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Task1: which of the following three activities do you prefer to do with a group of people rather than alone: Eat a meal, listen to music or do homework?
Well, I prefer to eat meals with a group of people if possible. The sad truth is in this fast paced modern society, a lot of times we rush to do everything, including eating, like grab some fast food and then immediately get back to work, in order to save time and get work done before deadline. But given the choice, I would rather eat each meal with others, especially my friends' accompany. I think yummy foods, just like other good things in the world, should be shared. The most enjoyable part besides foods is that we would have some interesting conversations, laugh, poke fun at each other, which is really relaxing.
Task2: Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn skills like cooking, sewing and caring for others?
I agree with the statement. Coz the purpose of education is not to cultivate exam-taking machines, but well-rounded person; those practical skills, especially like cooking, is indeed very useful for us when we leave our parents and live alone abroad. Take my sister Jessica as an example, before she went to study in the US for her master, she took some cooking classes and her cooking skill right now is truly fantastic, you know, those yummy soups, chicken wings made by her are just like magic, which not only enables her to take better care of herself, but makes her really popular among her American classmates and professors.
标题:school policy about addingnew express line in dining hall
改变:学校将在食堂开一条new express line。学生就可以买premade packaged food了。
原因1:学生可以通过这条new express line买premade packaged food了。
原因2:dininghall 也会保留,继续提供服务。
原因1:有很多学生课间休息时间很短,只有5分钟。以前来食堂吃饭总是in a hurry。如果开辟了这条new express line的话排队就不用等更久,不会很仓促。
原因2:虽然这条line食物种类很少,但是dinning hall 其它line食物种类很丰富,所以没有太大关系。另外,一些学生要一边吃饭一边一起学习,以前只有晚饭的时候才能一起学习,但是食堂太吵了。如果能提前预定的话,她们就可以去一个更安静的地方学习。
Sample answer: The university is going to add new express line in dining hall, which means students can buy premise packaged food. The student in the conversation totally supports this, for one thing, some students just have 5 minutes for class break,it will be so conventions for those students to order some premade good, which would allow them to get the most time concentrated on their study. Moreover, since the university will still keep the dinner no service, the students who want to have meals in the dining hall will still be able to enjoy their meals in the dining hall.
标题:egocentric thinking in the children
Sample answer:There's a phenomenon called egocentric thinking, which means children would think others people see the world in the same way like they do. Then the professor gives one example in the lecture. One researcher take a child in front of a room, and show him a red doll. And then the researcher turned around to face himself a wall, when the child was asked to make assumptions about what the researcher might have seen when he turned around, the child said:"red doll" in this case we see that the child in the experiment was considering the researcher was observing things in a way like he did.
问题:男生明天有重要的考试,所以他问Tina借了笔记,他现在需要把笔记还给Tina。但是他已经等了15分钟, Tina还没有来,如果他继续等下去的话,他的工作就要迟到了。
解决方案2:把笔记放到campus mail里面,再给她发个消息。
Sample answer: The man in the conversation was about to return his friend Tina's notes to her, however, Tina has been late for 15 minutes already. He's not sure what's he's gonna do. There're 2 solutions mentioned in the later part, one is he could go to Tina's dormitory to return the notes, however, I would recommend another one, that is he could leave the notes into Tina's campus mail. For one thing, he won't be late for his work, to make sure that Tina will get her notes in time, he could text Tina that situation. Moreover, if he went to Tina's dormitory, he might be late for his work, which might cause him some troubles.
话题:Twoadaptations of animals in floodplain。动物为了适应季节性的在陆地和水里的生活,进化出了不同的特征来适应。
要点1:第一种适应是behavioral adaption。是通过改变生存行为来适应环境。
要点2:第二种是physical adaption。一些动物为适应环境进化出了能够适应水陆两种环境的器官。
Sample answer:
There're 2 types of adaptations of animals in floodplain. The first one is behavioral adaptation, which means they change their behavior to adapt to the environment; for example, when the flood strike one area, animal A would climb on the trees to avoid being hurt by flood. They will get down the trees to live a normal life when the flood is over. another one is physical adaptation, which means they developed some body features to adapt to the surrounding environment. Like, Animal B could develop two organs to breathe both in water and on the land.