- Ïà¹ØÍƼö
¡¡¡¡mint ±¡ºÉÌÇ cracker±ý¸É, biscuit±ý¸É, °ô°ôÌÇbonbon ²ètea (Æã²è make the tea) »°Ã·prune candied plum ¹ø°Í rice crust ¹Ï×Ó melon seed ±ù°ô(±ù¹û) ice(frozen) sucker ±ùä¿Áèice cream ·À¸¯¼Ápreservative Ê¥´ú±ùä¿ÁÜ sundae ÇÉ¿ËÁ¦¶¹ marble chocolate barley ²¼¶¡pudding
¡¡¡¡ÓëʳƷÓйصĴÊÓï(some words about food):
¡¡¡¡Õ¨ fired ìÁ quick boiled »â braise (»âÅ£Éà braised ox tongue) ¿¾ roast ±¥àà burp ±¥ÁË ±¥µÄ full stuffed ½â¿Êquench thirst (ÐÎÈÝʳÎï±ä»µspoil spoilage) preservative ·À¸¯¼Á expiration date ²úÆ·ÓÐЧÆÚ (ÐÎÈݾÆÆ·ºÃ£º a good strong brew ¾øζÄð )
¡¡¡¡ÉÕ±ý¡¡Clay oven rolls ÓÍÌõ¡¡Fried bread stick ¾Â²ËºÐ¡¡Fried leek dumplings
¡¡¡¡Ë®½ÈBoiled dumplings Õô½È¡¡Steamed dumplings ÂøÍ·¡¡Steamed buns
¡¡¡¡¸î°ü¡¡Steamed sandwich ·¹ÍÅ¡¡ Rice and vegetable roll
¡¡¡¡µ°±ý¡¡Egg cakes Ƥµ°¡¡100-year egg ÏÌѼµ°¡¡Salted duck egg
¡¡¡¡¶¹½¬¡¡Soybean milk
¡¡¡¡·¹ Àࣺ
¡¡¡¡Ï¡·¹¡¡¡¡Rice porridge °×·¹¡¡ Plain white rice ÓÍ·¹ Glutinous oil rice
¡¡¡¡Å´Ã×·¹¡¡Glutinous rice ±Èâ·¹¡¡ Braised pork rice µ°³´·¹¡¡Fried rice with egg
¡¡¡¡µØ¹ÏÖà¡¡ Sweet potato congee
¡¡¡¡Ãæ Àࣺ
¡¡¡¡âÆâ½Ãæ Wonton & noodles µ¶Ï÷Ãæ Sliced noodles ÂéÀ±Ãæ Spicy hot noodles
¡¡¡¡Âé½´Ãæ¡¡Sesame paste noodles ø†ÈâÃæ Duck with noodles ÷Xô~Ãæ Eel noodles
¡¡¡¡ÎÚÁúÃæ¡¡Seafood noodles Õ¥²ËÈâË¿Ãæ¡¡ Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
¡¡¡¡ÄµòÃϸÃæ¡¡Oyster thin noodles °åÌõ¡¡Flat noodles Ã×·Û Rice noodles
¡¡¡¡³´Ã×·Û¡¡Fried rice noodles ¶¬·Û Green bean noodle
¡¡¡¡ÌÀ Àࣺ
¡¡¡¡ÓãÍèÌÀ¡¡Fish ball soup Ø•ÍèÌÀ¡¡Meat ball soup µ°»¨ÌÀ¡¡ Egg & vegetable soup ¸òòÛÌÀ¡¡Clams soup ĵòÃÌÀ¡¡Oyster soup ×ϲËÌÀ¡¡ Seaweed soup ËáÀ±ÌÀ¡¡Sweet & sour soup âÆâ½ÌÀ¡¡Wonton soup Öí³¦ÌÀ¡¡ Pork intestine soup Èâ¸þÌÀ¡¡Pork thick soup öÏÓãÌÀ Squid soup »¨Ö¦¸þ¡¡ Squid thick soup
¡¡¡¡bear's paw ÐÜÕÆ * of deer ¹¸¬beche-de-mer; sea cucumber º£²Î
¡¡¡¡sea sturgeon º£÷ salted jelly fish º£òØƤkelp,seaweed º£´ø abalone±«Óãshark finÓã³áscallops¸É±´ lobsterÁúϺ bird's nest ÑàÎÑ roast suckling pig ¿¼ÈéÖí
¡¡¡¡pig's knuckle Öí½Å boiled salted duck ÑÎˮѼ preserved meat
¡¡¡¡À°Èâ barbecued pork ²æÉÕ sausage Ï㳦 fried pork flakes ÈâËÉ BAR-B-Q ¿¾Èâ
¡¡¡¡meat diet »ç²Ë vegetables ËØ²Ë meat broth Èâ¸þ local dish µØ·½²Ë Cantonese cuisine ¹ã¶«²Ë set meal ¿Í·¹ curry rice ¿§à¬·¹
¡¡¡¡fried rice ³´·¹ plain rice °×·¹ crispy rice ¹ø°Í
¡¡¡¡gruel, soft rice , porridge Öà —noodles with gravy ´ò±Ãæ
¡¡¡¡plain noodle Ñô´ºÃæ casserole É°¹ø chafing dish,fire pot»ð¹ø meat bun Èâ°ü×Ó
¡¡¡¡shao-maiÉÕÂópreserved bean curd ¸¯Èébean curd¶¹¸¯
¡¡¡¡fermented blank bean ¶¹ôù pickled cucumbers ½´¹Ï
¡¡¡¡preserved egg Ƥµ° salted duck egg ÏÌѼµ° dried turnip Âܲ·¸É