩结构是指用柱梁而非墙体承受重力的建筑结构。
17. What are the advantages of the post and lintel frame in ancient Chinese architecture? 柱檩结构的优点是什么?
With the frame, the walls are not weight bearing, thus they can be set up according to space requirements,dividing the building,as desired. 有了这种结构,墙体不需要承重,因此,墙体可以根据空间要求而布局,随意分割建筑物。
Another advantage of the frame is its resistance to earthquake. 该结构的另一个优点是防震。
18. What does “the house will not collapse even if the walls give in” mean? “房屋不怕墙倒塌”是什么意思?
With the post and lintel frame, the walls are not weight bearing, thus they can be set up according to space requirements,dividing the building,as desired. 有了这种结构,墙体不需要承重,因此,墙体可以根据空间要求而布局,随意分割建筑物。
Even if the walls fall, the house itself will not fall because it is the post and lintel that bear the weight. 即使墙体倒塌,房屋本身也不会倒塌,因为承重是柱檩,而不是墙体。
19. Please give an example to show the unity of utility and beauty in ancient Chinese architecture? 请举例说明中国古代建筑实用与美化的统一。
The coat of colored oil paint in the ancient Chinese architecture is a good example of the unity of utility and beauty. It is developed out of a need to protect the wood of the ancient Chinese architecture, but it is also very beautiful. 油彩画很好地说明了中国建筑实用与美化的统一。它是因为要保护建筑的木材而发展起来的,但它也非常美观。
20. What is Sushi’s philosophy represented in his lyrics? 反应在苏轼词里的哲学思想是什么?
His philosophy is a combination of Confucianism and Taoism. To serve the Crown and to attain great renown is his Confucian ideal and to retire as times require and to be detached from
personal gain and loss is his Taoist ideal. 他的哲学思想是儒道结合。其中效忠朝廷,步步高升体现他的儒家思想,淡化个人得失,随遇而安则是道教思想影响的反映。
21. What are ancient China’s Four Great Inventions? 中国的四大发明是什么?
They are papermaking, printing, powder, and the compass. 造纸术,印刷术,黑火药和指南针。
22. Could you explain the yin and yang theory of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy? 请解释中国传统医药的阴阳理论。
The human body is made up of yin and yang elements. When there is a balance between the two, there is no disease. If the balance in a person is disturbed, he is sure to become ill. 人体由阴和阳两种元素构成。阴阳平衡,没有疾病。平衡紊乱,必生疾病。
23. What kinds of buildings could a tourist see in a classical Chinese garden? 在中国古典园林里游客可以看到那些建筑物?
Halls, kiosks, towers, marble boats, pavilions, corridors, bridges, and ornamental walls, etc. 亭台楼阁,画舫,走廊,桥,画墙。
24. What basic rules should you follow when dealing with complaints? 处理投诉时需要遵循什么基本规则?
Listen carefully with concern and courtesy; make a short, clear apology; repeat the complaint; decide who will deal with the complaint and tell the complainer the resolution. 礼貌细心的聆听;简短而明确的道歉;复述投诉;确定投诉处理人员;告知投诉者解决方案。
25. What emotional feature could be found in Li Qingzhao’s lyrics? 李清照的词里有什么情感特征?
Her lyrics recollect nostalgically her happy life in the Northern Song and reveal her distress in the Southern Song. Her attempt was to establish life in words: poetry was for her a stay against time, a surety to blot out oblivion. She tried to capture the past, so as to while away the present. 她的词充满怀旧情绪,回忆自己北宋时期的幸福生活,揭示自己在南宋的失落。她企图在文字里构建自己的生活:诗歌对于她来说可以使时间停留,使记忆永存。她试图捕捉过去,消磨现实。
26. List/name some handicrafts with Chinese characteristics 列举具有中国特色的手工艺
Chopsticks, kites, snuff bottles, the carving of ivory and jade in Beijing and Yangzhou, Cloisonne ware (景泰蓝), lacquer ware (漆器), porcelain (瓷), celadon (青瓷), the white porcelain (白瓷), silk products and embroidery. 筷子,风筝,鼻烟壶,北京和扬州的象牙雕和玉雕,景泰蓝,漆器,瓷,青瓷,白瓷,丝织品和刺绣。
27. What events were included in the ancient Greek Olympic Games? Name five of them at least.
The main events included boy’s gymnastics, horseracing, field events such as discus and javelin throwing, and the very important foot races. There are also boxing and wrestling and special tests of varied ability such as the pentathlon, the winner of which excelled in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing and wrestling. 主要项目包括男子体操,赛马,田赛包括铁饼和标枪,以及非常重要的径赛。拳击,摔跤,和五项全能(跑,跳,铁饼,标枪和摔跤)
28. Please tell the difference between modern and ancient Olympic games? 请说明现代和古代奥林匹克的区别。
In modern Olympic games, women could compete and the ancient pentathlon has been modified into a more comprehensive test, and the marathon races, initiated in 1896, are now a celebrated event. Nowadays, the Games are held in different countries in turn. 现代奥林匹克运动中,女性可以参加比赛,古代的五项全能已经被改进为更加全面的比赛,发起于1896年的马拉松比赛现在是一项著名赛事。运动会在不同国家轮流举行。
29. What does the torch of Olympic Games represent? 奥林匹克运动火炬代表什么?
The torch symbolizes the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic ideals, and it burns throughout the Games until the closing ceremony. 火炬代表古希腊体育理想的延续,在运动会期间燃烧,直至闭幕。
30. What do the five interlocking rings in the Olympic flag symbolize? 奥运旗帜五连环代表什
The flag’s five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents participating in the Games. 五连环旗帜代表了参加运动会的五大洲紧密相连。
31. What are the two theories in traditional Chinese medicine? 传统中药的两个理论是什么?
They are the yin (positive) and yang (negative) theory and the theory of the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire, and earth). 阴阳理论和五行理论。
32. How do doctors of traditional Chinese medicine diagnose a disease? 传统中医怎样诊断疾
Guided by the yin and yang theory and the theory of the five elements alike, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine emphasize not only the symptoms but take into consideration every aspect of a patient’s condition to form a unified idea of it. Meanwhile, an attention is also paid to the season of the year, the environment, and living conditions of the patient. 传统中医根据阴阳五行理论在形成统一诊断观点时,不但重视患者的症状,而且考虑患者情况的每一个方面。同时,还注意季节,居住环境和患者的生活条件。
33. What concepts are included in preventative measures in traditional Chinese medicine? 传统中药的预防措施包括哪些概念?
Concepts included in preventative measures are giving early treatment and developing immunities, or “combating evil with evil”. 预防措施概念包括“医未病”,提高免疫,以毒攻毒。
34. What has been attributed to longevity in traditional Chinese medicine? 中医认为长寿由哪些原因?
Longevity has been attributed to keeping an even temper, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep. 长寿的原因:心平气和,饮食平衡,经常锻炼,睡眠充足。
35. What is the most common medical system in China? 中国最常见的医药系统是什么?
Herbal medicine, along with acupuncture, is the most common medical system in China. 草药和针灸是中国最常见的医药系统
36. What theoretical system had traditional Chinese medicine developed? 中国传统医药发展了什么理论系统?
Traditional Chinese medicine had developed a complete theoretical and unique effective system. It centers on Chinese herbal medicines supplemented by acupuncture and moxibustion, medical massage, and qigong. 中国传统医药已经发展一套完备的医学和独特有效的系统。它以中草药为核心,辅助以针灸,艾灸,药物按摩和气功。
37. What are the four steps for a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to treat a disease? 中医
Understanding disease, observing disease, analyzing disease and treating disease 望闻问切 (observing the patient faces and tongues; listening to the patient’s description; inquiring the patients and feeling the patient’s pulse)
38. What are the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine? 传统中药的益处由哪些?
Chinese medicine seems to work best for the relief of unpleasant symptoms, and for some long-term conditions that resist western medicines. 中药在缓解不适症状方面似乎最有效果,对西药产生抗药性的长期症状效果也十分显著。
Another benefit of Chinese medicine is that there are relative few side effects.中药的另一个好处是相对几乎没有副作用。
39. What do the 6 steps of the traditional Chinese marriage usually involve? 中国传统婚姻包含哪几步?
The 6 necessary steps are namely: matchmaking; engagement; betrothal presents; meeting the bride; three bows; drinking wedlock wine. 六个必要步骤分别是:做媒,订婚,订婚礼(婚约),见新娘,三叩首(拜堂),喝交杯酒。
40. To whom should a new couple make three bows? 新婚夫妇应该向谁叩首?
Three bows, or bow to Heaven and Earth, is the most important rite in traditional Chinese marriage ceremony. The new couple needs to stand side by side, and making three bows: first bow to heaven, earth and ancestors; second to both parents; finally to each other. 三叩首(拜堂),或拜天地,是中国传统婚礼中最重要的仪式。新婚夫妇需要站在一起,叩首三次:一拜天地和祖宗,二拜父母,夫妻对拜。
41. What elements are combined to form the classical Chinese drama? 形成中国古典戏剧的元素有哪些?
The combined elements include traditional Chinese music, poetry, singing, recitation, dancing, acrobatics, and martial arts. 这些元素包括中国传统音乐,诗歌,歌唱,朗诵,舞蹈,杂技和武术。
42. What are the four basic elements in Beijing Opera performance? 京剧表演的四个基本元素是什么?
The four basic elements are spoken parts, singing, dancing, and acrobatics. (唱念坐打)
43. What is required for the appearance of an all-round top-notch Beijing Opera performer? 一名多才多艺的顶尖京剧演员需要哪些素质?
The performer must be good-looking or attractive when appearing in make-up. He or she must be of pleasing physical proportions, and have a pair of expressive eyes and a rich variety of facial expressions. 该演员化妆后出现在舞台上时,他的身段,那双会说话的眼睛,丰富的面部表情,都必须是漂亮的,对观众有吸引力的。
44. What is essential in the acting / performing of Beijing Opera? 京剧表演的核心是什么?
Symbolism is essential. 象征主义是核心。
45. What instruments are in used in Beijing Opera music? 京剧音乐使用什么乐器?
The wind, stringed and percussion instruments are used in Beijing Opera music. 吹管乐器,