As is depicted in the picture, recently, internet cafes in x county were shut down by the local government. the action came as the result of an anonymous letter of students’ parents to the county’s party secretary. the adults claimed that many teenagers were spending far too much time in internet cafes and were suffering from “ internet addiction”. the picture also shows a boy who got very surprised at the cafébeing shut down. people differ in their opinions on the question: should we shut the cafes down? some believe that teens are too young to restrict themselves. without proper supervision, they tend to spend hours in the internet cafés and develop addictions. according to them, because it is difficult to get all cafes to refuse teenagers, shutting them down is a practical solution. others are opposed to shutting all the cafes down because it is like throwing away the apple because of its core. they argue that internet cafés are there for those who need easy internet access and who don’t have access at home. shutting down all the cafes limits the rights of these people and so the policy isn’t fair to them and to the internet caféoperators.
In my opinion, we can’t blame teenage internet addiction on the internet cafes entirely. if our kids want to enjoy network games, they can play at home, even if all the cafes are shut down. i think we should educate the young about the side effects of internet abuse and help them develop healthy habits instead.