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“国际消费者权益日(World Consumer Rights Day)”定于每年的三月十五日,即人们所熟知的“315”。尽管随着商品经济的发展,出现了一些消极因素,使消费者利益受到损害,但是,政府、企业及消费者们正在通过自上而下和自下而上相结合的方法,共同努力解决这些问题,积极推动建立消费者组织。每年消费者权益日,央视“3.15”晚会都会揭穿许多骗局和陷阱,并且曝光一批不法商家和假冒商品,从而唤醒消费者的维权意识。
The World Consumer Rights Day falls on March 15thevery year,also known as “315”,the March 15thCampaign.Although some negative factors appearwith the development of commodity economy,whichdo harm to the consumers,thegovernment,enterprises and consumers are making mutual efforts to solve these problems andpromote the construction of consumers organizations by combing top-down and bottom-upmethods.On World Consumer Rights Day every year,the “315” evening party hosted by CCTVunveils many frauds and traps and exposes some illegal manufactures and fake products,inorder to evoke the consumers'awareness to protect their own rights.
1.国际消费者权益日:可译为World Consumer RightsDay。
2.定于每年的三月十五日:表达某个节日或活动在某一天开始或举办,可用词组fall on,如World Earth Day falls onApril 22nd.(4月22日是世界地球日。)
3.商品经济:可译为commodity economy。
4.努力解决:即“努力做某事”,可用strive to do,go all outto do,try one's best to do等来表达。文中译为make efforts to do。
6.许多骗局和陷阱:可译为many frauds and traps。
7.假冒商品:可译为fake products。假冒伪劣商品可译为fake and shoddy products。
8.唤醒消费者的维权意识:可译为evoke the consumers'awareness to protect their own rights。
中国自20世纪70年代实行改革开放政策以来,经济一直以惊人的速度发展。粮食、肉类、钢等工农业产品的产量一直在显著增长;原子能(atomic energy)、计算机技术、航空航天(aviation and aerospace)技术等方面也已经达到世界先进水平。预计到21世纪中叶,中国将基本实现现代化,达到中等发达国家的水平。目前,中国经济发展水平的地区差异较大,东部沿海地区比较发达,而西部地区相对不那么发达。中国正在进行西部大开发(Western Development Strategy),以缩小各地区的经济发展差异。
Since China implemented the reform and opening-up policy in the 1970s,its economy has kept developing at a remarkably high speed. The output of the industrial and agricultural products, such as grain, meat and steel etc., has been growing markedly. And the technologies of atomic energy, computer, aviation and aerospace have reached the world advanced level. It is predicted that China will basically realize modernization and reach the level of the medium-developed countries by the middle of the 21st centuiy. Currently, China's economic level varies widely among regions. The areas along the east coast in China are fairly developed, while those in the west are comparatively underdeveloped. Due to this, China is carrying out the Western Development Strategy so as to narrow down the economic gaps between different regions.
1.改革开放政策:可译为the reform and opening-uppolicy。
2.以惊人的速度:可译为at a remarkably high speed。
3.达到世界先进水平:可译为reach the world advancedlevel。
4.预计:可使用It is predicted that…结构表达。
5.基本实现现代化:可译为basically realizemodernization。
6.中等发达国家:其中“中等发达”可译为medium-developed,故该处译为medium-developed country。
7.东部沿海地区:可译为areas along the east coast。
8.以缩小各地区的经济发展差弃:其中“缩小”可用narrow down来表达,故该句可译为so as to narrowdown the economic gaps between different regions。其中so as to意为“以便,以使”。
In the 1970s, Chinese people were proud of owningan imported shirt and an imported electronic watch.At that time, domestic products were inferior toproducts of foreign brands both in appearance andfunction. The idea of worshipping and having blindfaith in foreign things has been deeply rooted in the Chinese consumers. With the developmentof modern science and technology, economy and national strength in China, domestic productsat present have made a leap in appearance, quality, elements of science and technology. Manydomestic products are even superior to the similar products in foreign brands. Chinesepeople's attitude toward foreign products has changed from admiration to objectiveness, andfinally even to contempt. The psychology of consumers is changing and people are graduallycoming back to rational consumption.
1.以...而自豪:可用be proud of…表达。
2.逊色于:可译为be inferior to。其反义词组为besuperior to,表示“优胜于”。
3.得到了飞跃:可译为have made a leap in。其中leap意为“激增,剧增”,可表达“飞跃”之意。
Nowadays, with the development of Internet, more and more people prefer to shop online. You would get the goods you want at your door from the expressman just by clicking the mouse, which is convenient and can save both time and effort. Online shopping cuts down on the consumers'time of going to the supermarket and avoids the traffic jam. Due to little pressure on stock, low management cost and business scale with little limitation on sites, online shopping offers a good opportunity for young people to start a business. Online shopping is attractive and influential to its consumers, companies and market, which can achieve an ideal pattern of multi-win effect in the new economy period undoubtedly.
1.随着网络的发展:可译为with the development of Internet。
3.省时省力:其中“省力”可用save effort表达,故该处译为save both time and effort。
4.库存压力较小、经营成本低、经营规模不受场地限制:可译为little pressure on stock, low management cost and business scale with little limitation on sites。
农业是中国的重要产业。中国的农业产居世界首位,主要出产大米、小麦、土豆、花生、茶叶和棉花。尽管中国的可耕地(arable land)仅占世界的10%,但是中国却为世界上20%的人口提供粮食。由于中国是发展中国家且可耕地严重匮乏,中国的农业一直是劳动密集型(labor-intensive)。中国政府密切关注农业,加大投资力度,积极开展灌溉和水资源保护,以提髙农业生产的现代化水平,使得中国各类农产品的产品迅速增加。然而,由于人口众多,人均农产品产量很低。
Agriculture is an important industry in China.Chinaranks first in agricultural output worldwide,primarilyproducing rice,wheat,potatoes,peanuts,tea,andcotton.Although accounting for only 10 percent ofarable land worldwide,China produces food for 20percent of the world's population.Due to China's status as a developing country and itssevere shortage of arable land,farming in China has always been the labor-intensiveindustry.Chinese government has been paying close attention to agriculture,increasing theinvestment and actively carrying out irrigation and water conservancy to improve themodernization of agricultural production,which leads to a high growth rate in China's output ofvarious agricultural products.However,due to the large population,the amount of theagricultural products per capita is small.
1.重要产业:可译为important industry。其中industry除了表示“产业”,还可表示“工业",例如heavy industry意为“重工业”。
2.仅占…的10%:可译为accounting for only 10 percentof.其中account for意为“占…比例”。
3.可耕地:可译为arable land。
4.密切关注:可译为pay close attention to。参考译文中用了现在完成进行时。
5.灌溉和水资源保护:可译为irrigation and water conservancy。
6.人均:可译为per capita。