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实用托福听力真题 1
2016年9月24日托福听力真题Conversation 1
2016年9月24日托福听力真题Lecture 1
[Art History]两个艺术家比赛,一个艺术家因为害怕自己的作品被抄袭剽窃所以写的东西都用密码,另外一个艺术家很欢迎其他人的建议,所以第二个赢了。这个时候第一个艺术家放弃了艺术去了罗马,教授特别惊讶,但是后来的十年这个艺术家改行做建筑,做大教堂,但是它的结构不能seen from the external, 这是一个挑战,最后他成功了而且更有名了
2016年9月24日托福听力真题Lecture 2
[Astronomy]月球上有水,但之前人们都认为没有水。这一次的study是研究了火山口的volcanic tunnel 包含水,说明水其实是在很深的地下面而不是表面。后来又说在探测的instrument发现了水,本来怀疑是从地球到月球上去的,但是后来又在那里发现了类似水的分子H和0, 说明存在水的可能,后来又说为什么会有水,可能是在form的时候就有,而这个现象对将来的太空旅行埋下了伏笔。
2016年9月24日托福听力真题Conversation 2
[论文]生物系学生找生物老师表示很抱歉缺席了field trip, 然后想要自己独自再去一遍,教授建议他不要只focus在insects还有wild life, 最后教授表示这是教授自己的research, 但是这个research too large, 学生表示很感兴趣,教授就推荐他去一个生物contest, 学生说自己还没有准备好论文,教授说你可以参考上课时候给的资料再改改。
2016年9月24日托福听力真题Lecture 3
[Anthropology]研究有一个人种有一种成为其他的——fender,然后professor 说有三种data。其中一个是oral record, 那些人来讲他们的生活但是其实讲的都不完整,有提到一个人的record很靠谱,因为他直接记录了那个人种的生活。还包括他们怎么做决定。然后举例子其中一个是boat (有提问举 boat 这个例子的目的), 目前为止这个人的record是最靠谱的,因为是实时记录,而不是过一段时间之后再重新回忆。
2016年9月24日托福听力真题Lecture 4
[Zoology]讲的是动物的`horn的不同的用途。讲了两种动物用horn的区别,一个是mate的时候去打其他的male, 一个是除了在mate的时候防止其他male的干扰,还有protect他自己的territory的作用。然后又讲到了这个horn的大小,horn越小生存下来的机会就越大。
实用托福听力真题 2
1月6日 口语独立
Your university requires that you take a history course, and you have two options that fit your schedule. The first course is taught by a professor who is well-known for being a good lecturer and includes little to no class discussion. The second course is led by a professor who rarely lectures and instead encourages students to contribute to class discussions. Which course would you choose to fulfill your history requirement and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
1月13日 口语独立
Some people prefer to watch films that are exciting and entertaining. Others prefer to watch films that are more serious and have an important message or teach them something new. What kind of film do you prefer and why? Use specific examples and details in your response.
1月20日 口语独立 上午场
A large corporation would like to open a new factory in your city, but it would first need to be approved by the residents. The factory would provide many job opportunities for local residents, but it also may create some pollution. Do you think your city should allow the new factory to open? Explain why.
1月20日 口语独立 下午场
Some people prefer to be constantly busy and always have something to do. Others prefer not to be busy all the time but to spend some periods of time doing nothing. Which approach do you think is better? Explain why.
1月24日 口语独立
Some adults believe young people become excessively dependent on or even addicted to electronic devices and should try to use them less. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view and explain why or why not.
1月27日 口语独立
Some people prefer to read reviews written by critics before watching a movie; while others do not prefer to read reviews about a movie before watching it. Which way do you prefer and why?
2月3日 口语独立 上午场
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Happiness comes from helping others rather than helping yourself. Use reasons and examples to explain your opinion.
2月3日 口语独立 下午场
When visiting a museum that allows photography, some people like to take photographs of the exhibits they see. Others prefer to simply look at the exhibits and do not take photographs. Which do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
2月27日 口语独立
Because most students have their own laptops, your university is considering closing the campus computer lab, where students use university-owned computers. Do you think this is a good idea and why?
3月2日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important quality of a leader is being a gifted speaker. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
3月6日 口语独立
More and more, robots are performing jobs traditionally done by humans. Do you think this is a positive trend? Explain why or why not, using examples and details.
3月10日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? As people grow older, they should take fewer risks and be less adventurous than they were in their youth. Use reasons and details to explain your opinion.
3月16日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend time reading the news every day in order to know what is happening in other countries around the world. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
3月23日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Taking too many photos will prevent a person from actively participating in the events and activities? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
3月27日 口语独立
Some people prefer to shop regularly at a store that is close and convenient to them, even though it might be expensive. Others prefer to shop regularly at a store with the lowest prices, even if it is far away. Which do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
4月6日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Peoples social skills have declined as their use of technology has increased.
4月13日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend time reading the news every day in order to know what is happening in other countries around the world. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
4月17日 口语独立
Previous generations spent time playing board games or card games with family and friends. Nowadays, many young people prefer to play games on their computers and phones. Which do you think is better and why? Use details and examples in your response.
4月21日 口语独立
Imagine that you must decide between two homes to live in. One place is close to restaurants, shopping centers, and public transportation; however, it is in a very noisy area. The second place is far away from everything; however, it is in a quiet area. Which place would you prefer to live in? Explain why.
4月27日 口语独立
When teaching children proper behavior, some parents think it is more effective to offer rewards when their children behave well. Other parents think it is more effective to discipline their children when they misbehave. Which point of view do you agree with? Use details to explain your opinion.
5月11日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?To be successful in school, it is essential to be highly organized.Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
5月15日 口语独立
Some people think that, when moving to a new country, they should adapt to the cultural habits and traditions of the new country. Other people prefer to keep their original habits and traditions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why, using details and examples in your response.
5月18日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some people believe old people should not take risks and participate in adventurous events asyoung people. What do you think and explain why?
5月26日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?To be successful in school, it is essential to be highly organized. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
6月2日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students should be allowed to take additional classes each semester in order to earn their degrees more quickly. Use specific examples and details in your response.
6月8日 口语独立
Some people like to read certain books more than once. Others prefer to always read something they have never read before. Which do you usually prefer? Explain why. Using details and examples.
6月12日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior. Use details and examples to support your opinion.
6月16日 口语独立
Many schools have websites where parents can have immediate access to their childrens grades on daily assignments, tests, and quizzes. Do you think such access for parents is a good idea?
6月22日 口语独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important quality of a leader is being a gifted speaker. Use details and examples in your response.
6月26日 口语独立
Some people like to celebrate their birthday or holidays with large gatherings or parties. Other people prefer to celebrate in quieter ways alone or with just a few people. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
6月30日 口语独立
When facing a difficult situation, some people ask for advice from older people such as parents or grandparents. Other people prefer to get advice from friends who are their own age. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best ways to learn about a country’s culture is to watch television shows made in that country.(本题重复2021年2月家考原题)
When traveling, people should periodically let their friends and family know where they are and how they are doing.(重复2020年12月3日原题)
Some people think that having a sense of humor makes it easier to deal with certain difficult situations in life, such as conflicts with friends. Others believe it is best to
approach difficult situations in a more serious manner. Which point of view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
When on vacation, some people prefer to participate in outdoor activities, such as hiking or swimming. Other people prefer to be stay indoors on vacation. Which type of vacation do you prefer? Explain why.
When celebrating birthdays or holidays, some people choose to gather with a large group of friends, while others prefer to spend time quietly with a few close relatives and friends or alone. Which do you prefer?
There is only one small green space left in a very crowded city and now the city council is proposing to take the last green space and build a building on it, do you think this is a good idea?
Do you have to go to a boutique or just go to the supermarket?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Learning from online video courses is as effective as attending classes in a classroom?
It is the policy of many universities that parents of university students cannot have access to their childrens grades without their permission. Do you agree or disagree with this policy?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should have a one- year vacation before they attend universities.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some people judge themselves more harshly than they judge others.
When encountering problems in studies, should one discuss with classmates or seek solutions from a professional teacher?
实用托福听力真题 3
L1 :骡鹿母亲保护幼鹿的行为,尤其是它们为何会保护其他鹿种的幼鹿。研究发现,骡鹿母亲不仅会保护自己幼鹿,还会保护其他鹿的幼鹿,甚至会在保护其他幼鹿时离开自己的幼鹿。这种行为在鹿类中并不常见,因为通常母鹿只会保护自己的幼鹿。
C1: 讲电子乐器的,女生和professor在聊她昨晚talent show的表演情况。
L2:还有一个是Red pottery,说不是因为人的population减少了,而是因为这个pottery从small size到large size了,他们所承载的食物量是一样的。
实用托福听力真题 4
1、Basic Comprehension: Gist + Details
2、Pragmatic Understanding: Stance + Function
什么叫做录音内容和选项字面意思相近呢?举个例子,比如TPO12/C1中的第5题中重放录音的内容是:Tell meabout it.题目问老师为什么讲这句话。
其中一个选项的是:She didnt hear what the student said;
还有一个选项是:She wants thestudent to explain his comment.
这两个选项就属于是典型的字面意思相近。所以我们应该选:Sheunderstands the students problem这个答案。
因为俚语:Tell me aboutit=Youre telling me,解释为:谁说不是呢,相当于:Ithink so的意思。
很多老师或者是书籍将Tellme about it解释为:告诉我吧。可谓是贻笑大方。即使你不知道tellme about it的准确意思,也可以利用这两条技巧排除法,选出正确答案。
3、Connective Information: Categorization + Summarization
比如summarization的题目:TPO25,lecture3的第5题:问的是Howdoes the professor organize the information in the lecture?