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3月26日托福写作真题 1
关于Gustave Whitehead 先于莱特兄弟成功试飞飞机
Sample answer:
The reading puts forward three reasons to illustrate the badeffects brought by those prairie dogs. However, the professor refutes thesethree strongly.
Firstly, the listening argues that the reason why the reporthad no photo but only draft drawings lied in two aspects. First, thephotography technology at that time was not as advanced as it is now. As theimaging techniques was not good, the quality of the photos was low. Inaddition, when the experiment was conducted, it was cloudy; in such conditionto capture the image of a flying plane was too difficult.
Secondly, the reading claims the design of Whitehead’s planethat only had one wing was not logical, for the plane usually had two or threewings at that time. However, the professor disagrees. In the recent, someresearchers have made a copy of Whitehead’s plane based on his design diagram.They tested the copy planes four times, and each of them was successful.
Finally, the reading suggests that Whitehead had producedmany engines and sold them to several aircraft builders, but in fact none of thoseengines used in planes had ever succeeded, illustrating that Whitehead had notsuccessfully tested his plane. But the professor argues the problem that thoseengines did not work could not be blamed to Whitehead. It was because thetechnology was not so developed at that time and aircraft builders knew littleabout designing planes. The fact that there were people buying Whitehead’sengines actually proved that his design had no problem.
It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.
1.首先,人生挥Ω煤ε率去而不去做改变。人们要搬到另一个城市肯定是有理由的,如为了更好的工作、更和家庭等。人生不只是有友情,还有亲情爱情,自己的人生道路等。所以要权衡后得失weigh the pros and cons carefully,懂取舍。这就像我们不能为了不想离开自己的朋友,放弃上上一个比本地大学好得很多的学校。
2.再者,搬到另一个城市并不一定会失去以前的.朋友,因为科技的介入intervention使人有更多途径沟通 means of communication。现代社会的发展给人们带来很多便利。一方面,通讯工具的发展可以让我们打破空间的障碍obstacle,从最基本的手机和邮件到高科技的软件如微信,Skype等,都让朋友间可以随时随地地联络感情;另一方面,便利快捷的交通打破了时间的障碍,坐高铁和飞机去与朋友面对面所花费的时间其实都和同个城市里的朋友汇合花的时间差不多。
3.让步:诚然,我们会可能会失去一些朋友,但我认为失去的也是一些泛泛之交tangentially related。如果是真的意气相投 congenial、真的深交的朋友,并不会因为空间上的分隔而疏远estrangement/alienation。
weigh the pros and cons carefully 权衡后得失
means of communication使人有更多途径沟通
tangentially related泛泛之交
congenial 意气相投
estrangement/alienation 疏远
3月26日托福写作真题 2
Rhino’s relocation plan has some problems and therefore cannot save rhinos from illegal hunters
the problems with Rhino’s relocation plan mentioned in the reading are unconvincing and the plan would be effective
There is a 5% death rate among rhinos involved in this plan, but every rhino is very precious and it would be pity if they die
It is true that some rhinos will die because of the plan, but the death rate would be much lower that it is now. Relocating could actually protected them from hunters.
In this plan, the balance of male and female rhinos will be disturbed; the bond between mother rhinos and infants will also be destroyed
The planner will carefully choose rhinos so that the balance between two sexes and the bond between mothers and infants won’t be affected
Enormous profit can be gained from rhinos so illegal hunters won’t give up easily
An army will protect this relocating plan, and there is a very large area so that the hunters will easily find this relocating area.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.
这是一道绝对词题(题干出现the best,the most important等字眼),反对比较好写,一个实用易学的'破解角度是"承合驳绝",即承认合理性,反驳绝对性。
1.承认合理性(这段也可以合并进开头段):Visiting museums does have some advantages, i.e. a wide range of carefully selected and beautifully arranged materials;save time and money
2.指出不足:the amount of information in museums is limited and not as lively as when it is presented in real life. Besides, museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.
3.提出更好的 (必要的逻辑环节):there are better ways to learn about a country like traveling to that country or talking with friends as well as strangers from that country.
2.problem:the amount of information in museums is limited and not as lively as when it is presented in real life
solution: there are better ways to learn about a country like traveling to that country to see it yourself
3.problem: museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.
Solution: talking with friends as well as strangers from that country provide you additional point of vi
3月26日托福写作真题 3
1. 易于降解;
2. 节能环保;
3. 质量也不会下降。
1. 降解只发生在特定条件下,而且很难meet所有的条件:要暖,至少保持一周,没有heat和moisture的话,要用和traditional plastic一样长的时间才能降解;
2. 为了做biopolymers,要先种玉米等原料,而农业恰恰极为耗能而且污染环境(因为农民用农药等化学物质);
3. 质量上会inferior,比如要储存CD等东西,要durable,而biopolymers在heat和moisture下会降解,显然不行
W2 【关系】 【因果类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 很多有价值的简直被建筑工程破坏;
2. 依靠政府资金,所以资金不足;
3. 学考古的人找不到工作。
Listening里给出了一个new rule解决了这三大问题
1. 说所有建筑工程开工前都必须由考古学者进行exam和评估,plan下怎么保护有价值的site;
2. 而这些exam啊评估啊的.费用全部都要由建筑公司承担,所以提供了新的资金来源;
3. 因为有了这个法案,所以同时也提供了很多考古学者工作的机会。
W2 【生活方式】 【因果类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Many people spend lot of time watching sports programs on TV or following their favorite sports teams have negative effects on their lives.