

时间:2023-03-29 16:51:17 词汇 我要投稿
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  Intricate 错综复杂的 complex

  Vary 区别,不同 differ

  Initially 首先 at first

  Cohesion 凝聚力 unity

  Consciously 有意识地,故意地 purposely

  Unadorned 未装饰的,平凡的 plain

  Consumption 消费,吃 eating

  Constituents 组成部分 components

  Calculated 计算,决定 determined

  Ceased 停止 stop

  Prominent 著名的 distinguished

  Apply to 应用于 used for

  Coarser 粗糙的 rougher

  Dense 浓密的 thick

  Thanks to 由于 because of

  Eagerly anticipated 渴望,期待 looked forward to

  Properties 特征,特点 characteristics

  Ascribed to 归功于,认为 assumed to be true of

  Revolutionized 巨变,革命 dramatically changed

  Appeal 吸引attraction

  Spawned 产生,产卵 created

  Core 核心 center

  Embedded 镶嵌 encased

  Spotting 识别 identifying



  1. fill a prescription 按处方抓药

  Would you please fill this prescription for me?

  2. fill in for 代替; 同义:fill one’s place(position. shoes); take the place of; take over Say. Dave. can

  you fill in for me tonight at the restaurant? I’d like to go out of town.

  3.food for thought 令人思考的东西;同义:thought-provoking

  There is a lot food for thought in what he had to say.

  4.for nothing 免费

  To pay to see that movie would be foolish. when you can see it on TV for nothing.

  5.from top to bottom 从上到下

  A: Maybe you lost your wallet in this room.

  B: I’ve searched it from top to bottom..

  6. get of on the wrong foot 开始事情就做错了

  I got off on the wrong foot. and I don’t have any idea which way to turn now.

  7.get a lot out of something 从……学到很多

  The training program was difficult. but she got a lot out of it.

  8. get at 想说

  Do you understand what I’m getting at?

  9. get away with 对…..摆脱惩罚

  A: Did you know that Bob is leaving for home tonight? He isn’t planning to take his final exams.

  B: He can’t get away with that

  10.get going 赶紧行动; 同义:get moving

  A: It looks like we won’t have enough time to do all we wanted to.

  B: Who says we won’t? let’s get going.

  11. get on one’s nerve 招惹某人神经了

  A: Why did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time change.

  B: She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerve sometimes.

  12. get started on 开始做

  We should get started on the project.

  13. get time off from work 从工作中抽时间

  Oh. so she was able to get time off from the work.

  14.give credibility to 相信

  A: did you hear about Jim?

  B: I wouldn’t give that rumor any credibility.

  15.go easy on 温和对待

  Well. since it’s your first and only ticket. the judge will probably go easy on you.

  16.go in one ear and out the other 一耳朵进,一耳朵出

  Well. you know Mike. everything’s in one ear and out the other.

  17.go jogging 去跑步

  Are you ready to go jogging?

  18.go to one’s head 某人自负

  A: Have you noticed how John’s changed since he became student government president?

  B: I think the whole thing has gone to his head. and he used to be so sociable and open.

  19.got the time 几点了

  A: Got the time?

  B: It’s a little after ten.

  20. graduation announcements 毕业典礼请柬

  Have you ordered your graduation announcements?

  21.graon about 抱怨

  How come Michael’s always groaning about something?

  22.guest lecturer 客座教授

  The only person who understood the guest lecturer was the professor.

  23.hand-me-down 送的东西

  A: What a gorgeous jacket. It must have cost a fortune.

  B: Not at all. It’s a hand-me-down.

  24.hand down 易如反掌

  Lee won the chess match hands down.

  25.have a way with 擅长

  Bonnie really has a way with words.










