

时间:2024-09-07 07:31:03 试题 我要投稿
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  Official Model Exam-MeteoriteImpact and Dinosaur Extinction

  TPO-8 Extinction of the Dinosaurs

  TPO-15 Mass Extinctions


  Habitat degradation is currently the mainanthropogenic cause of species extinctions. The main cause of habitatdegradation worldwide is agriculture, with urban sprawl, logging, mining andsome fishing practices close behind. The degradation of a species' habitat mayalter the fitness landscape to such an extent that the species is no longerable to survive and becomes extinct. This may occur by direct effects, such asthe environment becoming toxic, or indirectly, by limiting a species' abilityto compete effectively for diminished resources or against new competitorspecies.

  Habitat degradation through toxicity can killoff a species very rapidly, by killing all living members through contaminationor sterilizing them. It can also occur over longer periods at lower toxicitylevels by affecting life span, reproductive capacity, or competitiveness.

  Habitat degradation can also take the form ofa physical destruction of niche habitats. The widespread destruction oftropical rainforests and replacement with open pastureland is widely cited asan example of this; elimination of the dense forest eliminated theinfrastructure needed by many species to survive. For example, a fern thatdepends on dense shade for protection from direct sunlight can no longersurvive without forest to shelter it. Another example is the destruction ofocean floors by bottom trawling.

  Diminished resources or introduction of newcompetitor species also often accompany habitat degradation. Global warming hasallowed some species to expand their range, bringing unwelcome competition toother species that previously occupied that area. Sometimes these newcompetitors are predators and directly affect prey species, while at othertimes they may merely outcompete vulnerable species for limited resources.Vital resources including water and food can also be limited during habitatdegradation, leading to extinction.

  There have been at least five massextinctions in the history of life on earth, and four in the last 350 millionyears in which many species have disappeared in a relatively short period ofgeological time. A massive eruptive event is considered to be one likely causeof the "Permian–Triassic extinction event" about 250 million yearsago, which is estimated to have killed 90% of species then existing. There isalso evidence to suggest that this event was preceded by another massextinction, known as Olson's Extinction. The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinctionevent occurred 66 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, andis best known for having wiped out non-avian dinosaurs, among many otherspecies.




  活字印刷,第一段说活字印刷的前提有一点是造纸术,然后说造纸术从中国引进到意大利 (有题),然后讲在意大利这个虽然纸造出来容易受损(词汇题),但是很方便。后面讲了制作的方法(有题),之后讲了这个技术传到了德国,并产生一些影响。举了一个例子(有题),然后,活字印刷发明出来了,对这些造书有影响(有题)。然后说有一个圣经特别贵,只有有钱人有地位的人才能买(有题)一共只生产了187本。


  TPO34-Islamic Art and the Book


  Movable type is the system ofprinting and typography that uses movable components to reproduce the elementsof a document (usually individual letters or punctuation).

  The world's first known movable type system for printingwas made of ceramic materials and created in China around A.D 1040 by Bi Sheng(990–1051) during the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127). In 1377, the firstmetallic types were invented in Goryeo Dynasty in Korea, which were used toprint Jikji, which is the oldest extant movable metal print book. The diffusionof both movable-type systems was, however, limited. They were expensive, andrequired an enormous amount of labour involved in manipulating the thousands ofceramic tablets, or in the case of Korea, metal tablets, required for scriptsbased on the Chinese writing system, which have thousands of characters.

  Around 1450 Johannes Gutenberg made a mechanical metalmovable-type printing press in Europe, along with innovations in casting thetype based on a matrix and hand mould. The more limited number of charactersneeded for European languages was an important factor. Gutenberg was the firstto create his type pieces from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony—and thesematerials remained standard for 550 years.

  For alphabetic scripts, movable-type page setting wasquicker than woodblock printing. The metal type pieces were more durable andthe lettering was more uniform, leading to typography and fonts. The highquality and relatively low price of the Gutenberg Bible (1455) established thesuperiority of movable type in Europe and the use of printing presses spreadrapidly. The printing press may be regarded as one of the key factors fosteringthe Renaissance and due to its effectiveness, its use spread around the globe.

  The 19th-century invention of hot metal typesettingand its successors caused movable type to decline in the 20th century.






  TPO-23 UrbanClimates


  Oceancurrents greatly affect Earth's climate by transferring heat from the tropicsto the polar regions. Transferring warm or cold air and precipitation tocoastal regions, winds may carry them inland. Surface heat and freshwaterfluxes create global density gradients that drive the thermohaline circulationpart of large-scale ocean circulation. It plays an important role in supplyingheat to the polar regions, and thus in sea ice regulation. Changes in thethermohaline circulation are thought to have significant impacts on Earth'senergy budget. In so far as the thermohaline circulation governs the rate atwhich deep waters reach the surface, it may also significantly influenceatmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.

  For adiscussion of the possibilities of changes to the thermohaline circulationunder global warming, see shutdown of thermohaline circulation.

  It isoften stated that the thermohaline circulation is the primary reason that theclimate of Western Europe is so temperate. An alternate hypothesis claims thatthis is largely incorrect, and that Europe is warm mostly because it liesdownwind of an ocean basin, and because atmospheric waves bring warm air northfrom the subtropics.

  TheAntarctic Circumpolar Current encircles that continent, influencing the area'sclimate and connecting currents in several oceans.

  One ofthe most dramatic forms of weather occurs over the oceans: tropical cyclones(also called "typhoons" and "hurricanes" depending uponwhere the system forms).

  Atmosphericcirculation is the large-scale movement of air through the troposphere, and themeans (with ocean circulation) by which heat is distributed around Earth. Thelarge-scale structure of the atmospheric circulation varies from year to year,but the basic structure remains fairly constant because it is determined byEarth's rotation rate and the difference in solar radiation between the equatorand poles.


  Conversation 1

  有个女生帮他们宿舍咨询一个non credit art class,那女生本来以为不要钱,结果前台说其实是要收费的,一个40刀一个100刀,因为材料要收费,学生可以打折,然后其中一个课是在学校外面,是一个退休老教授授课,由于校内要供学生们上课,一直没空,所以只能在校外上。前台问女生是自己要来上课吗,女生说不是,她是帮他们寝室问的。最后就是关于schedule的一些信息,女生说她正好值日,干脆拿一些poster回去,让室友得到信息。

  -TPO部分对应参考 (TPO26-C1)

  Lecture 1



  Lecture 2

  天文学,关于Mars上水的问题,开始在一个Valley看到了两种有水的特征,其中一个是delta。但是科学家一直记得是N不是P,因为N warm and wet, P cold and dry,但是实际是P。一个女生问为什么变成冰升华的那么快,教授觉得这个不重要,重要的是,有水就有生命,因为地球就是以前这样,期待火星的发现。-TPO部分对应参考(OGTEST2; TPO19-L2)

  Conversation 2



  Lecture 3



  Lecture 4





  Question: One of your friends is usually exhausted forhis work. What suggestions will you give to him if he wants to cultivate somepersonal interests?

  Well, I wouldlike to give him advice from several aspects.

  Firstly, hecould be stressed mentally to some extend. I may suggest him to go for a walkafter work everyday before going to finish or prepare stuff as often to refreshhis mind, like pressing the reset button on him.

  Secondly, hisdaily routine could be a factor that causes his exhaustion after or duringwork. I would more likely to accompany him to workout in a gym to see if he canstrengthen his muscle groups to be resistant to his painstaking job.

  Task 2

  Question:Some people believe that it is the innate talents make a person an artist.While others think that it is the efforts a person put in that make the personan artist. Which do you prefer and why?

  In terms ofthe nature or nurture problem, I may say it’s the mutual influence that makes aperson an artist. However, I think the inborn talent is more crucial than thatof the effort.

  Firstly, artappreciation requires an advanced value and an appreciation system, which arenot frequently seen among the public and it is different from other tasks thatthe experiences could be accumulated over the course of lifetime.

  Secondly, theprimitive attitude toward art and ability in approaching an art piece cannot beacquired in a systematical learning.

  Task 3

  Listening: School is planning to open a 24-7 store toprovide commodities that students actually need. The boy agrees that it is agreat idea to open a 24h store for he could buy drugs like aspirin when had aheadache otherwise it is going to be troublesome to see a store closed at thattime. Besides, what if the printer is out of printing ink? They can go straightto get what the urgently need.

  Task 4

  The lectureillustrates the relationship between a group of migrating animals and a kind ofplant named nectar corridor over the course of migration.

  The bat areeager to find food supplements during the migration stage of dessert whilethere is a plant which could provide the bat with its dew so as to let the batspread its pollen to further places.

  Task 5

  The problemof the boy is that he is going to have a group project on the night where hisfather’s 5o year birthday is and he is now irresolute.

  The firstsolution to the problem is to ask his group members to help to finish theproject since the boy has already done enough work in the group. However it iskind of unfair for the rest of the group the take the burden of his.

  The secondsolution is to finish the group project earlier so as to celebrate his father’s50th birthday later but it will probably let his father down.

  I personallywould suggest him to finish the project beforehand. Though he is going to be alittle bit late for his father’s birthday celebration, I believe his fatherwould understand if he could tell the truth in advance.

  Task 6

  Thesephotographers’ attitudes toward industrialization are changing graduallythrough time between 19th century and 20th century.

  A photo presents a picture offarmers working on the field without machineries. While another photo shows ascenery of an alignment of machineries stand inside of a factory under thesunlight.

  It turns out that photographers arechanging from praising the harmony between men and nature to sing for themodern industrialization.


  综合写作 是否应该保护土拨鼠

Topic 议题whether  people should protect prairie dogs




Thesis 总论点

There are three reasons to  illustrate the bad effects brought by those prairie dogs.

The messages mentioned in  the reading are misleading.



They are agricultural pests  because they will compete with cattle for grass.

The agricultural pests view  is outdated. On the one hand, prairie dogs have changed their diets. On the  other hand, cattle now feed on some specific areas. So there is no competitive  relation between them. What’s more, the burrowing of prairie dogs does not  harm the growth of grass, but in fact makes the land fertile, which facilitates  the grass growth.



The fleas they carry can cause  bacterial disease.

The incidence of a disease  is very low. In the past 15 years, only 10 people got infected.

Sub-point 3


Protecting them hardly  brings benefits to the ecosystem, so it is more worth protecting large  mammals.

They do goods to the  ecosystem. First, The burrows underground prairie dogs big are habitats of  other animals such as snakes. Second, they are also food resources of large  animals such as foxes. The disappearing of prairies dogs will endanger those  species.

  Sample answer:

  The reading puts forward threereasons to illustrate the bad effects brought by those prairie dogs. However, theprofessor refutes these three strongly.

  Firstly, the reading claims prairiedogs are agricultural pests because they will compete with cattle for grass. Incontrast, the professor argues that the agricultural pests view is outdated. Onthe one hand, prairie dogs have changed their diets. On the other hand, cattlenow feed on some specific areas. So there is no competitive relation betweenthem. What’s more, the burrowing of prairie dogs does not harm the growth ofgrass, but in fact makes the land fertile, which facilitates the grass growth.

  Secondly, in the reading, itsuggests the fleas they carry can cause bacterial disease. However, theprofessor disagrees, for the incidence of a disease is very low. In the past 15years, only 10 people got infected.

  Finally, the reading suggeststhat protecting them hardly brings benefits to the ecosystem, so it is moreworth protecting large mammals. But the professor argues that they do goods tothe ecosystem. First, the burrows underground prairie dogs big are habitats ofother animals such as snakes. Second, they are also food resources of largeanimals such as foxes. The disappearing of prairies dogs will endanger thosespecies.




High school  students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or  they should study only three or four subjects at a time.













  1. 尽管有人会说同时学多门课会让学生分散精力(distract from),不能学好每科(low efficiency)。但我认为事实与此相反(contradict),因为各个学科之间都是有联系和交叉的(interweave),同时学多门课其实能更好地促进知识的吸收(facilitate the assimilation of knowledge),例如物理化学科目都涉及数学,这三者的学习能相互促进(reciprocate);中文和英文有类似的句子结构,所以两者也能互利( mutually beneficial)。即使是文科和理科之间也有交叉,如语言学和数学,语言学中其实有数学规律。

  2. 同时学习广泛的科目有助于引起学生的学习兴趣,而局限于(be confined ot)少数领域会导致厌倦心理从而厌学。兴趣是最好的老师,涉及多种不同学科可以开拓他们的思维。同时,当他们一旦发现了科目之间自然而然的联系,他们的热情会随即被激发(motivate/stimulate)。

  3. 培养学生合理安排规划时间的能力。如果学习科目少,学生的课业压力就少,很多学生会慵懒度日。而同时学习多个科目就意味着学生要花更多的时间在学习上,同时也要协调(coordinate)好各科之间的学习时间以及娱乐休闲时间。这对于学生以后的进入社会很有帮助。



distract from 分散

low efficiency 低效

contradict 矛盾

interweave 交织

facilitate the assimilation of knowledge 促进知识吸收

reciprocate 互惠

mutually beneficial 互利的

be confined to 局限于

motivate/stimulate 激发

coordinate 使协调











