

时间:2024-06-12 05:17:41 英语听力 我要投稿
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  While I recognize that weight control is a sensitive subject, it would be irresponsible of me to have a blog teaching you the little things that will help you enjoy greater success and fulfillment but neglect this important subject. Please know I care about each of you and would never want to hurt you. I share this type of information because your weight does matter.

  Because our weight is primarily dependent on what and how much we eat, how frequently we eat, and how much exercise we get, it’s essential to recognize that for most of us, our weight is a choice. Even if it’s harder for you than most people to lose weight, it doesn’t change the fact that it is a choice.

  I also want to acknowledge that for some people it doesn’t matter what they eat or how frequently they exercise, they just aren’t able to lose weight. Reasons could range from genes to endocrine disorders and from medications to psychiatric illness. We should all be sensitive to the fact that losing weight is not a simple choice for everyone. I know this for a fact because I have a couple close friends who fall into this category.

  Based on my 20 years in the health and wellness field, I have compiled what I have learned from working with thousands of people who have testified to the benefits of getting their weight under control. Although there are many more reasons your weight matters, I have listed the ten reasons most commonly reported and widely accepted.

  Ten Reasons Your Weight Matters

  1. Your health will improve.

  There are literally 101 health benefits of maintaining an optimal weight. This list includes simple things like reduced stress on bones and joints to more serious problems like sleep apnea, high blood pressure and heart disease.

  Here are some of the most severe and prevalent life-threatening illnesses correlated with obesity:

  80% of type II diabetes is related to obesity

  70% of cardiovascular disease is related to obesity

  42% of breast and colon cancer is related to obesity

  30% of gall bladder surgery is related to obesity

  2. Your life expectancy will increase

  We were not designed to carry excess weight. Our bodies do not function at optimal levels when we have added surplus pounds. An Oxford University study analyzed nearly one million people from around the world and found that obesity can trim as much as ten years off your life. This ten-year loss is equal to the effects of lifelong smoking.

  3. You will be a better example to your children.

  According to the center for disease control (CDC), obesity has increased 74% in the last 15 years. Today 27% of all children are obese. For children, obesity suppresses growth hormone, which is responsible for bone growth, organ growth, and muscle growth. This has huge implications on the health of our world’s children. If you make it a priority to get your weight under control by changing your family’s diet and exercising, you will be setting an example for your children to follow.

  4. You will have more energy.

  Whether you attribute it to an increased metabolic rate that comes from exercise, improved sleep, or the absence of sluggishness, people who effectively control their weight report more energy.

  5. You will experience greater self-esteem.

  With rare exception, the No.1 thing I sense from people who have lost weight is an increase in their self-esteem. They smile more. They are happier. They are proud of themselves. Looking good physically equals feeling good mentally and emotionally. When we employ the discipline required to get our weight under control, we feel great about ourselves—and rightly so!

  6. You will be more confident.

  Confidence may start on the inside, but it definitely shows on the outside. Because weight control is difficult, people who experience success in this area show it in the way they walk and talk, as well as in the way they look and interact with people.

  7. You will have more personal initiative.

  Success breeds success. Accomplishing something big—like getting your weight under control—naturally builds your confidence. When you combine improved self-esteem, self-confidence, and increased energy you will feel like you can tackle anything.

  8. You will enjoy an enhanced quality of life.

  By most people’s standards, an active lifestyle is more enjoyable than a sedentary lifestyle. Excessive weight often limits us from getting out in the world and doing the things we enjoy. Some of the most exciting weight loss stories I hear people share are the things they are now able to do that they couldn’t do before.

  9. You will be held in higher regard.

  The negative characteristics commonly associated with being overweight—whether perceived or real—are no longer an obstacle when your weight is under control.

  One study done by Yale University quantified the stigma that people attach to overweight and obese individuals. Their research revealed negative stigmatization of obese individuals on the part of managers, teachers, doctors, and nurses as well as friends and family, and even dietary professionals.

  10. Your value to the market will increase.

  Regardless of whether or not we agree with it, weight discrimination is a reality. Whether two candidates are vying for a new job or promotion or two sales people are competing for the sale, with all other factors equal, the person whose weight is under control will often have the advantage. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated a correlation between obesity and lower earnings for both men and women.

  Resolve to Take Control

  One of the most powerful emotions that brings about change is resolve. It’s what gives you the determination to change when you have had enough. It’s when deep inside you say with grit and determination, “I’ve had it!” It’s the time when you say, “It’s over; I am going to change this area of my life. I know it won’t be easy, but I AM GOING TO DO IT.”

  Are you ready to take control of your weight? Here are seven steps to get you started.

  Make better food choices. You know the foods you should and shouldn’t be eating. If you don’t know, make it a point to educate yourself.

  Drink water. Avoid drinks with chemical additives like sodas as well as drinks that contain high amounts of liquid carbohydrates.

  Find an exercise you enjoy—even if it’s as simple as walking and do it regularly.

  Don’t eat between meals. This is prime fat burning time. If you absolutely must snack, keep it healthy.

  Increase your dietary fiber intake to a minimum of 28 grams a day.

  Don’t overeat.

  Avoid desserts.









