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Taking on a part-time job while pursuing a degree is hard work, but the benefits are typically greater than the amount of a paycheck. Students who work during their college careers may have better time-management skills than their counterparts. They must understand responsibility and apply it to their daily lives. They earn money that can be used for fun or for tuition, while gaining experience in the workplace that will be attractive to future employers after graduation.
Simply put, students who hold down part-time jobs will have more money than they would have otherwise. As they come into adulthood, earning an income canboost their confidence and allow them to have some fun within the limits of their paychecks. Some students need to work through school to afford tuition. Others will set the money aside to pay back student loans. Still, the money will be theirs to spend as they wish, and they may appreciate it more because they worked for it.
Students earning their own money get lessons on spending wisely. They may be less likely to spend their hard-earned money frivolously and learn to delay gratification to pay for necessities, such as text books and rent. At the same time, they can save for non-essential purchases, such as a car.
Simply put: 简单来说
come into adulthood 马上成年
boost one’s confidence: 增强信心
set the money aside 留出钱
spend their hard-earned money frivolously 挥霍辛苦挣来的钱
delay gratification 延迟享乐
Time Management
Students taking on a job on top of their studies will have less free time than non-working students. When working students have to measure out their time, they tend to be better planners as they make sure they complete every task on deadline. They learn to weigh their priorities, sometimes skipping fun activities to finish their responsibilities. This prepares them for life after school when excuses and tardy work will be frowned upon.
on top of 除了
weigh one’s priorities 权衡轻重缓急
skip fun activities to 为了… 不单纯享乐
Often, part-time jobs that introduce them to their preferred career after school is over. This allows them to gain important introductory experience in the business and begin networking with those in that field. Even students who work in places not connected to their majors will look more impressive to potential employers.They'll have some kind of work experience on their resumes to start, and the fact that they've been able to hold a job while a school attests to their level of maturity, responsibility and time management. Employers look for employees who understand the work environment and work well as part of a team. Having a part-time job shows that the student is at least somewhat accustomed to the professional world, which will make the transition that much easier.
gain important introductory experience in 获得在.. 基础的经验
begin networking with those in certain field 在某一个领域开始建立人脉
look more impressive to potential employers.给未来的老板留下深刻印象
attests to their level of maturity, responsibility and time management 证明他们的成熟程度、责任感和时间管理能力
(A/D) college students should be required to take part time jobs during their college study.