

时间:2024-09-25 02:26:23 报考指南 我要投稿
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  1.1 自我介绍

  1. 介绍自己

  姻亲关系,嫡戚关系 affinity [E5finiti]

  别名 alias [5eiliEs]

  核心家庭 nuclear family

  大家庭 extended family

  祖先,先辈 ancestry [5AnsEstri]


  ancestors [5AnsistEz],

  forebears [5fC:bZEz],

  forefathers [5fC:7fB:TEz]

  支,系 branch [brB:ntF]

  中文名 Chinese name

  氏族 clan [klAn]

  单亲家庭 single-parent family

  传统观念 traditional ideas

  代沟 generation gap

  堂兄(妹),表亲 cousin [5kQzn]

  血缘 consanguinity [7kCnsAN5^winiti ]

  blood relationship

  后代,后辈 descent [di5sent], offspring [5RfspriN]

  后代,晚辈 descendants [di5sendEnts]

  英文名 English

  家庭生活 family life

  家谱 family tree

  姓 family name, surname [5sE:neim]

  代 generation [7dVenE5reiFEn]

  血亲 kinsmen by blood

  姻亲 kinsmen by affinity

  宗族,世系 lineage [5liniidV]

  我家 my family

  我家人 my people

  近亲 next of kin

  昵称,绰号 nickname [5nikneim]

  贵族出身 of noble birth

  平民出身 of humble birth

  出身 origin [5CridVin]

  笔名 pen name

  种族 race [reis], breed [bri:d]

  亲属 relations [ri5leiFEnz],

  relatives [5relEtivz],

  kinfolk [5kinfEuk], kin [kin]

  名 second name, give name

  艺名 stage name


  理解人的,善解人意的 caring [5kZEriN]

  有好奇心的 curious [5kjuEriEs]

  坦率的 frank [frANk]

  温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding

  好学的 hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN]

  理性的 rational [5rAFEnEl]

  守信的 faithful [5feiWful]

  谦虚的 modest [5mCdist]

  有独立性的 independent [7indi5pendEnt]

  勤劳的 industrious [in5dQstriEs]

  友善的 kind [kaind], nice [nais]

  慈祥的 kind [kaind], nice [nais]

  个性 personality [7pE:sE5nAliti]

  聪明的 smart [smB:t]

  正直的 upright [5Qprait]

  性格 character [5kAriktE]


  individuality [7individVu5Aliti],

  personality [7pE:sE5nAliti]

  个性,人格 selfhood [5selfhud]


  1.学位 degree

  博士后 post doctor

  博士学位 doctor’s degree, doctorate [5dCktErit]

  文学学士 bachelor of arts

  理学学士 bachelor of science

  大专生 junior college student

  二年级学生 sophomore [5sCfEmC:]

  工商管理硕士 master of business administration(MBA)

  三年级学生 junior [5dVu:njE]

  硕士学位 master’s degree

  四年级学生 senior [5si:njE]

  学士学位 bachelor’s

  一年级学生 freshman [5freFmEn]

  哲学博士 Doctor of Philosophy

  2.学校 school

  美术学院 academy of fine arts

  航空工业学院 aeronautical institute

  附属学校 affiliated school

  农学院 agricultural college

  农业大学 agricultural university

  业余艺术/体育学校 amateur arts/athletic school

  附属中学 attached middle school

  分校 branch school

  进修班 class for advanced studies

  文科学院 college of arts

  理工科大学 college/university of science and dengineering

  综合性大学 comprehensive university

  音乐学院 conservatory of music

  函授大学 correspondence school

  工业学院 cenineering institute

  全日制寄宿学校 full-time boarding school

  在职进修班 in-serve training course

  中医学院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine

  全科类重点中学 key middle school with all regular academic disciplines

  重点学校 key school

  医学院 medical college/school

  医科大学 medical university

  成人夜校 night school for adults

  师范大学 normal university; teachers’ university

  药科大学 pharmacehnical university

  工业大学 polytechnical university

  中专 secondary specialized school; polytechnic school

  中等技术学校 secondary technical school; technical secondary school

  研修班 seminar [5seminB:]

  短训班 short-term training course

  业余职工大学 spare-time college for staff and workers

  师范学院 teachers’ college

  教师进修学校 teachers’ college for vocational studies

  广播电视大学 television and radio broadcasting university

  文科大学 university of liberal arts

  职业学校 vocational school

  3.专业 major, specialty

  会计 accounting [E5kauntiN]

  审计 auditing [5C:ditiN]

  人类学 anthropology [7AnWrE5pClEdVi]

  哲学 philosophy [fi5lCsEfi]

  生命科学 life sciences

  政治学与行政学 political and administrative sciences

  无线电电子学 radio electronics

  社会学 sociology [7sEusi5ClEdVi]

  语言学 linguistics [liN5^wistiks]

  新闻学 journalism [5dVE:nElizEm]

  美术设计 fine arts design

  生物科学 biological sciences

  心理学 psychology [sai5kClEdVi]

  统计学 statistics [stE5tistiks]

  电气工程及其自动化 electrical engineering and automation

  自动化 automation [C:tE5meiFEn]

  通信工程 telecommunications engineering

  计算机科学与技术 computer science and technology

  电子信息工程 electronics and information engineering

  工业设计 industrial design

  建筑学 architecture [5B:kitektFE]

  城市规划 urban planning

  土木工程 civil engineering

  环境工程 environment engineering

  包装工程 packaging engineering

  林学 forestry [5fCristri]

  预防医学 preventive medicine

  临床医学 clinical medicine

  中医学 traditional Chinese medicine

  信息管理与信息系统 information management and system

  工商管理 business management

  财务管理 financial management

  人力资源管理 human resources management

  旅游管理 tourism administration


  编辑 editor [5editE]

  编剧 playwright [5pleirait], screenwriter [5skri:n7raitE]

  裁缝 tailor [5teilE]

  出纳员 cashier [kA5FiE]

  出租汽车司机 taxi driver

  厨师 cook [kuk]

  厨师长(大厨师) chef [Fef]

  船长 captain [5kAptin]

  打字员 typist [5taipist]

  导演 director [di5rektE]

  导游 tourist guide

  电工 electrician [i7lek5triFEn]

  调酒师 bartender [5bB:tendE]

  短期工作 temporary job

  法官 judge [dVQdV]

  翻译 translator [trAns5leitE]

  歌手 singer [5siNE]

  个体户 individual enterprise

  工程师 engineer [7endVi5niE]

  公务员 civil servant

  海员 seaman [5si:mEn]

  护士 nurse [nE:s]

  话务员(接线生) operator [5CpEreitE]

  会计 accountant [E5kauntEnt]

  机械师(技工,机修工) mechanic

  计算机系统分析员 computer systems analyst

  记者 journalist [5dVE:nElist]

  兼职 part-time job

  建筑师 architect [5B:kitekt ]

  警察 policeman [pE5li:smEn]

  理发师 hair-dresser

  临时工 odd job

  律师 lawyer [5lC:jE ], barrister [5bAristE]

  秘书 secretary [5sekritEri]

  模特儿 model [5mCdl]

  内科医生 physician [fi5ziFEn]

  男售货员 salesman [5seilzmEn]

  女售货员 salesgirl [5seilz^E:l], saleswoman

  人力资源经理 human resources manager

  设计师 designer [di5zainE]

  摄影师 cameraman [5kAmErEmEn]

  失业 lay-off

  时装设计师 fashion designer

  跳槽 job-hopping

  土木工程师 civil engineer

  外科医生 surgeon [5sE:dVEn]

  小说家 novelist [5nCvElist]

  修理工 repairman [ri5pZEmEn]

  牙医 dentist [5dentist]

  药剂师 pharmacist [5fB:mEsist]

  银行职员 bank clerk

  职业 job[dVCb], vocation [ vEu5keiFEn], profession[prE5feFEn]

  职员,文员 office clerk

  助理工程师 assistant engineer

  自由工作者 freelancer [5fri:lB:nsE]

  作家 writer [5raitE]

  作曲家 composer [kCm5pEuzE]

  舞蹈演员 dancer [5dB:nsE]

  运动员 athlete [5AWli:t]


  婚姻状况 marriage status

  单身 bachelordom [7bAtFElE5dEm]

  单身的 single [5siN^El]

  单身男子 bachelor [5bAtFElE]

  单身女士,未婚妇女,老处女(带贬义) spinster [5spinstE]

  已婚的 married [5mArid]

  离婚的 divorced [di5vC:st]

  离婚后单身 remain unmarried

  守寡 widowhood [5widEuhud]

  寡妇 widow [5widEu]

  鳏夫 widower [5widEuE]

  和睦的 harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs]

  未婚妻 fiancée [fi5B:nsei]

  未婚夫 fiance [fi5B:nsei]

  婚礼 wedding [5wediN]

  婚礼,订婚 engagement [in5geidVmEnt]

  订婚了的 engaged [in5^eidVd]

  婚姻破裂 marriage breakdown

  婚姻状况 marital status

  蜜月 honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]

  同居 cohabitation [kEu7hAbi5teiFEn]

  再婚 remarry [7ri:5mAri ]

  1.2 家乡情况



  大麦 barley [5bB:li ]

  饺子 dumpling [5dQmpliN] Jiaozi

  面粉 flour [flauE]

  米饭 rice [rais]

  小麦 wheat [wi:t]

  主食 staple food

  包子 steamed stuffed bun

  馒头 steamed bread

  汤圆 sweet dumpling

  粽子 Zongzi

  面条 noodle [5nu:dl]

  玉米 corn [ kC:n ], maize [meiz], mealie [5mi:li ]

  高梁 broomcorn, grain sorghum, kaoliang

  杂锦冷盘 assorted appetizer

  老火汤 double-stewed soup

  麻辣牛肉 spiced beef

  烧松子鱼 whole fried fish with pinenuts

  干烧大虾 fried prawns

  烤鸭 roast duck

  炒饭 stir-fried rice

  粥 congee [5kCndV i:], porridge [5pCridV]

  锅巴 rice crust

  窝头 steamed corn-bread

  五仁汤圆 sweet dumpling with assorted nust

  混沌 hundun, dumpling

  月饼 moon cake

  春卷 fried spring roll

  馒头 steamed bun (mantou)

  年糕 New Year cake


  槟榔 betelnut [5betEl7nQt]

  菠萝 pineapple [5painApEl]

  草莓 strawberry [5strC:bEri]

  醋栗莓 gooseberry [5^uzbEri]

  鳄梨 avocado [7AvE5kB:dEu]

  柑橘 orange [5CrindV]

  橄榄 olive [5Cliv]

  哈蜜瓜 cantaloupe [5kAntElu:p]

  黑莓 blackberry [5blAkbEri]

  橘子 mandarin orange

  梨 pear [pZE]

  蕃石榴 sugar-apple

  李,梅子 plum [plQm]

  荔枝 litchi [5li:7tFi:]

  榴莲 durian [5du:riEn]

  龙眼,桂圆 longan [5lCN^En]

  芒果 mango [5mAN^Eu]

  狒猴桃 kiwi fruit [5kiwi fru:t]

  木瓜 papaya [pE5paiE]

  木莓 raspberry [5rB:zbEri]

  柠檬 lemon [5lemEn]

  葡萄 grape [ ^reip ]

  葡萄柚 grapefruit [5^reipfru:t ]

  脐橙 navel orange

  山楂 haw [hC:]

  石榴 pomegranate [5pCmi^rAnit]

  柿子 persimmon [pE5simEn]

  桃 peach [pi:tF]

  无花果 fig [fi^]

  西瓜 watermelon [5wC:tE7melEn]

  香瓜 muskmelon [5mQsk7melEn]

  香蕉 banana [bE5nB:nE]

  柿子 persimmon [pE5simEn]

  杏 apricot [5eiprikCt]

  杨挑 star fruit

  椰子 coconut [5kEukEnQt]

  樱桃 cherry [5tFeri]

  枣 date [deit]


  (敦煌)壁画 ( Dunhuang) Murals [5mjuErElz]

  半身雕塑像 bust [bQst]

  冰雕 ice carving

  刺绣 embroidery [im5brCidEri]

  浮雕木刻 wooden carving(s) in relief

  复制品 reproduction [7ri:prE5dQkFEn], replica [5replikE]

  工艺品 handwork [5hAndwE:k], handicrafts [5hAndikrB:fts]

  古玩 antique [7An5ti:k]; curio [5kjuEriEu]

  骨刻 bone sculpture

  国画 traditional Chinese painting

  剪纸 paper-cutting

  京韵大鼓 story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment

  景泰蓝 cloisonné [klCizE5nei], cloisonné enamel

  美术陶瓷 artistic ceramics

  木雕 woodcut [5wudkQt], woodengraving [5wudEn7greiviN]

  泥人 clay figure

  泥塑 clay figure modelling

  屏风 screen [skri:n]

  漆器 lacquerware [5lAkEwZE], lacquerwork [5lAkEwE:k]

  人像 image [5imidV], figure [5fi^E]

  石雕 stone carving; stone sculpture

  首饰盒 jewelcase [5dVU:Elkeis]

  塑像,铸像 statue [5stAtju:]

  塑像 moulded gigure


  the four treasures of the study,

  writing brush, ink stick, ink slab,paper

  象牙雕刻 ivory carving

  小雕像 figurine [7fi^ju5ri:n]

  胸针 brooch [bru:tF]

  与真人大小相等的泥像 life-size clay figure

  玉雕 jade carving

  中国水墨画 Chinese ink painting

  竹器 bamboo articles

  坠子 pendant [5pendEnt]

  镯子 bracelet [5breislit]

  字画 calligraphy and painting

  柳条制品 willow twig product

  藤织品 cane ware

  乐器 musical instrument

  银器 silverware [5silvEwZE]

  皮影 shadow figure

  花灯 festive lantern

  绒花 velvet flower


  (1)气候环境(weather and climate)

  冰雹 hail [heil]

  生活环境 living environment

  自然环境 natural environment

  气候条件 climatic conditions

  有利的,良好的 favorable [5feiErEbl]

  冰雨 sleet [sli:t]

  薄雾 mist [mist]


  moist [mCist],

  drippy [5dripi],

  dankish [5dANkiF]

  大风 strong wind

  大雨 heavy rain

  多雾的 foggy [5fC^i]

  多雨的 rainy [5reini]

  干燥的 dry [drai]

  飓风 hurricane [5hQrikEn]

  雷雨 storm [stC:m], thunder storm

  雷阵雨 thundershower [5WQndE7FauE(r)]

  凉快的 pleasant [5plezEnt]

  龙卷风 tornado [tC:5neidEu]

  倾盆大雨 downpour [5daunpC:]

  闪电 lightening [5laitniN]

  霜冻 frost [frCst]

  台风 typhoon [7tai5fu:n]

  微风 breeze [bri:z]

  旋风 whirlwind [5wE:l7wind]

  烟雾 smog [smC^]


  fervent [5fE:vEnt],

  torrid [5tC:rid],

  sweltering [5sweltEriN]

  宜人的 pleasant [5plezEnt], delightful [di5laitfEl]

  阴冷的 bleak [bli:k], gloomy and cold

  阵风 gusty [5^Qsti]

  阵雨 shower [5FauE]

  中雨 moderate rain

  季风 monsoon [mCn5su:n]

  平均年降雨量 mean annual rainfall

  亚热带气候 subtropical climate

  炎热气候 hot climate

  凉爽的气候 bracing climate

  海洋性气候 maritime climate

  干燥气候 arid climate

  湿润气候 humid climate


  暴雨 downpour [5daunpC:]

  冰冻 freeze [fri:z]

  潮湿 humidity [hju:5miditi]

  潮湿的 humid [5hju:mid]

  春风 spring breeze

  春风和煦的 pleasantly warm

  春寒料峭 spring chill

  大陆性气候 continental climate

  大雪 heavy snow

  多云的,阴天 overcast [7EuvE5kB:st]

  多去的 cloudy [5klaudi]

  恶劣的天气 severe weather

  反常天气 extraordinary weather

  高温的 high temperature

  高原气候 plateau climate

  海洋性气候 oceanic climate

  寒冷的 chilly [5tFili]

  和煦的阳光 genial sunshine

  降雨 snowfall [5snEufC:l]

  飓风 hurricane [5hQrikEn]

  空气新鲜 fresh air

  雷 thunder [5WQndE]

  零下 below zero

  闷热的 stuffy [5stQfi]

  闷热的 sultry [5sQltri]

  气候温和 mild weather

  秋高气爽的日子 a clear and crisp autumn day

  闪电 lightning [5laitniN]

  台风 typhoon [7tai5fu:n]

  天气晴朗 a nice fine day

  天气阴郁的 gloomy [5^lu:mi]

  微风 a gentle breeze

  温和的 balmy [5bB:mi]

  温暖的天气 warm weather

  雾 fog [fC^]

  小雨 drizzle [5drizEl]

  雪花 snowflake [5snEufleik]

  阳光灿烂的 shinny [5Fini]

  宜人的气候 agreeable weather

  阴暗的 overcast [7EuvE5kB:st]

  有薄雾的 misty [5misti]

  有雾的 foggy [5fC^i]



  八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling

  碑林 Forest of Tablets

  北陵 Beiling Park

  兵马俑 The Underground Figures of Warriors and Horses

  长城 the Great Wall

  陈家祠 Chen Clan Temple

  大雁塔 Big Wild Goose pagoda

  东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower

  东陵 Dongling Park

  故宫 The Imperial Palace

  怪坡 The Magic Slope

  蝴蝶泉 Butterfly Spring

  虎丘 Tiger Hill

  华表 Cloud Pillar

  华南植物园 South China Botanical Garden

  皇穹宇 The Imperial Vault of Heaven

  黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfalls

  黄花岗 72 烈士墓 Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs at Huanghuagang

  黄埔军校遗址 Former Site of Huangpu Military Academy

  景点 scenic spot

  马王堆 Mawangdui Tombs of the Han Dynasty

  明十三陵 Ming Tombs

  南京中山陵 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

  南越王墓 Tomb of the Nanyue King

  祈年殿 the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest

  秦始皇陵 Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

  沈阳故宫 Shenyang Imperial palace

  石林 Stone Forest

  滕王阁 Tengwang Pavilion

  天安门 Tian’anmen

  天安门广场 Tian An Men Square

  天池 Heaven’s Pool

  天坛 The Temple of Heaven

  外滩 the Bund

  五羊雕塑 Five-ram Statue

  西安古城墙 The Xi’an City Wall

  西安钟鼓楼 The Drum Tower and Bell Tower of Xi’an

  香江野生动物园 Xiangjiang Safari Park

  象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill

  小雁塔 Small Wild Goose Pagoda

  新乐遗址 Xinle Relics

  星海音乐厅 Xinhai Concert Hall

  玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake

  羊城新八景 eight new scenic spots in Guangzhou,

  the City of Five Rams

  颐和园 The Summer Palace

  迎客松 Guest-Greeting Pine

  游览胜地 spa [spB:]

  圆明园 Yuanmingyuan Park

  圜丘坛 the Circular Mound Altar

  斋宫 the Hall of Abstinence

  中国美术博物馆 China National Gallery of Fine Arts

  中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument

  中山纪念堂 Zhongshan Memorial hall

  珠江夜游 Pearl River Night Cruise

  著名的历史文化遗产景点 a famous scenic spot of historical cultural relics

  紫禁城 the Forbidden City


  避暑地 summer resort

  避暑山庄 mountain resort

  波涛滚滚的大海 rolling sea

  波涛汹涌 roaring waves

  璀璨的 resplendent, brilliant

  雕刻复杂 intricate carved

  冬景 winter scenery

  风景点 scenic spots

  风景如画 picturesque landscape

  风景如画 picturesque scenery

  高低起伏 to lie in undulation

  海滨浴场 bathing beach

  佳境 lovely scenes

  绝妙的典范 a wonderful example

  令人赞叹的地方 an amazing place

  名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers

  名胜 noted sights

  名塔 famous tower

  奇景 surprise scene

  奇形怪状的石头 grotesque stone

  沙漠风光 sand scenery

  沙漠景色 desert scenery

  山水风光 landscape scenery

  石笋 stalagmite [5stAlE^mait]

  四季旅游胜地 all-the-year-round tourist resort

  天然洞穴 natural cave

  田园风光 idyllic landscape

  田园风光 idyllic scenery

  雪景 snow-covered landscape

  延绵不绝 to stretch long and unbroken

  沿海城市,海滨城市 coastal city

  悠久的 centuries-old

  中国历史的象征 a symbol of Chinese history

  自然美景 natural beautiful scenery

  自然景观 natural spectacle

  做工精巧 exquisite workmanship



  别墅 villa [5vilE]

  平房 ranch house, single-story house

  两层楼房 two-story house

  集体宿舍 dormitory [5dC:mitEri]

  豪华宅第 mansion [5mAnFEn]

  摩天大厦 skyscraper [5skai7skreipE]

  清真寺 mosque [mCsk]

  公寓 apartment [E5pB:tmEnt]; flat [flAt]

  官邸 official residence

  贫民窟 slum [slQm]

  草房 thatched cottage

  四合院 courtyard dwellings

  住宅建筑 domestic architecture

  木结构建筑 wooden architecture

  平顶建筑 flat-roofed building

  宗教建筑 religious architecture

  园林建筑 landscape architecture

  高层建筑 high-rise building

  砖结构建筑 brick building

  两层以下无电梯建筑物 low-rise

  钢筋混凝土建筑 reinforced concrete building

  老式房屋 old-fashion house

  洋房 western-style house

  瓦房 tile-roofed house

  海滨别墅 beach villa

  带阳台的房屋 balconied house

  简陋小屋 hut [hQt]

  摩天大楼 skyscraper [5skai7skreipE]


  哥特式教堂 Gothic cathedral

  园林建筑 garden architecture

  独特的外形 unique shape

  建筑特色 features in architecture

  建筑风格 architecture style

  建筑群 architectural complex

  古建筑群 ancient architectural complex

  建筑艺术 architectural art

  古建筑艺术 ancient architectural art

  建筑史 architecture history, history of architecture

  精心的布局 ingenious layout

  欧洲古典建筑 European classical architectures

  拱桥 arch ridge

  悬臂桥 cantilever bridge

  吊桥 suspension bridge

  浮桥 floating bridge

  十七孔桥 seventeen-arch bridge

  飞檐 upturned eaves; cornice [5kC:nis]

  琉璃瓦 glazed tiles

  梁 beam [bi:m]

  檩子 purlin [5pE:lin]

  柱 pillar [5pilE]

  栏杆 balustrades [7bAlE5streid]


  有好奇心的 curious [5kjuEriEs]

  老实 clean hands, veracity [vE5rAsiti]

  工作勤奋 diligent [5dilidVEnt], hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN]

  坦率的 frank [frANk]

  友好的 friendly [5frendli]

  风趣的 full of humor

  温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding

  诚实 honest [5Cnist]

  独立的 independent [7indi5pendEnt]

  勤劳的 industrious [in5dQstriEs]

  聪明的 intelligent [in5telidVEnt], smart [smB:t]

  博学的 learned [5lE:nid]

  慈祥 kind [kaind]; nice [nais]

  有礼貌的 polite [pE5lait]

  严厉的 strict [strikt]

  不守纪律的 unruly [Qn5ru:li]

  正直的 upright [5Qprait]

  多才多艺的 versatile [5vE:sEtail], gifted [5^iftid]

  好客的 hospitable [5hCspitEbl]

  豪爽的 expansive [iks5pAnsiv], forthright [5fC:Wrait], great-hearted

  自闭的 withdrawn [wiT5drC:n]

  傲气的 haughty [5hC:ti]

  市侩的 snobbish [5snCbiF]

  清高的 high-hearted

  开放的 open-minded

  宽容的 tolerant [5tClErEnt], good-tempered

  时髦的 stylish [5stailiF], modish [5mEudiF], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl]

  怀 旧 的 nostalgic [nC5stAldVik], reminiscent [7remi5nisEnt], retrospective


  自卑的 self-contemptuous

  有同情心的 sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik]

  上进的 aspirant [E5spaiErEnt]

  勤劳的 laborious [lE5bC:riEs], industrious [in5dQstriEs]

  懒 惰 的 indolent [5indElEnt], slothful [5slEuWfEl], sluggish [5slQ^iF], sluttish

  [5slQtiF], idle [5aidl]

  依赖性强的 dependent [di5pendEnt], reliant [ri5laiEnt]

  体贴的 considerate [kEn5sidErit], thoughtful [5WC:tfEl]

  好胜的 emulative [5emjulEtiv]

  心胸狭隘的 narrow-minded person

  文雅的 gentle [5dVentl]

  不可捉摸的人 enigmatic figure

  手巧的人 handy person

  行为古怪的 eccentric [ik5sentrik]

  多才多艺的人 versatile man

  世故的人 world-wise person

  雄心勃勃的 ambitious [Am5biFEs]

  固执的 stubborn [5stQbEn]

  顽固的,固执的 pigheaded [7pi^5hedid]

  性情和善的 good-natured

  易激动的 excitable [ik5saitEbl]

  坦率的人 straightforward person

  急躁的人 impetuous man

  品行端正的 well-conducted

  害羞的 bashful [5bAFfEl]

  浪漫的 romantic [rEu5mAntik]

  欠考虑的 thoughtless [5WC:tlEs]

  善意的 well-intentioned

  温顺的 docile [5dEusail]

  开明人士 enlightened man

  脾气好的 good-humored

  性情好的 good-natured

  敏感的 sensitive [5sensitiv]

  好交际的 sociable [5sEuFEbl]

  1.3 风俗习惯



  春节 The Spring Festival

  元宵节 The Lantern Festival (the fifteenth night of the first lunar month)

  清明节 Qing Ming Festival

  端午节 The Dragon Boat festival

  中秋节 The Mid-Autumn Festival

  重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival

  鬼节 Ghosts’ Day


  新年,元旦 New Year’s Day

  党的生日 the Party’s Birthday

  建军节 Army Day

  教师节 Teachers’ Day

  国庆节 National Day

  儿童儿 Children’s Day


  父亲节 Father’s Day

  复活节 Easter [5i:stE]

  感恩节 Thanks-giving Day

  国际妇女节 Women’s Day

  国际红士字节 International Red Cross Day

  国际护士节 International Nurses’ Day

  国际劳动节 International Workers’ Day

  联合国日 United Nations Day

  六一儿童节 Children’s Day

  美车独立日 Independence Day

  母亲节 Mother’s Day

  青年节 Youth Day

  情人节 Valentine’s Day

  圣诞节 Christmas

  万圣节 Allhallowmas, Hallowmas, All Saints’ Day.

  万圣节前夕,诸圣日前夕 halloween

  五一国际劳动节 May Day

  新年 New Year’s Day

  愚人节 April Fools’ Day

  国旗节(英) Flag Day (June 14)


  白头偕老 growing old together

  伴郎 groomsman [5^ru:mzmEn]; best man

  伴娘 bride’s maid

  彩礼 betrothal gifts; bride-price

  吃喜酒 celebrating at the wedding feast

  订婚 get engaged

  订婚戒指 band [bAnd]; engagement ring

  订婚礼 betrothal [bi5trEuTEl]

  恩爱夫妻 affectionate couple

  夫妻关系 matrimonial relationship

  红娘 go-between

  花轿 bridal sedan chair

  花轿 sedan [si5dAn]

  婚礼 wedding [5wediN]

  婚纱 bridal veil

  婚宴 wedding banquet, wedding dinner

  结婚登记 marriage registration

  结婚典礼 marriage ceremony

  结婚戒指 diamond [5daiEmEnd];wedding ring

  结婚证 marriage certificate

  媒人 matchmaker [5mAtF7meikE]

  蜜月 honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]

  闹洞房 teasing the bride (on wedding night)

  配偶 spouse [spauz]

  求婚 proposal [prE5pEuzEl], courtship [5kC:tFip]

  天长地久 everlasting love

  晚礼服 evening gown

  未婚夫 fiancé [fi5B:nsei]

  未婚妻 fianceé [fi5B:nsei]

  喜糖 wedding candy

  喜宴 wedding feast

  相亲 marriage interview

  新婚夫妇 newly weds

  新郎 bridegroom [5braid^ru:m]

  新娘 bride [braid]

  新娘礼服 bridal dress

  迎亲 fetching the bride

  岳母 mother-in-law

  终生伴侣 life companion


  TASK 1



  Describe your country’s national anthem or your country’s national flag. Explain how it is used in modern society. Include details and examples。

  15 seconds to prepare

  45 seconds to speak

  Sample Answer:

  The Chinese national anthem’s name is " March of the Volunteers". This song was composed by Nieer in 1932. It encouraged the volunteers to fight against the Japanese invasion in the Second World War. In modern Society, we could always hear this song in school, government meeting or some sport games. For instance, if some Chinese athletes win the champions on the Olympic games, we can hear this song。

  TASK 2:



  I believe…

  I agree with the idea of …

  I don’t think…/I think…

  I agree that it is important to…

  I disagree with the idea of…

  I feel…

  I support the idea of…

  If you ask me…

  Some people might say…, but I think…


  Some people think that wildlife does not belong outside of its natural habitat. They do not think that zoos should exist. Others believe that zoos serve an educational purpose that is more important than the rights of the wild animals. Which side of this argument do you support and why? Include details and examples in your explanation。

  15 seconds to prepare

  45 seconds to speak

  Sample Answer:

  Well, so zoos. Do they serve a useful purpose? In my opinion they do. I think zoos are important for a couple of different reason. Firstly, they can really inspire people to care about the natural world. Um… when someone makes a personal connection with an animal at the zoo, it can have a profound effect. That person might become interested in the fate of that animal in the wild. That’s the really important role for zoos. Education, I mean. Zoos can inform people about the real dangers of extin

  nction that exists for so many species nowadays, like tigers and rhinos and oh, I don’t know, snow leopards… And the other thing that zoos do that’s really important is that they offer opportunities for breeding endangered species. I just read something about this. A few zoos in Europe had an endangered species of horses in their collection and they bred them. Recently they reintroduced the horses back into their native homeland in Mongolia. So basically, for educational and breeding purposes, I think zoos play a useful role。

  原文来源: 托福考试:托福口语考试答题技巧以及注意事项

  TASK 3:

  campus based

  reading: 一个问题(有时有解决方法)

  listening: 一个人解决该问题的意见,以及理由(150-180字,100s)


  题目一般如此要求,给个例子:the student gives her own opinion about the best way to solve the university’s money problems. Say what her opinion is, and summarize the reasons she gives。





  30s’ 时间需要完成的任务:

  1、speaker 的main idea



  TASK 4:

  general and specific task

  Reading: background information about an academic lecture。

  Listening: more specific information of the topic


  注意: 把背景资料应用到听力里,仍旧主要是陈述听到的东西。考的还是summarize, 不要加入个人的观点。

  TASK 5:

  campus based conversation

  Listening: about 2 min,内容多是关于校园生活,一个人有了怎样的问题,另一个人给他几个建议(多半是两个),要么是问你你觉得那个建议比较合理(加入个人观点),要么是就第二个人的建议,发表看法(同意合适不同意,不要加入自己的建议)


  1. 第一步,先说问题


  3. 解决办法二

  4. 结论

  TASK 6:




  1、main idea

  2、A 是什么,B是什么,B比A的优点是什么


  the professor mainly discussed how…… along with …… illustrate two example the A is …… the B is ……最后做个结论例如综上所诉, B比A好。


  1、 内容的准确性最重要,最重要的是完成试题要求的内容,所以安排时间很重要,平时训练时一定要自己看好时间,调整语速,不管怎样要在规定时间内把要求的内容都覆盖到。

  2、 除了第五部分,所有其他部分不要加个人的观点。

  3、 如果搞不清楚说话人的身份或名字,一律称之为speaker。

  4、 一定要避免复述,不要把听到看到的东西原封不动的搬来,换个句式或近义词,诸如the girl said:…… the professor said ……, 尽量避免(当然啦,实在没听懂除外,总比什 么都不说强)











