下面有声名著《格列佛游记》65:第12章 到慧骃国的航行(6)的选段,非常适合同学们练习听力。希望对大家有所帮助,更多消息请关注应届毕业生网。
He shook his head and looked sad.I think you must be-whatwas your word?Ah yes—lying to me.
How could you and your countrymen kill so many otherYahoos?And why would you want to?
I smiled as I replied proudly,Sir,you don't know much about European war.
With our guns and bullets and gunpowder we can destroy a thousand ships,a hundredcities,and twenty thousand men You see,—
用我们的枪、子弹和火药我们可以摧毁 1000只轮船,100座城池,2万人。你看—
Be quiet!he ordered.I‘ve heard enough.I know Yahoos are bad,but I didn't realize theycould possibly do such terrible things.
After these conversations I began to wonder whether the Houys were right.Why do we humansso often fight wars and tell lies?
Peace and truth began to seem more important than making war or making money.
I became more and more used to the Houysideas and way of life.As the Houys did,I hated theYahoos for their dirty habits and unpleasant character.
By the time I had been there a year,I walked and neighed like the Houys.
I felt such a strong love for them that I planned to spend the rest of my life among them,and totry to become more like them.
It is a great sadness to me,even today,that this was not possible.
One day my Houy master said,Can you explain something to me?
Why are the Yahoos so violently fond of those shining stones in the fields?They dig for days toget them out of the ground,and hide them jealously from other Yahoos.
I expect they've found pieces of gold or silver,I said.Because he did not seem to understand,Iadded,We use them as money,to pay for things,you see.
How strange!he replied.We share everything here.No Houy needs-what do you call it?-money.
Perhaps you can imagine how I felt.I knew I could be happy for ever with these sensible,gentlecreatures,who never lied or stole,in a country which had no disease,no crime,no wars.Butthis perfect happiness did not last long.