

时间:2024-10-17 09:25:32 试题 我要投稿
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  1. Describe what your life would be like if youwere not allowed to use the cell phone for a month.Explain why. Please include details and examples inyour explanation.

  Well, honestly I think my life will be totallydifferent. I actually depend on cell phone to connectwith my friends. You know, I use lots of socialnetwork apps like wechat, twitter, and facebook toupdate what is going on with my life and send messages to my friends. Without the cellphone, I cannot even get hold of my friends and families. Additionally, as a college student, I amvery busy with school work, like prepare for exam, do group projects, and write papers. I shoponline for a lots of things just so I can save some time. I buy daily necessities, like outfits,snacks and electronic appliances on line. So I guess it will be a lot inconvenient without cellphone.

  2. Do you agree with the following statement: social networking websites are good for us?Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  Well, yes definitely, personally I am a big internet fan, and I think on-line social networks isa very good to socialize with friends and family members, and even get connected withprofessionals. My first reason is that it is instant and easy to use, social network likefacebook, MSN, and professional social network-Linkedin. With wifi access and a tablet orsmart phone, I can connect with people in no time. Additionally, before the invention of on-linesocial network, we have to call someone through the phone or visit them in person and it isvery costly in terms of both money and time, cuz we have to physically be somewhere in orderto talk to them face to face, with on-line social network, it also helps us to expand our socialnetworking.

  3. School should require all students to have their own laptops. Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

  Personally, I think students should be required to own laptops. To begin with, studentsmight need to write papers, and they can find reference on the internet easily, cuz they canjust type the key words in the search engine, and the next moment they know, the answershows up on the screen, and they basically can find reference on every topic, like technology,history, and even psychology. Also, they need to use lots of software to finish someassignments and projects, so the use of computer is inevitable. For example, I am aneconomics major, and I need to use statistical software to analyze data, obviously, I cannot dothat without the computer.



  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We learn more from failure thansuccess. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  Personally, I couldn't agree more with this statement, indeed, the best lesson one can learnis through failure. Actually, time and experience are the best teacher, and growth can only beachieved when you fail and after some barriers or setbacks in life, one has to analyze the realcause and avoid the risk of making the same mistake again. Albert Einstein once said, "Anyonewho has never failed has never tried anything new." One can only be a better person and makebetter judgments by learning from every single experience that we have been exposed to,otherwise, we would be the same person as we were yesterday.

  2. Some people prefer to get advice from older people like their parents or grandparents.Others prefer to get advice from their peers of the same or similar age . What way do youprefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  Actually, I prefer to get advice from older family members. To begin with, senior have richerlife experience than young people, including good and bad ones. By learning from theirexperience, we can avoid previous mistakes. Also, it teaches me to be a humble and modestperson so I can hunker down and be successful. Additionally, young people and their peers arestruggling with their own life, study and career and they don't have the same level of maturityas old people do. So based on these reasons, I think it is better to seek advice from seniors.

  3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required tohelp with household tasks as long as they grow old enough to do so. Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

  Personally, I definitely think that children should do household tasks as soon as they are oldenough. Lots of important qualities can be developed through such activities as doinghousework. Children will learn to be a responsible person, and that is a like cornerstone forthem to become a better person. On top of that, children will get a sense of achievement whencompeting the house chores, and their parents might even give them some reward like buythem toys or offer them some pocket money. Through such activities, children will be verydetermined and motivated when they do bigger projects in their adulthood and be successful.










